C# - Task Based File Management Engine For .NET?

Mar 3, 2011

I need to implement task based file management engine. See picture:

So, I need to create Transformation Engine and Transformation rules parser. Does something like this already exist?


Input: Some files and metadata.

Output: Some of input files (maybe all, depends on rules) with another folder structure and file names. Xml files can be transformed with xslt to different text files.

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Seems like a logical step to me, but not knowing XAML as well as I should, I'm wondering if feasable, or even relevant.

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Mar 29, 2011

In my application users can write their own 'templates'. That are filled with data from other sources. I could use a simple token replacement, but I would like to be able to use the Razor syntax and engine for rendering the template. Here is an overly simplified example:


Before you point to the following sources I will clarify what I have learned from them:RazorEngine (http://razorengine.codeplex.com/). This code compiles the string into a class, then a dll, then finally reads from a dll - all this to bypass the MVC engine. I don't want to do that because I am in MVC and don't want the additional overhead.The following blog shows how to do this for one of the MVC 3 pre-releases:http://buildstarted.com/2010/09/28/mvc-3-razor-view-engine-without-a-controller/ I cannot get it to work with MVC 3 RTM. When I take the exact code (and replace the CshtmlView with a RazorView) I end up with the error: The method or operation is not implemented. It appears to have something to do with @Model.Name, and being unable to find "Name".A comment in the blog elludes to a statement from ScottGu that the RTM would allow this functionality from the get go. I cannot find this blog.

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The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''.  It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data"

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Dim selVal As Integer = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue
If selVal = -1 Then
Label1.Text = "Please select a Membership type."
Select Case selVal
Case selVal = 0
Session.Add("MemType0", selVal)
Case selVal = 1

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Feb 18, 2011

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<asp:Repeater ID="UsersRoleList" runat="server">
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="RoleCheckBox" AutoPostBack="true" Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>'


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Run Task From Console App

Dec 8, 2010

I have just taken over a project from another programmer and want to add some functionality. The ASP.NET application allows users to sign up, fill out details about a company, and those details are submitted to companies house (very brief explanation!). These details are only submitted when an administrator logs in to the control panel and clicks a "Run Submissions" button. This then attempts to submit all pending formations to the gateway.

What I want to do is design an external desktop or console application, that "clicks" this button for me every set amount of minutes. The application will some how need to "log in".

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Web Forms :: Control In .net Which Can Do Following Task?

Sep 9, 2010

I need a control which can have 10rows and 2 columns.i need the user to copy 10rows and 2 columns from excel i.e 20 cell values and paste in the above control on aspx page.Is there any control which will do like this.....

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How To Schedule The Task To Execute Page

Sep 1, 2010

I am creating a feature which will allow users to import data of excel sheet to database.First, data will be imported from excel sheet and will be displayed in a tabular format.User performs a mapping porcess for database fields and click Submit button.Then a stored procedure inserts all the data of each row into more than 15 tables.

Above mentioned process might cause an issue if users import more than 1000 records (they are definitely going to do that. Thats why this entire functionality is intended for).Basically, what I would like to do is, Insert all the rows to a single table (Temp table), have a cloumn in a table which will be a flag and initially, will be set to "Pending".Create a page which will be executed when there are less users accessing the system (Specific time),

This page will see if there are records in a temp table with FLAG "Pending". If yes then it will fetch one record from the table and will insert data of first row into all the necessary tables. After first transaction it will wait for some time and will fetch the second record....This will last until the final row of temp table is reached.

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Create A Task That Will Run Once A Day On The Backend Of A Website?

Mar 2, 2010

While the economy has been in the shitter, I've written possibly the most coolest site EVER for unemployed developers looking to buzzword-ify their resumes. (Don't hate the player, hate the game.)

The only problem is, it needs a scheduled task to run once a day to do some data mining. I spent many, many hours a few months ago researching solutions, but nothing seemed sure-fire.

If I have shared hosting and cannot remote in (e.g. mstsc and create a Schedule Task), how can I create a task that will run once a day on the backend of an ASP.NET website?

After all the research I did, I don't think it's possible. Per my last analysis, someone has to visit the site at least once a day to instantiate an instance of HttpApplication.

Does anyone have any solution to making sure an operation runs automatically, no matter whether anyone visits the site, and without anything but FTP access to the website?

Like I said, I've done A LOT of looking into this in the past, and it didn't seem possible. IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE implementing a solution, contribute your advice! But not postulating or conjecturing needed--it's far more nuanced and difficult than you're surely imagining.

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Site - Scheduled Email Task?

Mar 1, 2011

Im about to develop a site which will need 2 types of email function: the first will be simple enough, just a realtime email using system.net.mail when certain conditions are met in the underlying DB. the second is to send out an email at the end of each day covering everything that happened during the day. WOuld that have to be set up as a scheduled task?

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Task Run Only Windows Explorer Browser

May 31, 2010

my task run only in windows explorer brower.. that not working in mozilla firebox.

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Long Task Hangs Other Pages?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm generating reports on the fly using the great SpreadSheetGear tool. At first things were great because the reports were simple and done in under 1 second. Now I'm at more complex reports and they are taking about 30 seconds up to 1 minute. This isn't a problem, we just throw up an activity image and let the user wait, fine by us.

The problem I've found is when two users come to the site.

User 1 comes to the site
User 1 runs a report that takes 30 seconds.
User 2 comes to the site
User 2 waits until user 1 report is done then the page loads.

The report running for User 1 hangs up the site until it's done. What is going on and how can I fix this?

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DataSource Controls :: Using Script Task?

Feb 24, 2010

One of my users places a flat file on a shared drive every Monday for me to load using SSIS. The file always begins with SHIPP. I'd like to read the shared directory and only load files that start with SHIPP. There should only be one, mind you.Would using the Script Task be the best approach in SSIS doing this?

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AJAX :: Add Extender Task Not Showing?

Jan 18, 2011

I have added Ajax Control toolkit to my project. I added a ScriptManager to my page. None of the standard controls are showing the task menu with the "Add Extender..." option

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Designing An Asynchronous Task Library For .NET?

Oct 6, 2010

The ASP.NET runtime is meant for short work loads that can be run in parallel. I need to be able to schedule periodic events and background tasks that may or may not run for much longer periods.Given the above I have the following problems to deal with:

The AppDomain can shutdown due to changes (Web.config, bin, App_Code, etc.)

IIS recycles the AppPool on a regular basis (daily)

IIS itself might restart, or for that matter the server might crash

I'm not convinced that running this code inside ASP.NET is not the right thing to do, becuase it would allow for a simpler programming model. But doing so would require that an external service periodically makes requests to the app so that the application is keept running and that all background tasks are programmed with utter most care. They will have to be able to pause and resume thier work, in the event of an unexpected error.My current line of thinking goes something like this:

If all jobs are registered in the database, it should be possible to use the database as a bookkeeping mechanism. In the case of an error, the database would contain all state necessary to resume the operation at the next opportunity given.I'd really appriecate some feedback/advice, on this matter. I've been considering running a windows service and using some RPC solution as well, but it doesn't have the same appeal to me. And I'd instead have a lot of deployment issues and sycnhronizing tasks and code cross several applications. Due to my business needs this is less than optimial.

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Web Forms :: Creating Task List

Jul 4, 2012

I want to create task list in asp.net to assing a task particular login of person by using asp.net and sqlserver database .

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File Management Through Website

May 7, 2010

I have an ASP.net website where there are files available for download. I was looking at adding a page for admin who would get a listing of files from a sql database and if they want to they would be allowed to remove files permanently from the server (delete). The server would log this activity to a database, when and by whom the file was removed. The database limits their view of files available to them.

What would be the preferred method to perform this function? Would it be better that their request would be logged to a table in the DB which would be monitored by a service that would perform this operation locally on the database? I get an access denied error when attempting this operation directly from a webpage and I'm a bit reluctant to change my security policy to allow ASPNET direct access to the folder.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Task In Windows Scheduled Tasks

Mar 14, 2011

How can I add a Task in Windows Scheduled Tasks using Asp.Net.

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Execute Code In Scheduled Task Of Windows?

May 28, 2010

How to execute asp.NET code in scheduled task of windows?

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