C# - Check Or Validate The Textbox Entered Date Is In DD/MM/YYYY Format?

Jun 9, 2010

How to check or validate the textbox entered date is in DD/MM/YYYY format?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: How To Validate Date In Format Dd-mmm-yyyy

May 31, 2010

I am new to asp.net and Want to apply check on a text box in which the date has to be entered in the format "dd-mmm-yyyy".

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Datepicker Show Date In UK Format (mm/dd/yyyy) And Sometimes In (dd/mm/yyyy)?

May 25, 2010

I've a date picker in a .NET page. I've seen that sometimes (on the same PC) I show date in UK format (mm/dd/yyyy) and sometimes in (dd/mm/yyyy)

.... I want only IT format (dd/mm/yyyy) ... why sometimes I show UK format?

Is it possible to set the format and don't have this problem?

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Web Forms :: Date String Format (Entered By User In Textbox)

Feb 19, 2010

Here is what I'm trying to achieve: The user enters in the textbox a date. It can be:
20.04.2010 or 20/04/2010 or
01Apr2010 or Apr 01 2010...

Any other formats should be forbidden. When the user leaves the textbox then the date should be displayed as 01-Apr-2009. I already tried but I got only when am entering the numbers only like (21-04-2010) but I want to entering the string like apr, jan, nov .

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C# - Changing Date Format From Dd/MM/yyyy To MM/dd/yyyy

May 21, 2010

I have a datepicker which shows date in format dd/MM/yyyy(i know i coould change there itself but by client want it that way) and in database its in format MM/dd/yyyy so i do want to convert in that way.

e.g. in text box 23/09/2010 and in c sharp its convert to mm/dd/yyyy(txtbo1.text)

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Convert Textbox Dd/MM/yyyy To Format Yyyy/MM/dd?

Dec 7, 2010

how can i convert a textbox that contains date in format dd/MM/yyyy to yyyy/MM/dd?

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May 31, 2012

How to validate ddmmyyyy dateformat in the textbox on the textchanged event with split method in asp.net 2.0 ....

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Web Forms :: Can Validate Both A Credit Card And Expiration Data In Format Mm/yyyy

Mar 18, 2011

how I can validate both a credit card and expiration data in format mm/yyyy.

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Get A Date Value In A Text Box In Dd/MM/yyyy Format?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm new to .Net. I get a date value in a text box in dd/MM/yyyy format and wanna insert it SQL Server 2005 DB. For which I tried

Dim X as String =Mid(dt_txt.text,7,4)+"/"+Mid(dt_txt.text,4,3)+Mid(dt_txt.text,1,2)

Conn.execute("Insert Into Table Dt Values ('" & X & "'")

I get a error as String was not a recognised datetime format.

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.net - Get Current Date In 'YYYY-MM-DD' Format?

Feb 17, 2011

How to get current date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format in ASP.NET ?

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SQL Server :: How To Save Date Format DD/MM/YYYY

Oct 31, 2010

i need to save date format DD/MM/YYYY tells me what format should i use when creating mt table (datatype)

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MVC :: Make Field With Date In Format: Dd/mm/yyyy ?

Aug 30, 2010

I have in model:


And in view:


But when I write in this field date: 30/11/2009 I see validation error: The value '30/11/2009' is not valid for publication_date.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert The Date Format To Mm/dd/yyyy Hh:mm:ss Tt

Feb 10, 2010

how can i convert the date format to mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt like this 2/28/2010 12:53:32 PM

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SQL Server :: Changing Date Format To Dd/mm/yyyy In Sqlexpress 2010?

Aug 3, 2010

i have added to my web.config page this instruction:

<globalization culture="en-GB"></globalization>

all the dates in my web page are formated as dd/mm/yyyy but my database is still under mm/dd/yyyy is there a way to also change the format of sqlexpress to dd/mm/yyyy ?

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Jan 8, 2010

Is there a way to get the selected date on the calendar extender to show in UK format of dd/mm/yyyy

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C# - DateTime.TryParse With Dates Of Yyyy-dd-MM Format / Can Convert String To Date

Jan 17, 2011

I have the following date in string format "2011-29-01 12:00 am" . Now I am trying to convert that to datetime format with the following code:

DateTime.TryParse(dateTime, out dt);

But I am alwayws getting dt as {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM} , Can you tell me why ? and how can I convert that string to date.


I just saw everybody mentioned to use format argument. I will mention now that I can't use the format parameter as I have some setting to select the custom dateformat what user wants, and based on that user is able to get the date in textbox in that format automatically via jQuery datepicker.

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Web Forms :: Want The User To Insert The Date In Same Format(dd-mm-yyyy) But It Will Not Happening As In SQL Server?

Mar 24, 2010

I am selecting the date field in the 'dd-mm-yyyy' format by using SQL Codes(103,105...).While inserting I want the userto insert the date in same format(dd-mm-yyyy) but it will not happening as in SQL Server we need to insert the date in'mm-dd-yyyy' format.Pls send me insertion query in sql to achieve this.Pls respond me ASAP.

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Data Controls :: GridView Export To Excel With Dd/MM/yyyy Date Format

May 7, 2015

I have one problem im exporting my data into excel in that i have one column,after exporting that data to excel now it is taking system date format instead of that i want date format like mm/dd/yyyy

below in my code...

 string strBaselineassessmentVisitdate = list[i].BaselineDateOfAssessment.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

First I am taking the data from database then im converting that to MM/dd/yyyy forma but still it taking the system date format which I don't want....

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Set Date Format String As D/M/yyyy And Htmlencode=false In Programmatically Created Gridview?

Dec 10, 2010

MyDataSource is a datasource stored in a session passed through a search page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
gridview1.DataSource = Session["MyDataSource"]; [code]....

dates appearing in this gridview display as M/d/yyyy + time for example 12/31/2010 00:00:00

My Question: i need a way to display date as d/M/yyyy with no time for example 31/12/2010 usually i do this by setting the gridview properties htmlencode=false and dateformatstring="{0:M-dd-yyyy}" but in this case the gridview dont show any field because it bind data only at run time

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SQL Server :: Date Entered In UK Format Causes Error, Won't Be Accepted Into Database?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a simple web form that takes data inputted by a user online but I can't get the date field formatted so it can allow UK short date format to be entered. I need to allow dates to be entered like this: dd/mm/yyyy but currently if I enter the UK format date 25/02/2011 I get an error, as the field is in US format (mm/dd/yyyy).

It's a SQL database created from within MS Visual Web Developer 2010, and I'm a SQL newbie.

How do I change the date format to UK so UK format dates can be accepted?

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Web Forms :: Validate Date Format When Using Date CompareValidator In GridView

Jun 7, 2012

Looking for an example that demonstrates usage of different validations with respect to gridview.

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Web Forms :: Validation Expression Or Any Other Way To Check A Birthdate Entered To Ensure The Date

Feb 6, 2010

Is there a validation expression or any other way to check a birthdate entered to ensure the date entered makes the person "at least xx years of age" as of the current date? We have a registration form that asks the birthdate and we need to have a date validation that 'error messages' the user if they are under the minimum age.

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DataSource Controls :: Converting SQL Server Date From Mm / Dd / Yyyy To Dd / Mm / Yyyy

Oct 6, 2010

I have a form on my website which inserts information into a table stored in sql server 2008... when I try to submit the form and I have entered a date like "08/10/2010" it works perfecting... but when trying to enter "24/10/2010" it doesn't work as the default format in SQL server is "mm/dd/yyyy" - so throws up an error saying:

The conversion of a nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. The statement has been terminated. Also when I enter the date "08/10/2010" then submit the form, when retreiving that date on another page it displays as "10/08/2010"?

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Web Forms :: How To Handle Format Exception When Nothing Is Entered In Textbox

Dec 28, 2011

I am converting the entered values in textbox into decimal values to saev in sql table. In case user does not enter any value i get a Format exception. How do i handle this..

My code is as below

DMLObj.Add("ItemID", Convert.ToInt32(drpitemname.SelectedValue).ToString());
DMLObj.Add("SupplierName", Convert.ToInt32(drpvendor.SelectedValue).ToString());
DMLObj.Add("Quantity", Convert.ToDecimal(txtqty.Text).ToString());//qty.ToString());
DMLObj.Add("Unit", Convert.ToInt32(drpunit.SelectedValue).ToString());

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Date In Sorted Order In "DD-MM-YYYY" FORMAT

Mar 8, 2010

I am having a DOB field in database of type Datetime.I am retrieving this into a gridview .I want to display only date into the gridview in 'DD-MM-YYYY' format and that to in sorting order. How can I do that. I know that by converting DOB to varchar and using SQL Date formats codes(103,105...) I can do that but I can't able to display in sorted order as it will check only the date part and sort the dates. It will not chk the month & year. And I also want the user to insert the date in 'DD-MM-YYYY' format and this to be stored in database. How can I do this? Pls respond me ASAP.

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