C# - Handle Circular Dependency Of Logger Service
Jun 7, 2010
I have a service layer with a logger class
Service layer references DAL for Logger class to get its email credentials to use while sending email for critical log items.
I want to use this logger inside the DAL since there is stuff that needs to be logged there also - but with my current architecture I cannot.
I see this could somewhat be handled via IOC but my concern with that is if that way I will be addressing the root of the problem, or hiding it using another layer of abstraction.
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<logger name="File">
<level value="All" />
<level value="INFO" />
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public static JSONObject Get()
WebHelper.JSONObject lJSONObject = new WebHelper.JSONObject();
lJSONObject.Object = Repository.Parent.Include("Child.Child").FirstOrDefault();
return lJSONObject;
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$("#Txturl").blur(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "Default.aspx/Getvalue",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: true,
success: function(msg) {
///to to do here? i ve no idea;
return false;
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Jul 20, 2010
I have a page using an injected BLL service: a simple service returning a set of objects with a function like this:
public IMyService { List<Foo> All(); }
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public IUnityContainer Container { get; set;}
Page_Init(..) [code].....
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Jan 3, 2011
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Manager Is responsible for storing currently authenticated users.Module It is the responsibility for the module to validate each request according to security policies. The Module must ask the manager to determine whether a user is currently authenticated.
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namespace Demo
public interface IRepository
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Nov 1, 2010
Split off from http://forums.asp.net/t/1618613.aspx
I would like to get your advise on Dependency Inversion..Should i include it as a layer between Business Layer and Repository Layer?
I think its really great when different team members work on DAL n BAL etc or when your database will be changed in future. It actually removes the dependency of the Data provider but over the expense of additional coding overhead. My question is , is it really worth it? If i suggest this layer to my PM and give him the above two reasons then i dnt think he will accept it since most of the time each developer works on his DAL/BAL's, and Change in DB wud be the least of his concerns.
RAD in every layer..
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Apr 2, 2010
as i've read Ninject is the best one so how to use it and why i cannot see good examples.
Lately i have begun learning MVC and as i've seen every one use DI in the MVC, i have a couple doesn question but i will ask a few lol...
1. Why use and what is going to do for me?
2. How to use it in WebForms Appliction ?
3. IoC is the same if not what is it and what's it doing?
4. I want to use a Ninject FrameWork 2.0 but i cannot find good examples for WebForm App.
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Jul 20, 2010
I have a custom constraint that queries a value against a repository. Is it possible to replicate the dependency injection available to controller constructors?
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Jan 25, 2011
This project is pretty far away and I'm not in the position to go make changes all over the place (If I could, deleting the lot would be what I'd do!)
I want to create a modelbinder that would resolve any dependencies my View Models might have (using StructureMap).
It should not require me to implement a specific interface (so many developers, so many interfaces..I rather keep things clean) and hopefully not require one to go register each model binder individually (Now I'm asking too much,taking the first requirment
in consideration).
Probably will get it right tonight, but figured I'd ask.
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Apr 8, 2010
Recently I was asked to express the DI in colloquial explanation.
I answered :
1)I am going to a hotel.I ordered food.The hotel management asks me to clean the plates and
clean the tables.So here i am a client,I am responsible for managing the service (Instantiating,executing,disposing).But DI decouples such tasks so the service consumer no need not worry about controlling the life cycle of the service.
2)He also asked is there any microsoft API follows DI ?.I answered (This was my guess) In WCF you can create a Proxy using ChannelFactory that controls the life time of your factory.
for item (1) he said only 10% is correct
for item(2) he said that is factory pattern not dependency injection.
Actually what went wrong in my explanation (apart from my bad English) ? What is the real answers for those?
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Nov 27, 2010
I have been looking at learning dependency injections (i think i have now grasped the basics) and am looking to implement it into a webform application. My question is, what dependency injection framework should i use for a webforms project, or is it a question of what works best for you?
I Have currently looked at Spring.Net, Ninject, Unity and StructureMap, i tend to have no preference in the configuration, whether its XML or fluent interfaces. However is XML configuration becoming less favourable?
Most of the information i come across relates to dependency injection whilst in a MVC environment. And have also read that some frameworks such as Structure Map only work with webforms using version 2.0 or earlier. So the kind of things i need to consider are whether webforms will be continuous support, and the ease of configuration for someone relatively new to the pattern.
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Aug 12, 2010
I am sure that I am somewhat lost in this area... my understanding is that Dependency Injection means initializing something that is required by a class..so for instance. If my controller is going to need a service and I want to be able to test it then I should define two Constructor methods for it... so, my question is.
public class CompaniesController : Controller
private ICompaniesService _service;
public CompaniesController()
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