C# - Hierarchal Data Context And Abstraction?

Mar 31, 2011

I am creating a core library for one of our internal project. This core library supposed to contain some abstract classes and generic classes which will then be extended by specialized projects. For example, There is an AbstractPerson class with standard properties and methods for a Person class while another project will implement a Person class which will inherit from the AbstractPerson class to add project specific functionality.

Now we need to impelment DAL for this common and specialized projects.As most of operations are generic so i want to include them into core library as Repository classes. However, Repository classes need to access LINQ dataContext. Which is generated from the specialized databases. Hence there is no dataContext available in Core library to work. So how could i can create a common repository classes for generic methods which can reside in the common library.

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ADO.NET :: Best Practices Of Using Data Context?

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Here is the code of my Repository class:You see, I use singleton here. Also you see, there is a data context as class variable of Repository class.The main reason to use singleton here is a wish to avoid using 'using(NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())' in every function.


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Error3Type 'LinqChatDataContext' is not defined.

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public static IQueryable<TB_Country> GetCountriesQ()
IQueryable<TB_Country> country;
Bn_Master_DataDataContext db = new Bn_Master_DataDataContext();
country = db.TB_Countries
.OrderBy(o => o.CountryName);
return country;

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I set the Databinding of a repeater to a list of classes i.e. List<Message>, I have used the ItemCommand event before to pull out individual ID's etc based on the CommandArgument, however is it possible to make the class itself the CommandArgument instead of one of its properties, this way I have them all at my disposal.For example say I have a list of messages and within the repeater I have this:


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<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False"

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So X's markup would be like:


My question is: How can the Y control be sensitive to the data context? I know I can use template inline tags to get access to the data context: <%# Eval("Id") %>, but I cannot pass this information to Y because template inline tags are not allowed in server controls.

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Oct 2, 2010

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1) is it a bad practice to declare a context on Pre_Init/Page_Load and then dispose of it on Page_Unload?

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I am using EF4 for developing a Web-Application. My Web Application has 3 projects.

One project is for storing candidate CV information.

Another project is for storing customer information.

Final project is called CORE. this CORE contains a edmx file that should be extended by CV and CRM.

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We have 3 edmx files in three class libraries:

Person class library(Core) with core.edmx-Basic details related to a person(name, email) CV Class library with CV.edmx wich have CV related data(Experiance,skills) Customer Relationship management system(CRM) which have customer data(sales data...)

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<asp:GridView ID="gvConcurrentCases" runat="server"
EmptyDataText="No Concurrent cases Found"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableViewState = "true" >


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<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" CellSpacing="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
ShowFooter="False" ShowHeader="False" Width="100%">
<div class="book_div">


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Cannot load linq-sql Data Context Type Error


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Ajax Onsucess Method Context / Return Json Data In The Createsucess?

Jun 9, 2010

function createSuccess(context) {
$get("result").innerHTML = context.get_data();
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm(new AjaxOptions {OnSuccess="createSuccess"}))

What does context holds in the createsuccess method? data return by controller? How do we return json data in the createsucess if so

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