C# - How To Send Json Data To Asmx (from Aspx) Using Jquery
Jun 21, 2010
i built contact form in aspx 3.5 and i'm using jquery to send it to web service (asmx).the web service need to return success or error code. the problem is that at the web method i get only single value and not array. I'm kind of new in ajax and i tried a lot of solutions but without any results.. please if you can only explain me the principle of what to do it also be good..this is the client side:
when i debug i see that the input parameter "name" contains only one string - i dont know how to get the full json string that i send to the service and contains all the form data - i want to desirialize it to string array or something like, and process it.
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Mar 7, 2011
We have an exisiting Web Service which receives SOAP requests and returns the data accordingly. However, we have a new project which requires the same information but the Android SDK doesn't support SOAP so we need to use JSON. As JSON is just a data container format, I need to write a new module to replace the SOAP WSDL which receives a querystring from the Android app and then processes the data and returns it in a JSON packet. The problem is that having never used JSON I'm unsure as to how I return the data to the app in JSON format. Does anyone have any examples I can look at in VB.Net or C#?
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Jul 3, 2010
I am using JQuery & JSON (POST) to call webmethod. However I can call only webmethod located at aspx file but not in asmx file Below are sample codes
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class CustomValidate
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
<System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function AJAX_Test(ByVal date1) As Boolean...
Return True
End Function
End Class
Javascript: JQuery JSON
function isDates(source, arguments) {
var isValidDate;
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "CustomValidate.asmx/AJAX_Test",
data: '{date1: "' + arguments.Value + '"}',
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function(result) {
isValidDate = result;
error: function(httpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("status=" + textStatus + ",error=" + errorThrown);
arguments.IsValid = isValidDate;
It always return javascript undefined error. But if I put the AJAX_Test webmethod in aspx page and replace the url: "CustomValidate.asmx/AJAX_Test" to "mypage.aspx/AJAX_Test". It works fine.
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Oct 28, 2010
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function synchronise() {
function (transaction) {
transaction.executeSql("SELECT * FROM Patients;", [], synchroniseHandler, errorHandler);
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Jun 6, 2010
i would like to know if there's a combo like jCryption (jCryption) - PHP but for jQuery - ASPX.I mean, I have been searching for a combo to send data both ways (Client-server, server-client) with jQuery to ASPX. The best I found was jCryption that sends data from JavaScrpit to PHP. I need a combo to send data from JavaScrpit to ASPX.
PD: Please don't tell me to use HTTPS, it's not enough to ensure the data communication on a client - server application.
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Nov 21, 2010
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Aug 27, 2010
the aspx:
the jquery :
The problem is that I need to use the text in a text box in my webmethod, and I can't because it's static, this results in a compilation error:
What can I do ?
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Aug 31, 2010
i need to be able to expose information to a page, and I need to write the information in xml on my webserver which will be dynamically created from the database.
I need to use json to pass the data from the screen back to the server two way communication xms back and forth. Is it actually any good using a wcf endpoint to serve the json back to the page and use query with wcf? Is this possible?
Or is it easier to use standard pages .aspx and just do a call to a url and get the json with jquery....
We will probably want to send this information to other locations at some point in the future too....
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Feb 4, 2010
The ideal goal is to consume .asmx web service using jQuery like this
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Mar 16, 2011
how to create a Web service that returns a JSON(or JSONP). That also should be able to work for cross-domain access aswell as for a local call.. help to get this working or for a few links for further reading about this
View 2 Replies
Nov 27, 2010
My Problem is that i am returning a json string from a webmethod from an aspx page.
I want to create a dynamic html table using that json string but found no solution for that.
Can anyone Provide me the solution to generate html table from json string ?
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Apr 8, 2010
i have designed a web service which would create 2 csv files on the system. I want to send the links to the location of the files as an url attachment over the aspx page.
like : http://myserver/download.aspx?file1=C: empimage1.png&file2=C: empimage2.png
the output from the asmx web service is : [Code]....
where xx.xx.xxx.xxx is the ipaddress. this is the whole output i get from the webservice.
how do i get the aspx page to send the attachment in the format i mentioned above? I have added an asp website to the project and added the webservice as a web reference to this but i do not know how to get the location from the xml output file of the webservice result.
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Jun 15, 2010
I want to return an array of javascript objects from my asp.net asmx file. ie.
variable = [
*value1*: 'value1',[code]....
I seem have been having trouble reaching this. I'd put this into code but I've been hacking away at it so much it'd probably do more harm than good in having this answered. Basically I am using a web service to find names as people type the name. I'd use a regular text file or something but its a huge database that's always changing - and don't worry I've indexed the names so searching can be a little snappier - but I would really prefer to stick with this method and just figure out how to get usable JSON back to javascript. I've seen a few that sort of attempt to describe how one would approach this but I honestly think microsofts articles are damn near unreadable.
EDIT: I'm using the $.ajax() function from jQuery - I've had it working but it seems like I was doing it in bad practice not returning and using actual JSON. Previously I'd take a string back and insert it into html to use the variable it set - very roundabout.
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Nov 14, 2010
i have an ASP.NET 4.0 HTTP handler that should receive and send data in json format. I'm using jquery to send json objects serialized in a string to the handler. It correctly sends the request but i don't know how i could retrieve the data from the httpcontext passed to the handler and how i could deserialize it..
type: "POST",
url: "myurl.ashx",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: $.toJSON({
success: function (response) {
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Dec 16, 2010
I'd like to read data server-side from a web service that outputs in json format. I haven't found any good examples that don't use jquery and are server-side.
Specifically I'm looking at the "weight" field from this api:
PS: this is a spin off of another post at: [URL]
View 6 Replies
Sep 10, 2010
Just ramping up on JSON and JQuery and returning data to a ASP.NET web page from a web service using Ajax. The JQuery part is pretty straight-forward. However, when trying to return JSON formatted data instead of XML from a 2.0 web service, I'm stuck. The web service does have the System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService attribute, so I can hit it via JavaScript; however, the web service always...always...returns data in XML format, no matter if I explicitly say I want JSON as the datatype in my JQuery code. So I don't know if this is an issue with the web service or the JQuery code. I posted this here, but realize that the category could be incorrect depending on where the issue is. Is there no way to return JSON data from a 2.0 web service? It's a production web service, so I can't change the code unfortunately.
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Aug 25, 2010
I Need by service contract to return the xml/json result depending on the request type. function which will convert my result set (i am using linq to sql) so that i do not need to create the xml format for the result set by iterating through the table row many times.What is the suitable way to do that.
I need a kind of short cut method which will convert the table data to xml result.Had i been using asp.net mvc i would have been able to generate the xml data by overriding the the ExecuteResult method in the ActionResult and giving Conetnt-Type = "text/xml" as OP.But since i am using Wcf i don't have the controller context(as controller context is the parameter that needs to be passed to Execute Result).
My present code for converting the table data to the xml format is below.
public XDocument UsersLists(string authToken)
bool IsAuthenticated = Authenticate(authToken);
XDocument xDoc = new XDocument();
XElement root = new XElement("Users");
I need to eliminate this way of generating xml for each table records.
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Feb 9, 2011
I have asp.net mvc application. i want to configure the object in jquery and want to pass it to the the action of controller . where as in my script i am using this for configure data for the ajax call:
it does not calls to action in controller. i think here :
var json = $.toJSON(peform);
is not working as expect. is it need to add any js file to reference ? or mistake in syntax?
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Nov 19, 2010
I am trying to load the JSON data that I am getting from an aspx page into a drop down list that I have on another page but I am getting the following javascript error.
Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'SiteID' is null or not an object
The SiteID is not returning null though and I believe that is an object. The following is the code I am using to try and load the data into the drop down list:
$.getJSON('Test.aspx?DepotID=' + DepotID, function (sites) {
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Apr 10, 2010
i have few textbox on the form and when the user submit i want to capture the data and insert into db
here is what my code looks like
beforeSubmit: function(data)
{ // called just before the form is submitted
var item = $("[id$='item']");
var category = $("[id$='category']");
var record = $("[id$='record']");
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Sep 4, 2010
I'm working on an MVC2 site that needs to update the values of a select list based on the value selected by a user in another list. This is the response I'm getting from my controller's JSON action:
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Dec 23, 2010
i want to get data from my database and dispaly it in my web page using json with webservicei'm going to post my code i create a webservice and add method which return string to get all data so my code like this
and in my page
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Oct 12, 2010
I have a problem with a AJAX call I do in a application. It's a MVC application (ASP.net c#) with a lot of javascript.
When I do a call from my javascript to a controller (through a ajax call) the call gets to the class and function, but the data isn't there. The data is send in JSON.
I found a few of the same problem but most of the time they used another name voor de parameter then it is in there json.
Here is the code
View 3 Replies
May 25, 2010
I am using the code as below of this post:First i will an fill array variable with the correct values for the controller action.Using the code below i think it should be very straigtforward by just adding the following line to the javascript:
data["__RequestVerificationToken"] = $('[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val();
The <%= Html.AntiForgeryToken() %> is at his right place and the action has a [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
But my controller action keeps saying: "Invalid forgery token"
data["fiscalyear"] = fiscalyear;
data["subgeography"] = $(list).pa n
View 1 Replies
Nov 25, 2010
This is probably something simple. The following JQuery call is executing and calling the controller. The controller is executing correctly. I used the sample data that's commented out to verify that the templates were working also. However, the success function is not executing in the browser. Any thoughts or other ways I can debug this?
<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready( function(){ alert("Here"); @* var myData = [ {first: "Jane", last: "Doe"}, {first: "John", last: "Doe"} ]; *@ $.getJSON( "/User/Filter",function(myData){ $("#myDataTemplate").tmpl(myData).appendTo("#itemContainer"); } ); alert("there"); }
public ActionResult Filter() { var myData = this.repository.GetAllUsers(); //return Json(myData); return Json(myData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);}
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