Accessing JSON Data From Page Using JQuery

Nov 19, 2010

I am trying to load the JSON data that I am getting from an aspx page into a drop down list that I have on another page but I am getting the following javascript error.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'SiteID' is null or not an object

The SiteID is not returning null though and I believe that is an object. The following is the code I am using to try and load the data into the drop down list:

$.getJSON('Test.aspx?DepotID=' + DepotID, function (sites) {

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JQuery Object Expected Error When Accessing Page Via Url Routing?

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routes.MapPageRoute("User Logon", "{Vendor}/Logon", "~/Logon.aspx");

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<link href="jquery/css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="images/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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<script src="jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#<%= ButtonLogon.ClientID %>').button();

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Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

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public ActionResult DynamicGridData(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows)
Fast.IMS.Search.Search mySearch = new Fast.IMS.Search.Search(session["strText"]);
myResults = mySearch.ExecuteSearch();


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it does not calls to action in controller. i think here :

var json = $.toJSON(peform);

is not working as expect. is it need to add any js file to reference ? or mistake in syntax?

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beforeSubmit: function(data)
{ // called just before the form is submitted
var item = $("[id$='item']");
var category = $("[id$='category']");
var record = $("[id$='record']");


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and in my page


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JQuery :: JSON Data Disappears On Call?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a problem with a AJAX call I do in a application. It's a MVC application ( c#) with a lot of javascript.

When I do a call from my javascript to a controller (through a ajax call) the call gets to the class and function, but the data isn't there. The data is send in JSON.

I found a few of the same problem but most of the time they used another name voor de parameter then it is in there json.

Here is the code


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Error While Accessing The JSON Webservice From Server?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a website where I am using the JSON webservice. I have uploaded my website on the server.


When I try to access the webservice it gives me the error as shown in below screenshot. In the below screenshot MyServices is my webservice. MyServices.asmx is the name of the file that I am trying to access.

Troubleshooting that already has been done:

I tried cleaning the bin folder and rebuilding again. But it didnt work.

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JQuery :: To Supply An AntiForgeryToken When Posting JSON Data?

May 25, 2010

I am using the code as below of this post:First i will an fill array variable with the correct values for the controller action.Using the code below i think it should be very straigtforward by just adding the following line to the javascript:

data["__RequestVerificationToken"] = $('[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val();
The <%= Html.AntiForgeryToken() %> is at his right place and the action has a [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]

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data["fiscalyear"] = fiscalyear;
data["subgeography"] = $(list).pa n


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Nov 25, 2010

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<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready( function(){ alert("Here"); @* var myData = [ {first: "Jane", last: "Doe"}, {first: "John", last: "Doe"} ]; *@ $.getJSON( "/User/Filter",function(myData){ $("#myDataTemplate").tmpl(myData).appendTo("#itemContainer"); } ); alert("there"); }
public ActionResult Filter() { var myData = this.repository.GetAllUsers(); //return Json(myData); return Json(myData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);}

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C# - How To Send Json Data To Asmx (from Aspx) Using Jquery

Jun 21, 2010

i built contact form in aspx 3.5 and i'm using jquery to send it to web service (asmx).the web service need to return success or error code. the problem is that at the web method i get only single value and not array. I'm kind of new in ajax and i tried a lot of solutions but without any results.. please if you can only explain me the principle of what to do it also be good..this is the client side:


when i debug i see that the input parameter "name" contains only one string - i dont know how to get the full json string that i send to the service and contains all the form data - i want to desirialize it to string array or something like, and process it.

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Passing Complex JSON Data JQuery To Action?

Dec 1, 2010

I have 2 classes that are used to mirror the data from an ajax call. One (Customer) contains a property which is name, and the other is an array of Products.

Public Class Customer
Private _Name as String
Private _Products as Product()
Public Property Name() As String


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JQuery :: Get Data In Json Format Client Side

Mar 10, 2011

i Declare in.cs file

TextBox tb=new TextBox();

and how to get aspx when page is load

<input type="Text" runat="server"/>

using jquery json

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Read An External JSON File Using Json.NET On Page Load?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a text file named gisQuery129.json that is created using Json.NET - [URL] There is an example on how to create a JSON file and I have done that successfully, but I want to read the file on a page load event and add the values to .NET textbox controls for input values in a query. The created file looks like the following:

"myData": {
"randomNumber": "129",
"Application": "MyMapApp",
"FeatureId": "ALL",
"Feature": "ALL",
"spatialQuery": "FEATURE_ID= '11111' AND REQ_SEQ_NUM= 1 AND RAND_PARAM= 129 OR FEATURE_ID= '22222' AND REQ_SEQ_NUM= 2 AND RAND_PARAM= 129"

I want to read the data in the above sample JSON data and then populate my textboxes something like this:

txtRandParam.text = "129"
txtApplication.text = "MyMapApp" and three more text boxes after that.

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Data Controls :: Pass JSON Data Object From JQuery AJAX To WebMethod

May 7, 2015

I want to send single json object with nested arrays through jquery ajax method.

In Code

In jquery ajax i am passing LeaveRuleMaster a single json object which holds some properties (Leavetypeid, Leavename, Leavestatus and nested array LeaveRulespecific.

In code i can receive the value of properties(Leavetypeid,Leavename,Leavestatus)

but i am receiving the LeaveRuleSpecific as nothing.

Based on the following link i tried this [URL] .....

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Data Controls :: Bind Data To GridView With TemplateField TextBox With JQuery Or JSON

May 7, 2015

I have taken reference from this link.


But when I am adding a template field with textbox and run the project the webpage becomes caresh and not displaying anything.P

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Data Controls :: Populate Pie Chart From Database JSON Data Using JQuery AJAX?

Jan 21, 2014

I need to display the data as pie chart,bar charts(2D,3D) here data is JSON data. any nice articles using jquery or java script free plugins ?

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Data Controls :: Displaying Data With Images Using JSON And JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

How to create the JSON data...I want to display the data's from JSON and Display in the HTML format...

1) Images


3)Phone Number etc

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Data Controls :: Insert Data Using JSON And JQuery Using Business Classes

Oct 21, 2015

I used this article Insert (Update) Data to Database with jQuery AJAX and WebMethod in ASP.Net. I want create class for this code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("[id*=btnSave]").bind("click", function () {
var user = {};

[Code] ...

And call class from button click.

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