C# - Session Object Is Null After Update?
Mar 27, 2011
I'm populating an object model with a linq query. The model looks like this:
DateTime AppointDate {get; set;}
int TotalAppoints {get; set;}
int AppointDuration {get; set;}
The linq-to-sql query looks like that:
public static GetAppointsFromDB(params){
var MyQuery = from....where...
select new MyModel{
AppointDate = ...,
TotalAppoints = ...,
AppointDuration =...};
return MyQuery as MyModel;}
In the master page, I'm looking to load the result of this query in the session like this:
if (Session["Appoints"] == null) {Session["Appoints"] = GetAppointsFromDB(...);}
When I run with the code, the session is always null. I added this line a second time, just right after, and the query runs again. When I'm looking to use the session at some other point in the code, it is null too there too. The query works because when I put a breakpoint on the return statement, I see the object properly filled.
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Jul 20, 2010
I am confused about how to reference objects in session, how to update, and copy.
if I create
MyObject obj = new Object ();
Session["object"] = obj;
MyObject temp = (MyObject)Session["object"];
If i change something on temp, will the object in session be updated? do i need to follow changes with Session["object"] = temp?
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Jan 27, 2011
I have a Authorizeclient.aspx.cs page where I set my session value.Authorizeclient.aspx is a blank page. HttpContext.Current.Session["nodeID"]="0". This session value changes from 0 or non zero which depends on the value returned by Database. If no value is returned I assign HttpContext.Current.Session["nodeID"]="0" as the default state else I assign HttpContext.Current.Session["nodeID"]=resolve(nodeID).ToString()
Till this part it works fine as expected. However, I have a requirement that I need to read the nodeID from Session in other application on the same server. I mean this application too is part of the root project where I initially created the Session and set it. The strange thing is the Session["nodeID"] in application gets null "SOMETIMES" Not always. I am trying to read the Session in Page_Load. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes it gets null. Moreover the session object do not die and I can see other keys like Session["Themes"] etc there. The session is in InProc mode and have 20 minutes timeout time.
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Jun 4, 2010
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heres how ive placed the object into the session from an aspx page
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Jan 14, 2010
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I am posting my code for your reference -
My gridview code is -
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Oct 1, 2010
I have many controls like dropdown, radiobuttonlist, etc on my page and I put all these controls inside the update panel so that the page doesn't look to be posting back when something is selected. Now the working on the page is very smooth. But the session object isn't getting refreshed even if I postback to the server and as a result even if the users are working on the page they are being sent to the login screen after 20 mins.
Is there anyway where I could put all the controls in update panel and still refresh the session after any postback(dropdown selection)
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Mar 18, 2010
I have a problem with a SessionVariable. I will explain what is happening:
1. From the default.aspx I send Session["LoginByAdmin"] = "Dummy"; and then redirect to this page where I have the code below. So the Page_Load sees that this Session["LoginByAdmin"] != null and enter this page. This works fine !
2. In the Page_Load, I later fill a ListBox1 with foldernames.
3. With Button1_Click1, I will now delete the choosen Folder in the ListBox1 wich works fine the first time and the ListBox updates the new existing folders in the ListBox. (I have wrapped this inside an updatepanel)
The problems comes now when I try to delete a choosen folder in the ListBox1 the second time in a row. When I select a Folder in the ListBox1 and now Press Button1, I will be redirected to "Default.aspx". This meens that this code is running: (That meens that Session["LoginByAdmin"] == null and I have not set this to null anywhere. This is my big question how this variable can be = null here?
if (Session["LoginByAdmin"] == null)
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May 10, 2010
this code give that solution.but if any one of the field have null(example:r.urrQuickLinkRights contain the NULL) then only it will throw error like Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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Jul 29, 2010
I have some cascading dropdownlists using the ajax toolkit I have a set up datatables in an xsd file. Then use these in a webservice to populate all the fields ... this all works great but now i need to pass an additional paramter to the first dropdownlist ( a date) but don't know how to do this? The method is below...
The other code is:
The first change would be to the tableadapter to add a param to the code i.e
AuditWebDS.TeamsDataTable teams = teamsAdapter.GetTeams(calldate);
but how do i get the calldate param to the webservice method... i tried a session variable but it comes up with session is null ? Is there another better way?
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Apr 26, 2010
So I've read quite a few posts about how to do this, and it's still getting me. I'm trying to control access to a directory, but I continue to get a null session error. I'm doing my check in PostAcquireRequestState
[Code]....no matter where I put this, my session always comes back null. I am using IRequireSessionState on the class as well. Am I pulling the context wrong?
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May 27, 2010
i have an application wherein i have incorporate a "Remember Me" feature for the login screen. I do this by creating a cookie when the user logs in for the first time, so next time when the user visits the site i get the cookie and load the user information.
i have written the code for loading user information in a common class in the App_Code folder...and all my pages inherit from this class.
code for loading the user info is as follows:
public static void LoadUserDetails(string emailId)
UsersEnt currentUser = UsersBL.LoadUserInfo(emailId);
if (currentUser != null)
HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"] = currentUser;
Now the problem is i get an "Object reference" error when i try to store the currentUser object in the session variable (even though the currentUser object is not null). However the password property in the currentUser object is null.
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May 17, 2010
m getting this error again and again. i m also using the ajax modalpopup extender in my page ..
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May 13, 2010
My site was woking fine, now i noticed that i get an error "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object" when i checked the view source, i saw the following system generated code
<script type="text/javascript">
var Page_ValidationActive = false;
if (typeof(ValidatorOnLoad) == "function") {
function ValidatorOnSubmit() {
if (Page_ValidationActive) {
return ValidatorCommonOnSubmit();
else {
return true;
WebForm_AutoFocus('txtMailAddress');// --> IS THIS RIGHT???? out side the braces???
and a reference to this line below
<IFRAME id="__hifSmartNav" name="__hifSmartNav" style="display:none" src="/m2qa/WebResource.axd?d=fvL5WUdiCo1B4KvdiJfkfg2&t=633546432952161750"></IFRAME>
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Nov 15, 2010
In the VS2005 environment, when I test my session to make sure the page redirects to the main page (itself) if the session is null, it works. There is no error.
The function I use for this is:
However, when it is in the production environment in IIS 6.0, when the session has timed out, and I then do a postback by doing some slider control, I see the page reload but immediately thereafter, it throws a Server Error exception of : Object reference not set to an instance of object.
Looking at the stack trace, the event occured:
AJAXEnabledWebApplication1._Default.Slider1_TextChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
however, why is it that the Slider1_TextChanged event fired even even after during page_load, the page was told to do a response.direct ?? shouldn't the entire page have gone through a full-page refresh life cycle ? why did it continue on to attempt to raise the Slider1_TextChanged event?
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May 7, 2015
I am getting object refernce error at line:if (Session["Tax"].ToString() == "9")
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Session["Tax"].ToString() == "9")
lblTax.Text = Session["Tax"].ToString();
lblTax.Text = "0";
Is anything wrong I have done?
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Feb 19, 2010
I am declaring a list in my class, populating the list in page load and using the list in various methods in this class. But, I get this error at every instance where I use this list in the methods. Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
public partial class ViewBG1 : HealthServicePage
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Oct 7, 2010
I want to be able to persist data across a session but do this outside of the built-in session state object. Why is a long story that I will not go into here. I just need to know where I can put data other than in the session object that will persist across the specific session.
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Sep 27, 2010
I have a vb.net page that has an optional parameter. If a user enters data for that field, and clicks save, it saves fine via the stored procedure. HOWEVER, if the user changes their mind, and wants to erase the data they entered, they go to the text field, and delete the characters, and click save, but no matter what, the stored procedure will not save the fact that they erased the data (it won't set it back to NULL). If the user enters a space, the stored procedure will save the space, and if they enter different data, it will save the other data. I can't figure out how to get it back to letting them set it to Null? I think this is because it's an optional parameter, and the stored proc is used by several forms (Some of those forms do not include this parameter), but this form utilizes that optional paramater.
Here's my stored procedure...
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Jun 19, 2010
I have this problem when trying to read a session in another asp.net page.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If Session("cne").Equals("") Then Response.Redirect("Default.aspx")End If
I'm setting the session in the Default page with this code :
Session("cne") = cne.Text
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Oct 27, 2010
I want to update object via entity framework
For example I have to changed object:
I want to save change to the Obj1 Only
I try to Save with ApplyPropertyChanges but the data didn't saved
How can I update object?
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Aug 30, 2010
I have a variable FirstThreads of type List<Thread>. I am trying to do the following, but FirstThreads is always null.
FirstThreads.AddRange(Threads.Skip<Thread>(PageIndex * PageSize)
I can't do this:
FirstThreads = FirstThreads.AddRange(Threads.Skip<Thread>(PageIndex * PageSize)
View 8 Replies
Apr 12, 2010
I have a typical gridview/formview master control setup. When I try to update or insert I don't get any errors but it also doesn't work. When I try to insert data all I get are null values and when I update, none of the values are updated. The formview looks like its working, but just doesn't. The primary key is an identity and it auto-increments by one.
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Apr 29, 2010
I have a <script> that contains this line: var tbl = document.getElementById("<%= this.tblSelection.ClientID %>"); but tbl always ends up being set to null. The table is declared like this:
<asp:Table ID="tblSelection" runat="server" CellPadding="2" CellSpacing="0"
cols="1" style="position: absolute; top: 0%; right: 0%">
Both the script and the table are in the same master page file. What could be causing this? I should mention that this script is executed on onload
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Apr 23, 2010
I think thaAjaxControlToolkitTextBoxWrapperThis use to work, but I think that upgrading to te latest version of teh Toolkit (4 something) broke it:
var txtExpireYear = document.getElementById("ctl00_phPageContent_dtmPassportExpirationDate_txtYear");
I now get the error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'AjaxControlToolkitTextBoxWrapper' is null or not an object
Executing this:
results in the watermark text being changed, not the textbox's text.
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Mar 31, 2011
I have developed my asp.net website in .NET 2.0 in other system where it is working fine. Now when I copied the asp.net website in my system and run it than I am getting the run time error:
Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
public class FixURLs : IHttpModule
public FixURLs()
#region IHttpModule Members
public void Dispose()
// do nothing
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(context_BeginRequest);
some other logic. I am getting object reference error at the line: context.CompleteRequest(); My web.Config file has
<compilation debug="true">
<add assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
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