C# - Write Html Content In Pdf In .net?

Jul 30, 2010

i have a letter content in HTML in a string , i have to show it in a pdf format with all the styles and designs.

which possible method is there to convert it to pdf in C#,,

i have used itextsharp,but when styles,images comes in the HTML it never comes in pdf.

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Write An Aspx Page To Capture The Content Of Form From Html Web Page

Nov 24, 2010

I have the web page [URL] written in html. I have also created a form on this web page, but I do not have any idea how to create the aspx page to capture and email to me (via my mailserver), the data the user enters and submits through the form

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Web Forms :: Loading HTML Content Data Dynamically Into Placeholders In Content Pages

Jan 30, 2010

I will be getting data through wcf service coming form commerce server (instead of DB). Data which is coming will be in the form big html content with all html tags or may be a single line sentence. I should display this dynamic data into the placeholder in the content page (master content page). I have been trying but not able to load when the data is in the form of HTML page. html content or may be single lline of senetence.

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C# - Content Page Dynamic Content Comes Out At The Top Of The HTML Output

Feb 25, 2011

I'm very new to ASP.net. I have a c# content page, in which I want to inset this code half way down within the HTML:

HttpResponse r = Response;

But when I view the page, this content comes out first, before even the tag.

how to get this code inline instead?

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Write Content For Each Line At The End?

May 25, 2010

I am having on text file which contain folllowing kind of data.

"3P","Smith","Richard","3 Point Promotions","3P","richs51@gmail.com","IDA","Yes",,,,0,4,5,83.33,10,
"A1","Ernest","Amy","TAKE 1 Promotional Products","LCOOK","lcpromos@adelphia.net","IDA","Yes",,,,0,6,7,,0,
"A2","Derek","Eaton","Advertising Edge Promotions","AE","dereke@adedgepro.com","IDA","Yes",,,,0,8,8,,10,
"AAA","Abercrombie","Jerry","AAA Specialty Wholesale Inc","AAA","wabercro@bellsouth.net","IDA","Yes",,,,0,9,9,,10,
"AAP","Halberstam","Mendy","All About Promotions","AAP","mendyaap@yahoo.com","IDA","Yes",,,,0,10,10,,12,

I want to write another column at the end of each column.The file contains more number of lines.How to write column like below

"3P","Smith","Richard","3 Point Promotions","3P","richs51@gmail.com","IDA","Yes",,,,0,4,5,83.33,10,96
"A1","Ernest","Amy","TAKE 1 Promotional Products","LCOOK","lcpromos@adelphia.net","IDA","Yes",,,,0,6,7,,0,97
"A2","Derek","Eaton","Advertising Edge Promotions","AE","dereke@adedgepro.com","IDA","Yes",,,,0,8,8,,10,98
"AAA","Abercrombie","Jerry","AAA Specialty Wholesale Inc","AAA","wabercro@bellsouth.net","IDA","Yes",,,,0,9,9,,10,98
"AAP","Halberstam","Mendy","All About Promotions","AAP","mendyaap@yahoo.com","IDA","Yes",,,,0,10,10,,12,99

how to write like that?And how read line by line?

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Write A Web Control To Wrap Content?

Dec 9, 2010

I want to write a control (User control ideally) that can be used to wrap content.

So, something like:


What content?

Well, ideally it would take anything... At the very least, it could be wrapped by a div, so:


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WCF / ASMX :: Content Type Text / Html Of The Response Message Does Not Match The Content Type Of The Binding

May 7, 2010

I'm getting this message when going to a web app that accesses my service.

"The content type text/html of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)..."

The thing is, it happens once in a while even when no changes have been made to the service or the web app. And I can make it go away most of the time by going directly to the .svc?wsdl page in my browser and then coming back to the web app.

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C# - How To Write HTTP Request Content To File Asynchronously

Dec 30, 2010

I am passing some data in HTTP body using the Ajax request. These contents on server are accessible using Request.InputStream. Now i want to write it to file on server disk Asynchronously. How to do that ?

If the data sent using the HTTP is more then i don't want server application to die/get affected. So that i would like to write it Asynchronously.

Following is sample for reference regarding what i am trying to do ...

System.IO.Stream str;
// Create a Stream object.
str = Request.InputStream;
// TO DO Write it to file asyncronously ...
str.Write(someFile, 0, strLen);

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Web Forms :: Response.Write Output To A Content Placeholder?

Mar 18, 2010

the response.write() output does not show in content placeholder but on top of the page.


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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Write The Response Stream Content To A File On Disk

Jan 20, 2011

I have an httpmodule and it has a handler for OnEndRequest. I am trying to write the HttpContext.Response.OutputStream to a file. I am trying to use the Read method of it. But when it is called the exception message i get is "Specified method is not supported". So i am not able to do what i want that is, write the response to a file on the disk. I am able to write the HttpContext.Request.InputStream to a file using its Read method which i do in a handler for OnBeginRequest.

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Web Forms :: How To Write The Content Directly To The Place Holder On The Master Page

Feb 15, 2010

I have a master page called SiteMaster.master

The master page has a content place holder (ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent")

I have a default page (default.aspx) with a VB code behind which pulls some data.

What I'd like to be able to do is write my data to that place holder for example:


This is a simplified example of what I'll be doing but the part I can't figure out is how to write the content directly to the place holder on the master page from the code behind of the default the page.

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Write HTML Markup From Code Behind?

Apr 4, 2011

What is the Best way to write my own HTML from code behind?

i currently use this :

<asp:Literal ID="ltr" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

and from code behind :

ltr.Text = "<p class="specific-class"></p>";

is it a right to do something like this?

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Web Forms :: Write To HTML File?

Apr 24, 2010

assume that i have Literal Control like this:

Literal1.Text="Hello Word!";

then how i can creat HTML File and Write Literal1.Text To HTML File?

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Write To A Popup HTML Page?

Feb 24, 2010

I want to take data out of SQL table, then ( I know how to do this)

Write this to a html file (I dont know how to do this, but I can write to file on c:)

then have the html file pop up with data (by rows) in it.

All this from an asp.net link button..

However its vb.6 not asp.net

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Asp.net - How To Write A Simple Html.DropDownListFor()?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm new in ASP.NET MVC 2 and I'd like to write a very simple dropdown list which gives static options. For example I'd like to provide choices between "Red", "Blue", and "Green".

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Write Message To Text Box HTML From Code Behind?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a textbox on my aspx page defined as:

<input name= tbdisplay type="text">

I can pick the data (I built a touch screen keyboard and I used javascript to write to the thextbox) from code behind using:

string textdisplaydata = this.Request.Form.Get("tbdisplay");

But I can't figure out the way to write back to the same display from code behind. In other words, I need to send a message back to the textbox from code behind. Because I did not defined the tbdisplay to runat="server", I can't see the control tbdisplay. Also, I can't run the tbdisplay at server because the keyboard doesn't work.

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Razor Syntax Within Html Attributes - Better Way To Write

Jan 23, 2011

Check out the following: <a href="/test?x=@if (Model.IsTest) { @(1) } else { @(4) }"></a> Is there a better way to write this instead of the @(1) and @(4)?

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WCF / ASMX :: Write Html File Through Webservice?

Sep 12, 2010

I am writing an application in which I want to generate dynamic html file based on the parameters of jquery objects. I want to pass the parameters to a webservice which will produce the required html page. How I can achieve it.

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C# - Is It A Good Practice To Write HTML Using A StringBuilder In Codebehind

Mar 25, 2010

I'm interested to hear from other developers their opinion on an approach that I typically take. I have a web application, asp.net 2.0, c#.

What I usually do to write out drop downs, tables, input controls, etc. is in the code behind use StringBuilder and write out something like sb.Append("

I don't find myself using to many .net controls as I typically write out the html in the code behind. When I want to use jQuery or call JavaScript I just put that function call in my sb.Append tag like sb.Append("td...onblur='fnCallJS()'.

I've gotten pretty comfortable with this approach. For data access I use EntitySpaces.

I'm just kind of curious if this sort of approach is horribly wrong, ok depending on the context, good, time to learn 3.0, etc. I'm interested in learning and was just looking for some input.


After reading the comments here it sounds like I should take a look at MVC. I've not done that yet. The only hesitancy in doing so is that the existing project is just that, existing. There is a lot of code already done the way I explained and it is hard to imagine what would be involved in changing it, advantages of doing so, and just learning what that would take.

The other thing I'm taking away from the comments is that my code behind should really not include much of the sb.Append code, whereas now it is filled with it in numerous functions. To me it is not messy but that is because I know what each function does and can look at it and see, oh that writes out x, y, and z.

It's not uncommon for me to just have a div on the .aspx part and then build up the .innerHtml of that with the StringBuilder in the code behind.

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Web Forms :: Grab Output HTML And Write To SQL Server?

Oct 1, 2010

I've got a requirement to add a feature that will save off a dynamically created asp.net page so it can be recalled and reviewed at a later date. I was thinking of just adding a 'Save' button to the page and in the code-behind using VB to write the output HTML to a varchar(MAX) field in my database.Does anyone know how (in VB) to grab the entire page HTML so it can be inserted into a database?

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Write String With Html I Made Codebehind Within A Panal?

Nov 12, 2010

i have this string:

string foo = "<p>temp</p>";

how can i show it on my page without using Response.Write(foo)

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Custom HTTPModule - How To Tell When Writing Last Block Of HTML In Write Method

Jul 2, 2010

I have written an Http Module that hooks onto the Response.Filter property of the current request and does various replacements within the HTML before it is sent to the client.All the work is done in the Write method which is overriding Write in the base class Stream.

The Write method is called multiple times for a single response - the HTML seems to be written to the output stream in chunks. My problem is that I don't have an efficient & reliable way of telling if the current chunk is the last chunk (for why I want to know this see below). The only way I have come up with is to check if the chunk contains a closing html tag - but this is not very efficient or reliable.

The reason this is needed is that the module must add the "Refresh" HTTP header to the response, but only if the HTML fulfills certain conditions (and there are certain conditions that mean the header must not be added). So, only when the last chunk has been seen does the code know if the header can be added or not. So, I either need a test for the last chunk, or on each call to Write I add the header if the current block of HTML passes the test (if it has not already been added) or remove the header if the current block of HTML fails the test (if it has already been added).

So, is there a better way to test for the last chuck OR is there a way to test for a particular header being in the response and delete it (there doesn't seem to be a way to do this - only to append headers)?

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Web Forms :: Write Some Html Base On The Input Provided By The User?

Sep 15, 2010

i have to inplement a taglib(java) kind of functionality in asp.net application.I need to send parameters from the aspx file eg(<cc:displayhtmld="id1" runat="server" customparam="123"/>) and i need to write some Html base on the input provided by the user can somebody please help as to how i can do this.

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Unable To Display/write Specific Html If Model / Entity Is Null

Jun 28, 2010

Normally I work in ASP Classic, and am still a bit green on ASP.Net MVC.

I have my model with its fields or entities (might not be the right word hence why not able to find if previously answered, forgive me), and some of these will have null values such as hyperlinks, email address, specific types of phone numbers, etc.

What I want to do is not write certain blocks of HTML within the foreach loop if a field is empty.

In ASP Classic, I would have written an If statement along the lines of:

<% If RS.field <> NULL then %>HTML with <%=RS.field %><% End If %>
<% If RS.field2 <> NULL then %>HTML with <%=RS.field2 %><% End If %>

However, I don't know how to achieve the same result in ASP.Net MVC.In one of my current usages, a list of sellers returned for a specific set of search results, it runs through a foreach loop and returns the current HTML (in part):

Website: <a class="url" href="<%= seller.ContactWebsite %>" target="_blank" title="Visit the website for <%= seller.Name %>"><%= seller.ContactWebsite %></a><br />

So, if for example I have a field from the model, say seller.ContactWebsite, and this field was NULL, I would not want it to write this as part of the foreach loop.

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View And Show HTML Content?

Feb 15, 2011

Which Control i can use to view HTML Content which is i saved in db with its Text Format Like Color,Font Size , Font Name .... so which control i can use to view that Formatted HTML Content

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