Write To A Popup HTML Page?

Feb 24, 2010

I want to take data out of SQL table, then ( I know how to do this)

Write this to a html file (I dont know how to do this, but I can write to file on c:)

then have the html file pop up with data (by rows) in it.

All this from an asp.net link button..

However its vb.6 not asp.net

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C# - Is It A Good Practice To Write HTML Using A StringBuilder In Codebehind

Mar 25, 2010

I'm interested to hear from other developers their opinion on an approach that I typically take. I have a web application, asp.net 2.0, c#.

What I usually do to write out drop downs, tables, input controls, etc. is in the code behind use StringBuilder and write out something like sb.Append("

I don't find myself using to many .net controls as I typically write out the html in the code behind. When I want to use jQuery or call JavaScript I just put that function call in my sb.Append tag like sb.Append("td...onblur='fnCallJS()'.

I've gotten pretty comfortable with this approach. For data access I use EntitySpaces.

I'm just kind of curious if this sort of approach is horribly wrong, ok depending on the context, good, time to learn 3.0, etc. I'm interested in learning and was just looking for some input.


After reading the comments here it sounds like I should take a look at MVC. I've not done that yet. The only hesitancy in doing so is that the existing project is just that, existing. There is a lot of code already done the way I explained and it is hard to imagine what would be involved in changing it, advantages of doing so, and just learning what that would take.

The other thing I'm taking away from the comments is that my code behind should really not include much of the sb.Append code, whereas now it is filled with it in numerous functions. To me it is not messy but that is because I know what each function does and can look at it and see, oh that writes out x, y, and z.

It's not uncommon for me to just have a div on the .aspx part and then build up the .innerHtml of that with the StringBuilder in the code behind.

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Web Forms :: Grab Output HTML And Write To SQL Server?

Oct 1, 2010

I've got a requirement to add a feature that will save off a dynamically created asp.net page so it can be recalled and reviewed at a later date. I was thinking of just adding a 'Save' button to the page and in the code-behind using VB to write the output HTML to a varchar(MAX) field in my database.Does anyone know how (in VB) to grab the entire page HTML so it can be inserted into a database?

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Write String With Html I Made Codebehind Within A Panal?

Nov 12, 2010

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string foo = "<p>temp</p>";

how can i show it on my page without using Response.Write(foo)

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Custom HTTPModule - How To Tell When Writing Last Block Of HTML In Write Method

Jul 2, 2010

I have written an Http Module that hooks onto the Response.Filter property of the current request and does various replacements within the HTML before it is sent to the client.All the work is done in the Write method which is overriding Write in the base class Stream.

The Write method is called multiple times for a single response - the HTML seems to be written to the output stream in chunks. My problem is that I don't have an efficient & reliable way of telling if the current chunk is the last chunk (for why I want to know this see below). The only way I have come up with is to check if the chunk contains a closing html tag - but this is not very efficient or reliable.

The reason this is needed is that the module must add the "Refresh" HTTP header to the response, but only if the HTML fulfills certain conditions (and there are certain conditions that mean the header must not be added). So, only when the last chunk has been seen does the code know if the header can be added or not. So, I either need a test for the last chunk, or on each call to Write I add the header if the current block of HTML passes the test (if it has not already been added) or remove the header if the current block of HTML fails the test (if it has already been added).

So, is there a better way to test for the last chuck OR is there a way to test for a particular header being in the response and delete it (there doesn't seem to be a way to do this - only to append headers)?

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Web Forms :: Write Some Html Base On The Input Provided By The User?

Sep 15, 2010

i have to inplement a taglib(java) kind of functionality in asp.net application.I need to send parameters from the aspx file eg(<cc:displayhtmld="id1" runat="server" customparam="123"/>) and i need to write some Html base on the input provided by the user can somebody please help as to how i can do this.

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Unable To Display/write Specific Html If Model / Entity Is Null

Jun 28, 2010

Normally I work in ASP Classic, and am still a bit green on ASP.Net MVC.

I have my model with its fields or entities (might not be the right word hence why not able to find if previously answered, forgive me), and some of these will have null values such as hyperlinks, email address, specific types of phone numbers, etc.

What I want to do is not write certain blocks of HTML within the foreach loop if a field is empty.

In ASP Classic, I would have written an If statement along the lines of:

<% If RS.field <> NULL then %>HTML with <%=RS.field %><% End If %>
<% If RS.field2 <> NULL then %>HTML with <%=RS.field2 %><% End If %>

However, I don't know how to achieve the same result in ASP.Net MVC.In one of my current usages, a list of sellers returned for a specific set of search results, it runs through a foreach loop and returns the current HTML (in part):

Website: <a class="url" href="<%= seller.ContactWebsite %>" target="_blank" title="Visit the website for <%= seller.Name %>"><%= seller.ContactWebsite %></a><br />

So, if for example I have a field from the model, say seller.ContactWebsite, and this field was NULL, I would not want it to write this as part of the foreach loop.

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AJAX :: When Submit The Page Which Has Modal Popup Extender,popup Extender Becomes Visible?

Oct 29, 2010

When i try to submit the page which has modal popup extender,popup extender becomes visible! How can i avoid this?

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Web Forms :: Open A Popup Window Using A Html Button?

Apr 20, 2010

how I would code to open a new popup window using an html button? The new popup will have a textbox in it so does anyone know how to do that with the code below:


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Javascript - Modal HTML Window Popup That Is Run Within 3rd Party Site

Feb 17, 2011

I have a need to display our application widget within a third-party website (think things like GetSatisfaction, UserVoice and other feedback widgets that people use). What is the safest and most reliable way to do this? I can think of some criteria and issues already: The code needs to be framework and language independent. Even though my app is ASP.NET, the 'launcher' will be run in any HTML page that belongs to our customers. So I suppose that limits me to HTML and Javascript only. The function needs to be very easy to call. So that implies a <script scr='mywebsite.com/widget.aspx' ...> as the sole thing to give to my customer. There is to be no use of CSS. Or rather, I can style things, but without a CSS file, as that could pull in styles that conflict with what my customer is running. There must be no use of libraries such as JQuery. I mention this because I can imagine problems if we pull in a JQuery version that differs from our customer's, thus ruining their site with our code.

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AJAX :: Toolkit Html Editor Url Popup Length Increase?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using Ajax Toolkit's Html Editor in my application. When I select a text and convert it to a url by giving a link in the url popup,the url popup takes only a maximum of 255 characters. Whereas a URL can actually be upto 2048 characters. I would like to know if there is any way of changing the maxlength of the url popup.

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AJAX :: HTML Editor Custom Popup Button Text Is Not Visible?

Aug 8, 2010

I want to customize Ajax HTML Editor's insert link function so I derived a custom button from OkCancelPopupButton and related popup from OkCancelAttachedTemplatePopup, but the button texts don't appear. See picture below (Cím: URL, Megjelenő szöveg: Display text).

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JQuery :: To Write Out Html Output Using Jquery From A Table?

Jan 31, 2011

i'm trying to write out an html output using jquery from a table

see below


On the alert msg i can print out


But i don't want to append it to any <div> or any element.I just want it to output the html to the screen.

I'm doing tis because i have a jquery that displays the blockquotes and if i have a parent DIV or any other element it doesn't work.

How can i achieve this

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