Can Use Ascx As A Layout Template

Jan 7, 2010

This is my layout template (ascx without code behind)

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="ws.helpers.LayoutUC" %>
<div>blah blah blah</div>
<ws:Panel runat="server" ID="left"></ws:Panel>
<ws:Panel runat="server" ID="main"></ws:Panel>
<ws:Panel runat="server" ID="right"></ws:Panel>

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<fs3:LanguageBar CssClass="setIn" ID="languageBar" PostBack="True" runat="server">
<fs3:LanguageList ID="languageList" runat="server" CssClass="setIn">

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Apr 14, 2010

I am having difficulties how to construct my question, but if I have to put it simply the situation is that I have categories of products. I have an aspx with a repeater on the left that lists the categories. And I want the products to be listed on the right. Category number is variable so I made an ascx with a DataList in it. When I try to do foreach category, ascx = new ascx(); then the DataList within this ascx control is null.

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Mar 16, 2010

I'm developing second language support for the site. So I made duplicate .ascx and .aspx files for existing ascx.cs and aspx.cs

Most of the time everything works fine.. but suddenly I'm getting:

Type 'ctrl_car' exists both in 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
zhdengined072cc729d5698bApp_Web_xdmblegv.dll', and in 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
zhdengined072cc729d5698bApp_Web_gkptrzo2.dll' (translated from russian)
ctrl_car ctrl = (ctrl_car) LoadControl("car.ascx");

I have few such strings of code... and same error occurs with one of them. But WITHOUT any changes from me with those files. To fix thaat bug for some time I need to delete solution and website folder and reget them from SS. Solution was converted from vs2005.

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Sep 16, 2010

i have made a BaseUserControl.ascx and a ChildUserControl.ascxfile. both have its own code behind file.So what i want, i wanted to inharit ChildUserControl.ascx fileto BaseUserControl.ascx. so whatever in my BaseUserControl.ascx fileshould be visible into the ChildUserControl.ascx,means if i have kept a TextBox in BaseUserControl.ascx should be visibleinto the ChildUserControl.ascx desing view. and it should be accessible into the ChildUserControl.ascx code behind file.

1) Is this possible, if yes then how?

2) if above is possible then How to access BaseUserControl.ascx code behind file into the ChildUserControl.ascx code behind file?

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Mar 3, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Item Template In The Template Field?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a gridview which the columns are created programmatically.

When a button is click i will clear all columns and add the columns that I want. Im adding a boundfield which is not a problem. When I add a template field, I must add also the item template which is my problem.

How can I add a item template in the template field I created which is binded in my datasource. Also what event handler should I use to do this.

Here's the part of my code:


Someone know how can I bind a label item template from the datasource. The label item template should be firstname + middlename + lastname.

If im not doing it programatically, it will be just concatenating eval(). But how can create item template and bind it programmatically?

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Dec 4, 2010

Setting up the editItem template of a gridview. I have a template field with a dropdown list for editing. When the gridview goes into edit mode the dropdown list is displayed with all the right options but the current value of the field (pre-editing) is not the selected value of the dropdown list? How do I make that happen? I have a couple fields where the editItem template will use a dropdown list and I'm sure a user will not realize those values have changed and they will just edit what they intended to edit and save the changes, inadvertently also making changes to other fields.

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How To Add A Grouping Template To Repeater That Displays After Any Header Template

Apr 6, 2010

I have sub classed a asp repeater similar to A Grouping Repeater All works fine apart from if I also have a <HeaderTemplate> </HeaderTemplate> The grouping template is rendered before the header template. I would really like to either be able to choose the order in which the templates are rendered or just have the <GroupTemplate> Rendered after the header.

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Template And Edit Template Field In Gridview - Use?

Apr 5, 2010

I am already using it but i am not clear about it.

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Web Forms :: How To Add A Template In 'My Template' List For Web Projects

Jan 23, 2010

I've a template in .zip format and wanted to add this template in "My Template" list for web based application.

I tried to copy this template to - C:Documents and SettingsusernameMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008TemplatesItemTemplatesVisual Web Developer but it does not work but i can see my template for non-web based project.

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