I know the unobtrusive client validation is required using Html.XXXFor to generate the input html. But in my project, I want to use Html.TextBox(), and also want to use unobtrusive client validation. I think you'd better expose a extension method like Html.TextBox(..., ModelMetadata,... ) allow me pass the ModelMetadata manually.
When I put a part of my form in a partial view, all form parts get unobstructive syntax except the form elements in the partial view. The only way I found how to "apply" the unobstructive syntax, is by starting another form inside the partial view.
<input class="text-box single-line" data-val="true" data-val-required="This field is required." id="Name" name="Name" type="text" value=""> <input id="SomeContent" name="SomeContent" type="text" value="0">
So only the input element from the View has the unobstructive syntax and the partial view hasn't... Is there a way to apply unobstructive syntax inside a partial view, wich doesn't require you to begin a new form?
I am migrating my application to MVC3 and getting this error message Validation parameter names in unobtrusive client validation rules must start with a lowercase letter and consist of only lowercase letters or digits.How can I ovoid it without going and modifying all my ViewModels
Why is it that client validation is getting triggered saying that my Default Theme field is required even if I didn't specify a [Required] attribute in my model?
public class Site { public int SiteId { get; set; } Required(ErrorMessage = "*")] [LocalizedDisplayName("Title")] public string Title { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "*")] [LocalizedDisplayName("RootDirectory")] [code]...
I'm using the latest RC with asp.net mvc 3, and have turned on unobtrusive javascript validation and added the necessary scripts to the page. All of the validation works perfectly, but when I try to submit the page, it simply doesn't post. If I turn unobtrusive javascript off in the web.config without making any other changes, everything works perfectly fine.
Is it possible to validate a form that has been loaded dynamically by Ajax? I have two forms that I load on a page with another form and niether of the Ajax forms can be validated.
I am new to ASP.Net MVC 3, facing some issues while trying to implementing client side unobtrusive validation for a editor template I have created for showing date in a custom way.EditorTemplate for displaying the date in three parts
I new to ASP.NET and MVC so I went through the Build your First ASP.NET MVC 3 Application successfully. I want the database to auto insert the current dateTime.
I don't this is possible if I'm using the enity framework.
So, I've been trying to figure out how add a hidden field with the current date and time within the @using (Html.BeginForm()) but I haven't had any luck. Is this even possible?
what is the difference between item template and the layout template. in layout template only we have information about the designing? or any thing else. i am unable to understand the item template. In addition to this one i have query in project like this
SELECT TOP (1) ProductName, UnitPrice FROM Products ORDER BY NEWID()
here NEWID() means what? is it predefined function related to sqlserver? there is no any newid() function in my project which was downloaded. if it is predefined function then what it can do?
I have n pages with formviews, all sharing a similar layout inside their item/edit/insert templates.For example all item and edit templates have a header and body part inside where i put the fields. The header has a certain style and the body part too.My question is how can i enforce this style in all my formviews without repeating the same bulk css styles all the time.Now i'm using masterpages for this with multiple formviews on 1 page. That's not good i think. I want one 1 page for edit/insert/item and 1 formview.I would prefer somehow to define the style for edit template once and load it into every formview. Ofcourse not all the formviews have the same fields, so like masterpages i would like to have 'areas' where i can put my fields.The perfect way i suppose would be to have a formview span a complete masterpage based page including the contentplaceholders inside it's edit/insert/item templates.
I have a HTML.BeginForm() to change user's data (email, password etc) but I want to separate the contents at the same page, I mean that there will be:
MainContent with submit button and also - a HTML.BeginForm() with fields to change password + submit button - a HTML.BeginForm() with fields to change email + submit button
the thing is, I want to allow user to change his password without sending all form data to the controller, only data from the password fields.That View inherits from my buisness object with properties (Login, Password, Email etc)
I want to make validation of my password and confirmation password using Javascript.How can I set the onsubmit attribute on Html.BeginForm() to run then javascript, when submition occurs?using (Html.BeginForm("Create","Main",new{ onsubmit = "return (checkForm(this) && false);" })) { }
I'm trying to change the layout of the home item, but the whole layout section seems like it doesn't do anything. How do I change the layout of something?
What is difference between using one or the another in MVC View page? How many Html.BeginForm/Html.EndForm can I place on aspx page? Is it preferable to use Html.BeginForm in a using pattern?
I seem to be missing something obvious here, but cannot see what it is. My problem is that the closing form tag for BeginForm is not being added to my markup. I am looping through a collection and creating a form for each item, but the forms arent closing properly.
<% foreach (var item in Model) { %> <% using (Html.BeginForm("EditUser","Users")) { %> [code]...
I am trying to make an AJAX Form work correctly with Client Validation, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it work together.Currently I have a view like this:
My model:
The client validation works on the Required and Stringlength attributes, but if I put an incorrectly formatted email, it still returns successful. Is there a special way to do the regular expression attribute? Or am I doing it wrong?