Can Launch Cassini Web Server From A Command Line Or Batch File

Dec 28, 2010

Is there anyways to launch Cassini web server from a command line? The exe appears to be in this path, C:Program Files (x86)Common Filesmicrosoft sharedDevServer10.0

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IIS Is Unable To Run "net Use" Command In A Batch File?

Aug 27, 2010

have a CMS application that used to be able to run all the commands in a batch file; however, it has been failing in the last week. For testing, we have modified the contents in the batch file like this:

echo starting > c:log.txt
whoami >> c:log.txt
net use Z: \ password /user:userWithAdminRightsInTarget
copy c:aTestFile.txt Z:Success.txt
net use Z:/DELETE

Let's say ComputerSource is the computer where IIS is hosting the CMS website and where the batch file resides, and ComputerTarget is the computer where I want to copy the files to.If I run the batch file manually by double clicking it, all commands are run successfully; the result of whoami in c:log.txt displays the user account that is logged into the server, and the file is copied successfully.However, if I run the batch file from the CMS website, it executes the first line "echo starting > c:log.txt" but fails afterwards. Both commputers are part of a domainWe have tested the application by using different domain names, even domain admin accounts.We have used impersonation in the website (specified in web.config file of cms website) as well as using domain admin accounts in IIS directory security. The result of the whoami command when the batch file is run from the website is nt/network service. We have practically tried almost anything.

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Web Forms :: Batch By Batch Reading Of A Text File?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a text file (test.txt) which contains n number of data like:


I need to fetch first 75 data or lines and insert in the sql table. Again next 75 data or lines and insert in the sql table. Again next 75 data or lines and insert in the sql table until it finish all.How i can do it in ASP.NET with C#

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Web Forms :: Executing A .bat File In Using The Command Line In C#

Aug 23, 2010

I'm trying to execute a .bat file in my web page when a user clicks a button. The normal command I would run in the command window is as follows. abc.bat 1 Where 1 is project number which is dynamically assigned according to the scenario in the program. Also the .bat file is inside the folder D:Test1. My code looks like this.....

void CreateProjectData( string strProjectId)
System.Diagnostics.Process newProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
newProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
newProcess.StartInfo.FileName = @"D:Test1abc.bat" ;
newProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "abc.bat " +strProjectId;
newProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
newProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;

When I run the .bat file the data should be generated for project and stored in a database. When I run this in command line it works fine. But when I run the above code in the web page it executes without any errors but does not store any values in the database. Have I defined the project name, arguments correctly in the above scenario?

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AJAX :: Command Line Tool Run From The Command Line?

Mar 24, 2011

ave never used ajax.... I'm currently putting together a little web app that basically calls a program on the server itself (a command line tool) and displays the output to the web page.When the command line tool is run from the command line, it outputs status messages as it does it's thing... as it is now, my page just displays all the output when it's done. What I would like to do is show each line of output on the web page as they happen, just like when run from the command line. I'm guessing ajax is what I need... can anyone point me in the right direction for this specific scenario (user clicks button, output streams to web page as it happens without full page post backs)... a good example would be how ping.exe displays it's output on the command line

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Web Forms :: WinZip With Command Line - System Cannot Find The File Specified

Aug 20, 2010

I am trying to zip files using command line Below is the code I am using.

Dim filePath As
String =
"C:Program FilesWinZipWINZP32.exe"
Dim outputfile
String =
Dim csvfile
String =
"D: est1"
Dim startInfo
As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
startInfo = New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(filePath,
"winzip32 -min -a " & outputfile &
" " & csvfile)
startInfo.UseShellExecute = False
startInfo.WindowStyle = Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = False

I am getting the Win32 Exception. (System cannot find the file specified.)

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How To Enable A Batch File To Create Output File On The Server Side

Mar 24, 2010

How to enable a batch file to create output file on the Server side?

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Run A Batch File At Server Side?

Sep 4, 2010

I am creating an intranet application which runs a batch file and create an xml file as result. Which i am using for further processing. My problem is when i am running my application from local machine batch file is running fine and creating xml,but when i am running it through iis nohting is happening,

it meance process.start coudn't start command Prompt.

I am using following code. I have given all permission to iis.

Dim ProcessInfo As Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
ProcessInfo = New Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/C " + Server.MapPath("~myScript.bat"))
Dim Process As New Diagnostics.Process
ProcessInfo.CreateNoWindow = False
ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = False


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C# - How To Invoke A Windows Scheduled Task Or A Batch File On A Server Different To The IIS Server

Sep 7, 2010

I have a web site, I would like a page on that site to be able to invoke a Windows Scheduled task or a batch file on a server different to the IIS server?

Is it possible?

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Security :: Run Batch File On Another Server Different Domain?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a batch file on another server on a different domain or network that I need to run from an ASP page. I found a simple enough script that opens a CMD prompt, goes to the location of the batch and runs it. If everything is on the same machine, it runs fine.

The issue I've run into now is that the batch file is on a file server and the ASP page is on a IIS server. The File server is on a internal network (separate domain) and the IIS server is on an external network (or different domain), both servers are hosted here.

When I try it and look at the event logs I can see a failure audit and its trying to login with the machine name.

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Web Forms :: Saving PDF Files By Suppressing Save Dialog Box When Running Print Command Through Command Line

Sep 2, 2010


Using above code, I got succeeded in printing PDF file through command line. But it runs the Acrobat Reader and opens Save dialog box.

In my case, I want to suppress Save dialog box and save the file on other location using c# coding. I mean I want to save a PDF file behind the scene.

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SQL Server :: Open A Batch File In Sql Store Procedure?

Sep 29, 2010

I have to open a batch file automatically in sql. So i have used the below command.EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'D:Databasesatch123.bat'Its worked for few times. After that its not working.One time i have stopped before the process is complete.May be this is the issue.Now its returns null value.

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Note: I am using ASP.NET to develop the website.

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Using Authentication / Authorization With Cassini Development Server?

Mar 7, 2011

I've just run into one of the problems of using the integrated dev server (Cassini) in VS and would like to see if there are any solutions.We're using authentication to secure the site. However, Cassini runs in integrated pipeline mode, meaning that requests for all files go through the isapi. The result of this is that it's securing files that would otherwise not be secured in a production environment (.htm .js .css etc..).

Now I understand that we can run the project on a local IIS instance, but we would like to avoid this if possible. But, because of the problem above, this is looking like the only solution.Does anybody have any ideas about how to get Cassini working with authentication that can be easily moved to a production environment when ready. (I'd also like to avoid having a different development web.config that specifically allows access to these files).

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Visual Studio :: Where Are Cassini Server Logs

Mar 20, 2010

I am trying to run a WCF Data Service using the ASP.Net Dev server (aka Cassini). When I hit F5 I get the following message in my browser:

Request Error
The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details. However, I don't know where Cassini puts its server logs. Does anyone out there know?

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Changing Web.config From Command Line

Dec 8, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application running under IIS. I'd like to be able to change one of the web.config values in Application Settings. I know it's possible to change it programmatically as described in this answer but I'm wondering if the same thing can be accomplished from the command line.

The IIS 7 Manager allows application settings and connection strings (among other options) to be changed. My hope is there is a way to do the same via the command line for IIS 6 and/or 7.

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1.1 - Use The Command Line Compiler Behind Pages Into The DLL

Sep 12, 2010

I need to use Notepad to make changes to an old .Net 1.1 app. I then would like to use the command line compiler. the syntax (and where I need to navigate to in my cmd) to compile the changes I make in the code behind pages into the DLL?

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Deploying A Web Application From The Command Line?

Jun 17, 2010

Im looking to deploy a web application on a build server.

It is a very small web app and so far i have written a nice little console app that checks out from SVN and then calls msbuild on the .sln file.

This of course is not the same as publishing a web app and so far have not found a programatic way of publishing.

After msbuild has run can i simply delete all .cs and .vb files and then deploy?


Should i really try and find a way to publish programatically?

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C# - Running A Command Line In A Web Form?

Feb 10, 2011

i would like to do an automated test system which will allow me to run a batch file automatically. right now the procedure is:


i would like to have a button so that once the user clicks it, the above processes are ran automatically.i have something done, which allows me to open up cmd.exe as shown below:protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs.

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Run A Batch File With IIS?

Sep 29, 2010

Apologies if my question is too broad but I eed pointers on how to tackle the following problem. Currently, I run a batch file that launches a series of automation tests on QTP (a test automation tool). The batch file contains a vbs script path and it takes three parameters. Each time smeone needs to run the automation, I have to do this manually.What I'd like to be able to do is to allow other members of the team to access this functionality via an intranet web page. They would be able to login, choose the tests to run and then run them. My only other requirement is that the solution be based on .net and C# if possible. My current server is 2003 SP2.What is the best way to achiveve what I want? What is the recommended version of IIS and .NET framework to use? How do I configure IIS to be able to run the vbs script? I'm looking for a step-by-step approach if possible. I don't care if I have to convert the batch file into an executable or run the script directly, just as long as it is launched.

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SQL Server :: New Off Line Application Working With Sdf File?

Aug 20, 2010

I am working on a project currently where I need to get data out of a 3rd party vendor's software that uses a .sdf file I looked this up and its a SQL CE file. I was hoping to just link to with with access but thats apparently not going to happen. I need to link to the database extract data from it to a csv file for later use. I also and most important I need to get the data from it and create a report that can be printed while on a customers site that my or may not have web access so I need for this program to be on and off line. I had my webapplication that I have been working on open and was able to bring up the sdf file under the server exploere however I can't seem to get anything out of it when I try to do grid views or detail views errors out.

Can I use one of Visual Studio projects to create this sort of applicaiton if so what would be the best approach. I would love to get an access odbc driver since office is allready installed on the employee's laptop's

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Configuration :: Web App Compile/publish From Command Line?

Nov 3, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to publish a web app from a command line if there isn't a solution file present. Is this possible? Is it possible to generate a solution file from the command line? I would need example of how this is accomplished.

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Standard Way To Retrieve Command Line Arguments

Nov 4, 2010

What is the most equivalent method to get the command line arguments in web,, simmiliar to an executable file application?

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Post A Http Request From Command Line?

Nov 25, 2010

I need to post a request to aspx page within dos command line.. How can I do that ?

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C# - Stream Command Line Output To A Webform?

Jul 9, 2010

Is there a recommended or good way to stream the output messages asynchonously to a web form so there's some indication of progress? A bit like TeamCity does for build scripts. Should I be polling a webservice? Using the OutputDataReceived event? Turning off buffering?

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