How To Launch Game Using A 'Launch' Button In The Website

May 29, 2010

It is an online game, I need to develop a 'Launch' button on the game site to launch the client side game. I have seen this in several online games like this one. How can this be done?

Note: I am using ASP.NET to develop the website.

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<form action="#">
<p><textarea id="textArea" rows="5" cols="30">

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so I'm in a strange development situation and am a noob at the bits I'm tasked with - just to make life fun and interesting.

My fellow developer has written programs in VB.Net and placed them on the server. He wants a web front end that users can click a link and have that run the program on the server.

Sounds simple, but I've spent days searching the internet and found only two solutions one of which looks sketchy on security and the other is so complex I'm not sure how to make it fit my local variables.

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So, in terms for the simple minded to understand, is there a way to do this? Are there links which I used the wrong keywords and completely missed?

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C# - Launch A New IE Window On Each Submit?

Jan 26, 2011

I have an "search" screen which displays the results in a new browser window ewhen the user presses the submit button.

My problem is as follows:

User searches for "smith", presses submit, gets a new results window with "smith" results in.
User searches for "brown", presses submit, and the previous results window is reused.

Here's the code I call OnSubmit:

string strScript = "'searchresults.aspx', 'Key', 'height=500,width=800,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,titlebar=yes');";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), uniqueKey, strScript, true);

How can I get a new window each time?

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VS 2010 Is It Possible To Launch A VB Sub From Java Script

Nov 9, 2010

Is it possible to launch a VB sub from Java Script? I have tried a couple of options inclusive of:



The above generates an error: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method". On the VB side I have a protected sub named ViewDetail which validates the selected record and the displays all detail related to the record in a new page/window.



The above generates no error, but doesn't redirect to the new page/window either. The Page_Load event performs the record validation and subsequently loads the record's detail.

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Launch CMD File From ASPX Page?

Aug 20, 2010

My organization uses a CMD file to install updated files for a major enterprise application. Currently, we send out an email to users with a link to the file and instructions to run it, BUT inevitably users don't update their machines until their in field and try to start the app.

We're now liking the idea of using an ASPX page to prompt the users to run the updates and to capture the fact that the updates have been run. I realize that we can't capture the success or failure of the update. But we'd like to capture the user accessed the page.

Is it possible to embed into the markup for the page a link to the file on the local intranet that the users can click on to run the file?

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C# - How To Launch A Windows Application From A Webpage

Mar 8, 2011

We have a company intranet and the powers that be think it would be nice to have a collection of icons/links representing the applications that most reps use (Outlook, Excel, few other apps).

The idea would be that if the application is installed, clicking the link/icon would launch the application on the client machine.

Anyone ever had a requirement like that and been successful implementing it?

Wanted to reach out to everyone before I go back and say no.

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AJAX :: Launch Animation From Codebehind?

Jun 4, 2010

I want to use an animation that will show, once the password&username are invalid.

I currently have the animation extender added, but it fires whenever the button is clicked, whereas I want it to fire only if the password is wrong.

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How can I do this ?

Or do you have another solution that would work in my case ?

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Mar 4, 2011

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I know about framemerging etc. but how can I launch a new browser session from the hyperlink in the email without closing or stepping on the http session for patient #1 and without having to resort to cookieless sessions?

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Forms Data Controls :: Launch Url From Gridview?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm new to asp and I have a problem hereI have a database with 2 fields: url and url_description. In the database I have something like this: url: "" and url_description:"This is the first site". I have a gridview displaying the 2 fields, what I need is to be able to click on the url_description and the page to navigate to the coresponding url (or to open a new page).I've been strugling with the gridview properties and I can't figure out what to do.

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Jan 8, 2010

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Mar 5, 2010

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Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "");
Response.Write( this.ViewState["stuffs"] );

But if I do that the current page will be erased and return blank to the user.

Other examples says to create "download.aspx" and request it by javascript, but on a this new page I won't have access to the ViewState data of the first page.

The point is, how can I create a file, launch the download and don't lose the current page status?

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I then do a response.redirect to another page.

What I want to happen is this

When the CreatedUser Event is fired, I want a Modal Popup to show up with a message Processing your registration.

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I currently have a page that displays a dropdown list populated from a database.

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I would like the gridview to be displayed on a new page and was wondering what the best way to achieve this would be.

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Launch An External Application From The Browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) In Windows?

Jun 19, 2010

Is it possible to embed an external application inside the browser (IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox) so it will look like a native web application but actually having access to the USB ports of the client machine? I have heard that I need to make an ActiveX control. I would like to use the .Net framework, but if that is not possible, maybe using Java or C++ will be fine.

I have to make an application that will allow to the users to connect an external device to an USB port, this device will take a backup of the information contained in a SIM card and send it to the user's account online agenda. So the user can restore it later using the same application. This should be a web application or at least look like one.

If the first is not possible. Is there any way to launch an external application from all the browsers, and then pass information to the browser window to allow it to refresh after the backup has been made?

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