Check For The Existence Of Images On A Remote Server?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a website which loads images from a CDN. I have a requirement to check for the existence of 100s of images on the CDN.

I am using this code to achieve this:

Protected Function RemoteImageExists(ByVal Path As String) As Boolean
Dim httpRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(Path), HttpWebRequest)
httpRequest.Method = "HEAD"
Dim httpResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(httpRequest.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse)
Catch ex As Exception
Return False 'Undesirable flow, but seems unavoidable :(
End Try
Return True
End Function

This is still very slow, and many requests timeout. Is there a faster way to do this?

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FROM ListAutoImage
WHERE AutoImage=@AutoImage)


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= "<img Height="82px" alt="Header Image" src="" + myImagePath + "mission.jpg" Width="643px" />";

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ADO.NET :: Checking Existence Of A Record In Sql Database Using IF EXIST And Reporting Outcome On Asp Page

Sep 22, 2010

I have a page that inserts a record to an sql database and I would like to do the following:

(i) Check if a record already exist before trying do an insert

(ii) If a record exist, the page should be able to inform/display a message in a textbox informing the user that the record already exist.

I have seen a number of post on the internet that suggest that one possible solution is to write a sproc and use the T-sql IF EXIST function. However, I have NOT seen a complete code showing (a) how this can be done (b) how to call the sproc from an asp page (c) and MORE IMPORTANTLY how to display a message informing a user that a record already exist i.e. when the record already exist in the database.

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Would Enumerating Folder Contents And Checking Existence Of Several Files On Each Web Request Be A Serious Performance Penalty

Feb 14, 2011

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I could cache the result, but then I have to manage the cache and the user will need to know that changes can take up to X minutes to display. Would this be a premature optimization? There won't be much data in those folders, so Windows will probably be able to easily cache their contents itself.

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Write A Application Which Connects To Remote Server(windows 2003 Server

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I have to write this application using C#.Net , Could anybody point me in right direction, Where do I start?

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Read All File Names On Ftp Server / Unable To Connect To The Remote Server

May 27, 2010

I tried this code by inputting the ftp address as ftp//: and the correct username and password and I get the following error

"Unable to connect to the remote server" on line :

FtpWebResponse Response = (FtpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse();I tired this on my ftp server provided by a hosting service and an anonymous ftp located at ?

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May 20, 2010

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A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) I am using Microsoft Firewall Client For ISA Server for opening ports. But today nothing is working.

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Visual Studio :: Accessing An SQL Server DB On A Remote Server?

Jan 6, 2011

I have problem accessing an SQL server DB on a remote server.Actually, I had no problem with creating a connection string to it using the Visual Web Deveoper 2005 Express Edition GUI, however, I have problem connecting to it through the code.This is the connection string created by the GUI, and connection test on the connection wizzard GUI just works fine.


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SQL Server :: Unable To Connect To Remote Server

Aug 9, 2010

I have a problem, my database reside on a separate server and my online website need to access that server to get some data. The server is in my office and connected with Internet.

I have configure the SQL server 2005 on the server to allow remote connections. Enabled TCP/IP and named pipeline. The port is 1433.

I give following connectionstrings.

1. <add name="DatabaseConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=nt1111;Initial Catalog=testdatabase;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Password=***" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

2. <add name="DatabaseConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=nt1111;Initial Catalog=testdatabase; User ID=test;Password= "***"; User Instance=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

3. The same as 2 but with IP <add name="DatabaseConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=999.99.9.99;Initial Catalog=testdatabase; User ID=test;Password= "***"; User Instance=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

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SQL Server :: Restore Database On Remote Server?

Mar 22, 2011

I just switched to a new hosting company and I need to copy the existing database to the new server. I've created a .bak file of the database to restore it on the new server however the interface has facility for restoring database and can not restore remotely through sql server management studio. I could import data from the original database to the new one but that doesn't copy the primary keys? The hosting company said they will restore it for me but they're taking to long and I've got 5 other sites I need to do.

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SQL Server :: Getting Error In Coding When Use It In Remote Server?

Sep 20, 2010

I am getting Error in this code. I mention my ERROR in BOLD Letter in my Coding.. And i show u the Connectionstring Too.

BUt this code is working Perfectly in My local "Connectionstring"

Conn = New SqlConnection("Data;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxxxxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxxxxxxxx;pwd=xxxxxxxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=True")
If (Conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then
End If
ErrMsg = ""


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How To Access Remote Server( Ie., Want To Access Online Server Not Local Server) In Application

Sep 29, 2010

I want to Access remote server( ie., want to access online server not local server) in my Application.. I change Settings in SQL surface Area Configuration---> Remote Connection ( checked the Local and Remote Connection ) Then while running the application it showing the following error.(I make off the firewall also) An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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Web Forms :: Check Whether File Is Uploaded Or Not - Upload Only Images Instead Of "All Files"

Aug 19, 2010

i have simple code. in which i want to check whether file is uploaded or not. but HasFile return false. I think every thing is ok but not working. how i will upload only images instead of "All Files"


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How Does Web App Connect To Remote Sql Server

Jan 25, 2011

I have 2 servers. the database server (DB1) which has sqlserver installed and the application server (WEB1) which has my web application. They are both on the same network and both have the same administrator login.

My web application on the application server needs to access the database on the database server. sqlserver is set to mixed mode in security. i created a random sqlserver user login that can only access my database and set it as the db owner. I use the username and password for this in my connection string. when i run my web application i can read information but i cant write to the database. My app is using windows thentication. I have set my NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE account to db_owner for my database as well... grabbing at straws!

Question 1: When my application talks to sqlserver does it use the administrator login or the NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE account which i got from using windowsidentity.getcurrent()?

Question 2: If I use ASP.Net impersonation, what does this do exactly? Because if i run the ndowsIdentity.GetCurrent() i get the username that i specified. How does this tie in with my connection string?

Question 3: If I dont use impersonation what and how do i have to configure sqlserver to accept my insert/update requests? Do i need to work with the NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE? or can i just use my user login? What do i need to add or remove from my connection string? (see below).


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