Check If An Image Is A GIF Specifically Images With Changed Extensions?

Apr 30, 2010

I've taken over work for the custom forums that a previous developer created at my job, and came across a minor bug. We don't allow animated GIFs as avatars in the forums. However, if someone were to take an animated GIF, rename it to imagename.jpeg, and then upload it, the forums will show the image as being animated.

It's a very odd bug as I didn't even think it played the animation if the extension wasn't .gif.

So my question is: Is there a way to check (in .NET 2.0) if an image is an animated gif, even if the extension isn't?

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How To Add An HttpHandler For Image Extensions That Depending Whether A Variable In The Web.config

Mar 27, 2010

I am in the process of moving all of the images in my web application over to a CDN but I want to easily be able to switch the CDN on or off without having to hard code the path to the images. My first thought was to add an HttpHandler for image extensions that depending whether a variable in the web.config (something like ) will serve the image from the server or from the CDN. But after giving this a little though I think I've essentially ruled this out as it will cause ASP.NET to handle the request for every single image, thus adding overhead, and it might actually completely mitigate the benefits of using a CDN.

An alternative approach is, since all of my pages inherit from a base page class, I could create a function in the base class that determines what path to serve the files from based off the web.config variable. I would then do something like this in the markup:

<img src='<%= GetImagePath()/image.png' />

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I also suppose I could use OnChange and check if the change was caused by the mouse.

Maybe if we can come up with both solutions and i'll see which works better?

EDIT: More information:

AutoPostback = true; will not work. (don't want it to post back when the selection is changed by the keyboard)

onBlur = doPostBack; I tried this, but the result is not optimal. The user has to click off the ddl after making a selection with the mouse.

Another way to state what I want to do, i think, is do a postback when both the OnChange and OnClick events fire at the same time.

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And the code behind:


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<td align = "center"><asp:image ToolTip = "ASP Image Control" ID="Image13" runat="server" ImageUrl ="imageH.aspx?ImageID=48" Height="156px" Width="174px"></asp:image></td>

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Mar 26, 2016

Here the form code - 

<div class="textmid2">Adviser Photo :</div><div class="textright">Adviser Sign :</div></div>
<div class="Row"><div class="view_img1">
<asp:ImageMap ID="imgADphoto" runat="server" Width="140px" Height="150px">
</asp:ImageMap> </div>
<div class="view_sign1">
<asp:ImageMap ID="imgADsign" runat="server" Width="200px" Height="70px">
</asp:ImageMap> </div>
Code Behind for form code - 

//code behind//
protected void txtCID_OnTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection();
cnn.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString;

[Code] .....

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Protected Function RemoteImageExists(ByVal Path As String) As Boolean
Dim httpRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(Path), HttpWebRequest)
httpRequest.Method = "HEAD"
Dim httpResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(httpRequest.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse)
Catch ex As Exception
Return False 'Undesirable flow, but seems unavoidable :(
End Try
Return True
End Function

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In my model,[Code]....

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