Create Dynamic Views In Mvc 2.0?

Mar 17, 2010

How to create dynamic views in mvc 2.0?

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MVC :: Create Completely Dynamic Views?

Jul 30, 2010

I want to create a complete dynamic view engine in that absolutely all html content will be loaded from a database. This is so I have a templating engine that is totally customisable. I have something similar in classic asp and the way that works is with fillpoints so you have a master page html which will just be a string when extracted from the database and then content is dynamically added to the string to sections identified by a fill point. So for example I have my master page content loaded into a C# string and I want to load a main view and a partial view onto the page, how would you go about that in MVC? I guess I would have to keep the fill point idea as there is no other way to know where the content will go. I'm just after opinions from the community really on how to go about it.

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MVC :: Dynamic Partial Views By Dropdown Selected Value In 2?

Jan 10, 2010

how to show dynamic partial views by dropdown selected value in MVC?

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How To Set The Size Of Edit Controls In Dynamic Data Details Views

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How To Create Shared Views In MVC

Jan 20, 2011

In my Views folder I have a several folders such as Category, Origin, Price. They all have a Browse.aspx file and the code in this file displays a table of products. All controllers associated with these folders use the same ViewModel, but in each view I have a repetitive code. The code is:

Folder Category, file browse.aspx
Folder Origin, file browse.aspx

<% foreach ( var p in Model.Products) { %>
<li> <%: p.productname + " " + p.price + " " + p.origin.originname + " " + p.category.categoryname %> </li>
<% } %>

How can I create a shared view and use the shared view in all these views?

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Data Controls :: How To Create Dynamic Buttons On Click Of Dynamic Button

Jul 24, 2013

im creating dynamic buttons on page load and on the click event of button1 handlere iam creating more buttons this is going fine but on click event of button 2 work is not done so how to maintain a chain of creation of button on click events

protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//

ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), ((Button)sender).ID, "<script>alert('Button_Click');</script>");
Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + ((Button)sender).ID + " was clicked");

protected void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//this button click will call all the items related to department


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MVC :: Checkboxes With 2 Create / Edit Views

Oct 25, 2010

I'm currently writing a game review site in MVC 2. I'm having some problems both figuring out exactly what to use as my view models and how to display checkboxes in my form for a many-to-many relationship. My main models generated by EF4.

The biggest problem at the moment is trying to figure out how to create checkboxes for a game's platforms. There's a many-to-many relationship between games and platforms - each game can be available on a number of platforms (PS3, XBox 360, etc.), and each platform has a library of games. In my Edit view, I need to list all of the platforms and have the ones the current game is listed for checked. I have the following view model:


So, I need to list all of the view model's Platforms while putting a check mark in the GameData's platforms.

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C# - Create Pages With Different Permission's Views?

Feb 21, 2011

Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to write code for me, I just want to know what I'll need to implement. I'll detail what I need: Ex: Facebook page. If I'm at my profile's page I have one type of view, I can edit all my data, see even not set data and add more information. If I'm visiting a friend's page I can only see what he wants me to and interact with his pages as far as he allowed me.

Ex2: One user posted info on some blog. He and all the people with privileges can edit that info, the other can only read and post comments as their permissions allow. Was I clear enough? I wasn't able to find Google references because I don't know the name of this technique and the keywords I typed didn't take me anywhere.

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MVC :: Create Partial Views In View?

Feb 22, 2011

I want a view that contains 2 partialviews. 1 partial view should be a create or edit view (of items) and in the second partial view there should be a list with the items that are created (and which can be edited). When an item in the list is selected for editing the 1st partial view should show the edit view with the item to be edited.

After saving the data, the create view should be shown in the 1st partial view again. When the view comes up for the first time the 1st partialview should contain the create view. In normal I would do this with a formview (with insert and edit mode based on the itemselected in the gridview) and a gridview (and of course everything in an AJAX update panel).

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MVC :: How To Create Partial Views Using The Razor Engine

Jan 20, 2011

Using the Razor engine how do I create Partial Views. Do I create a normal View and calling the PartialView() in the controller will only output the body content and when calling View() in the controller will output the full page with layout. If not, do I need to create specific Partial Views and then use RenderPartial in the View.

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MVC :: Create Views That Perform Multiple Tasks?

Oct 3, 2010

This is my first forray into ASP.NET MVC, having been doing WebForms for nearly 6 years now. I've read through various tutorials and guides on getting started with MVC, but I've a few questions about how you're meant to do things:

UserControls for entities

In an application I wrote a few years ago (using WebForms) there were many entities that had an associated postal address (which existed as an instance of an Address class), so I created a UserControl that contained fields for working with addresses. During the page lifecycle I would pass the business object's .Address property to the UserControl for display and for population upon a successful and valid postback. How would I do something like this in MVC? My current project has a similar situation where common sets of fields are repeated throughout the application and all 'map' to the same class.

Modifying the page/view on 'postback'

Say I'm working on a data-entry form for an online B2B ordering system, where the user manually enters order items into a series of textboxes arranged in a table. The system can only provide so-many textboxes at a time (usually 5 or 10). If the user ran out of textboxes they would click an "Add more rows" button that performed a postback that was caught by that button's server-side .Click event handler. The page's class would then add more rows to the page; ASP.NET's stateful nature made this easy to implement. But in MVC there is no ViewState and I haven't found much information about how you'd do this, or anything like this. All of the tutorials and guides assume a form posting is only for data submission.

Multiple tasks per page/form

In a similar vein to the above, how do you create views that perform multiple tasks? In my above example I cited a webform that had two buttons: one to submit the form for actual processing, and another button that just modified the page (by adding more data-entry rows).Given that Controllers' actions are bound to URIs rather than what combination of fields were submitted, does this mean that I would have to interpret the posted data myself and branch based on that?

Componentised self-contained controls (e.g. sidebar forms)

Finally, in many web applications you have the main form in the middle, but also things on the periphary of the page (e.g. a sidebar) that might have their own logic. For example, in one WebForms application I wrote last year there was a 'Quick contact' form in a UserControl located elsewhere on the page. When the user clicked the form's button the UserControl's logic handled the postback details independently of the page containing the UserControl (but there was only one <form> element in the whole rendered page). The user was returned to the page they clicked the button on, with everything in identical state as to how it was before, exccept for the UserControl which reported that the email was sent. Again, MVC's stateless nature would make something like this hard to implement, unless there are some techniques not covered in the tutorials?

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C# - Create Pages With Different Permission's Views For Different Types Of Users?

Mar 3, 2011

I need to create different page views for different types of users. I already asked that here: How to create pages with different permissions' views And even though Aldeel's answer works, it does not seem the best solution for me. I'll explain why. I need to show different views but it's not only like that. Each user can have access to different parts of the page.

Imagine a page 'X' with this structure

Field A
Field B
Field C
Field D

When user U1 from group G1 visit page X the system checks the DB for that group's permission on page X. User U1 can see Field A and Field B, but only edit Field A. User U2 that is set to no group visits page X. The system checks for his permissions on page X. User U2 can see and edit all fields. When user U3 from group G2 visit page X the system checks the DB for that group's permission on page X. User U3 can see Field C and Field D, but can not edit any.

I coudn't find a way to do that instead of filling ViewData with lots of data about that specific user's permission. In my example there are only 4 fields, but in my current project I have no screen with less than 20 fields. So I guess you can see how ugly and not productive that is. The idea is similar to a social network, as I said (facebook example). When a user visiting UserX's page can only see what UserX has allowed him to.

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MVC :: Create Multiple Views For Essentially The Same Type Of List?

Jan 31, 2011

If I have a View for 'People' and a View for 'Company' and each has an associated list of 'Orders', should there be a separate view for each? Such as /People/Orders and Company/Orders, or should I simply have a single /Orders views and pass in some parameters?

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Primary Key In A Partial View Shared By Create And Edit Views

Jul 13, 2010

I have a partial view (user control) that is shared by my Create and Edit views. When I use it in the Edit view, I have to to include an hidden field (Html.HiddenFor) to prevent a 'Row changed or not found' error in my data service, but when I use it in the Create view, I have to remove the PK hidden field, to prevent an error over trying to insert into an identity column. It is not feasible to not use identity columns in this application, so how can I 'switch' that PK hidden field on or off depending on which action has been invoked?

Post Action Code:

public ActionResult Edit(JobCardViewData viewData)
Edit View Excerpt:
<% Html.RenderPartial("JobCardInput", Model); %>
Partial Excerpt:
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Poynting.Installation.Web.ViewData.JobCardViewData>" %>
<% using (Html.BeginForm())

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Create Dynamic Button With Dynamic Text?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a project where I need to create menu buttons from a list in SQL Server. The problem I am having is that I need to add code to the text of those buttons. So there would be a birthday button and it should display the number of birthdays within the next two weeks or a button with the number of upcoming events.


There is no code yet, just some requirements. What I am doing is querying a table to get the list of buttons to display. Now each of these buttons may have dynamic text, for things like count of birthdays, events,etc... I am trying to see what the best way would be to handle this. Should I embed a snippet of code to go along with the menu item to execute when I iterate over the menu items? Maybe I should build a javascript file to go along with the code, which I add code to query a service for certain menu items?

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Northwind (SSMA) - Create A Query In SSMS And Then Set Up Master - Detail Views

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying this example: [URL] I got it to work before, like 6-months ago. I'm coming back to this now and I can't seem to get the example working. Do I need to create a query in SSMS and then set up my Master/Detail views off of that? It seems like the GridView is NOT linked to the DropDownList and it seems like there is no way to link the two Objects.

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MVC :: Create View With Partial Views But Submit Button Doesn't Work

Jan 11, 2011

i created a "create" view for creating a new record of my used model. The View includes partial views with the editor-fields. But the "Create" submit button doesn't work. When i copy the editor-fields to the create view without using partial views the submit button works. Here is my code: Create.cshtml


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Added 5 Views In The MultiView But All Views Are Tight Together?

Sep 28, 2010

I am learning MultiView control.Here are question:I added 5 views in the MultiView but all views are tight together. I can not drag and drop another control such as text boxes or labels into view area.

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MVC :: Cannot Assign Timespan Display Format Attribute On Create/Edit And Display Views

Jul 6, 2010

inside my model metadata, i have a timespan field that would like to display in all Create, Edit and Display views like "hh:mm". For this, is set DisplayFormatAttribute as follows:


When i try to create a new model object, the time field gets displayed as "00:00:00" im my model (00 is the initial values) instead of "00:00". Is there something i am doing wrong? Note that the same approach works for date fileds, where i want to be displayed as "dd/MM/yyyy" (for this is assign "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" to the display format attribute).

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C# - .NET MVC Partial Views And Routing - Using Ajax Calls To Trigger A New Request But Non Of The Partial Views Are Refreshed

Mar 9, 2010

I have an MVC view that contains a number of partial views. These partial views are populated using partial requests so the controller for the view itself doesn't pass any data to them. Is it possible to reload the data in one of those partial views if an action was triggered in another? For example, one partial view has a jqGrid and I want to refresh the data in another partial view when a user selects a new row in this grid. Is there a code example for this scenario (in C#) that I can look at to see what am I doing wrong? I am using ajax calls to trigger a new request but non of the partial views are refreshed so I am not sure if the issue is with the routing, the controller,

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Crystal Reports :: How To Create Reports Using Views

Oct 28, 2010

I have got two sets of users. One set can view all information of branches from 1to 5 and the other group can view all the information of branches from 6 to 10. How do I create reports using views for these two sets of users?

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Second Dynamic Ddl

Jan 15, 2011

I know how to create a dynamic ddl. but I can't keep it! It want to have 1 ddl and after selection create another one and with selection ofthe second, third is created and so on. I can create second ddl and addhandler. but when I change the second ddl it disappears!

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Configuration :: To Create A Dynamic .net Web App

Mar 2, 2011

i am a beginner and i have done a tutorial to create a dynamic web app. I want to host it on my own laptop to the world wide web.

I have copied the content to my C:/inetpub.wwwroot and used IIS 7 to make an associated website. I can open the site in a browser by typing http:/localhost/mysite in the url field. Thing is I want to see it on the www. I have registered a domain name. I guess I have to map the domain name to the physical server on my machine. How do I do this? I am using a wifi router.

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How To Create Dynamic URL's For Different Users

Jul 30, 2010

How to create dynamic URL's for different users..

for example there are many users registered to my website..

each one has their own profile page which has the link of the form..

And i need to dynamically rewrite these URL's as etc..

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AJAX :: How To Create Dynamic Tab

Dec 23, 2010

I want to create dynamic ajax tab and wrote below code for this. but my problem is: tab is created just for one time even though I want to create dynamic tabs each time menuitems are clicked.

here is my code:


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