Create New Class For Each Procedure?

Jul 23, 2010

All I want to do is learn how to create a class procedure. And then. How to call it. As an example, A + B = C is the procedure. I would create a class. Right? Then do I name the procedure and put it in the class? Or create a new class for each procedure? Then I would want to, on a local level, substitue values for A & B to return C. So, if the public procedure exists, how to I call it? I know that this is really simple stuff, but I need examples to be simple.

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How To Create Stored Procedure In Sql Server And Call That Procedure From C# Code

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to create the following stored procedure in sql server Lat and Lng are the parameters being passed from c# code behind .But I am not able to create this stored procedureit indicates with error saying undefined column name Lat,Lng

CREATE FUNCTION spherical_distance(@a float, @b float, @c float)
RETURN ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( (@a/@b) ) * COS( (Lat/@b) ) * COS( ( Lng/@b ) - (@c/@b) ) + SIN( @a/@b ) * SIN( Lat/@b ) ) )
sqlda.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select *, spherical_distance( Lat, 57.2958, Lng) as distance
from business

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VS 2010 - Call Procedure From A Class

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Public Class clsProject

Public Sub AddData(ByVal cproject As string)
end Sub
end Class

I want to call this procedure from a sub in a form. So in the code behind file I wrote

Imports TextMgmt.clsProject
Public Class WebForm1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub btnAddData_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddData.Click
Call clsProject.AddData(txtInput.text)
End Sub
End Class

I get the following design time error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.I thought making things Public would make them visible.

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Function To Send An Entire Class To A Store Procedure?

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protected Boolean LoadDataDB(Class1 objClass1,Type t,String StoreProc)

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The error appears in the wrap.AddInParameter line, in the following code:


And it says something like "Can not apply indexing with [] to an expression of type object"

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SQL Server :: Write Code Of Stored Procedure / Create Stored Procedure And Write Select Statement In It

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where can I write this code ?!

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How To Create A Function To Get Data With Procedure

Apr 9, 2010

I have a Procedure to return some data from database an it need just Application name that be add from Web.config

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Unable to cast object of type 'System.Guid' to type 'System.Data.DataTable'.

my code is:


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Dec 24, 2010

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How can I create one?

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SQL Server :: How To Create A Different Insert Stored Procedure.

Dec 14, 2010


I want create a stored procedure for insert values for Name,Company_Name,Designation,Eamil_Id,Remark then Ref_Id should automically get the value if insert in remain feilds like Name,Company_Name,Designation,Eamil_Id,Remark with out changing table structure

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Stored Procedure

Jan 15, 2010

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SQL Server :code To Create A Stored Procedure?

Nov 21, 2010

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create database employee

create table emp(emp_id int,emp name string(15))

insert into emp values(1,"X")

insert into emp values(2,"Y")

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SQL Server :: Stored Procedure To Create Log In Page?

Aug 25, 2010

create procedure edifyp
@firstname varchar(50),
@lastname varchar(50),
@Username varchar(50),
@password varchar(50),
@cpassword varchar(50)
as insert into esignup
@firstname ,
@lastname ,
@Username ,
@password ,

this is my sign up page store procedure, and i have created sign up page, its already runs very well,

but i am a begineer, and i am learning my self. so i need to get the user name from this table as well password to log in with these datails,

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Mar 10, 2010

When I try to create a stored proc in SQL Server Express 2008 by right clicking on the Stored Procedures folder of my database and selecting New Stored Procedure, then attempt to save, it saves the procedure as a SQL query in the projects folder instead of saving it as a stored procedure in the Stored Procedures folder of my database.

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Chart For Statistic With SQL Store Procedure

Jun 4, 2012

I am very new to with C#. I am creating the report that need to have a statistic (chart). I don't kow how.

I have 3 dropdowns on first page and Start Date, Ending Date and the store procedure have all the the count for statistic.  When I select something from the dropdown and enter the date in the textbox for both Start Date and Ending Date then click OK button. It will take me to another page or the same with the chart have statistics.

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Insert Stored Procedure Doesn't Create Database Record

May 16, 2010

I have the following stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE Pro_members_Insert
@id int outPut,
@LoginName nvarchar(50),
@Password nvarchar(15),
@FirstName nvarchar(100),
@LastName nvarchar(100),
@signupDate smalldatetime,
@Company nvarchar(100),
@Phone nvarchar(50),
@Email nvarchar(150),
@Address nvarchar(255),
@PostalCode nvarchar(10),
@State_Province nvarchar(100),
@City nvarchar(50),
@countryCode nvarchar(4),
@active bit,
@activationCode nvarchar(50)
declare @usName as varchar(50)
set @usName=''
select @usName=isnull(LoginName,'') from members where LoginName=@LoginName
if @usName <> ''
set @ID=-3
RAISERROR('User Already exist.', 16, 1)
set @usName=''
select @usName=isnull(email,'') from members where Email=@Email
if @usName <> ''
set @ID=-4
RAISERROR('Email Already exist.', 16, 1)
declare @MemID as int
select @memID=isnull(max(ID),0)+1 from members
INSERT INTO members (................................

When I run this page, signup.aspx, provide required fields and click submit, the page simply reloads and the database table does not reflect the newly-inserted record. How do I catch the error messages that might be returned from the sproc? how to change signup.aspx so that the insert occurs.

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SQL Server :: Create A Stored Procedure That Returns Data From 2 Odbcs?

Nov 5, 2010

Using 2005 and sql server 2005.

Hope this makes sense: I need to create a stored procedure that I am going to use as a datasource for a crystal report in

The issue is that the data is stored in 2 different kinds of databases, one is sql server and the other is plb files.

I have an odbc connections created for each separately however I need to make one query that joins data fields from both the sql server db tables and the plb db, how do I do this in one query that I will use in a stored procedure?

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