Create Web Page - Saves As Pdf File On Clicking

Jul 19, 2010

I am wondering if it is possible (for as little money as possible) to create a web page that when a user clicks the submit button saves a file as a PDF. it is going to be used as a purchase order creator on a webpage. I have seen a few tutorials around but they seem to use software that requires purchasing a license.

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Page 90 (Code Snippet 1-53): This was the one that broke the data saving. Now that the form elements have prefixes, the TryUpdateModel(dinner) needs to pass a prefix, like TryUpdateModel(dinner, "Dinner"). This will append "Dinner_" to the element names so that they can be found on the form.

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P.S: i have tried so may things as you can see in the code but does not seem to work.

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<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/error/error.aspx">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/error/404.aspx" />

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protected void lbAddTag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 3;i++ )
CreateTextBox("txtTag-" + i.ToString());
private void CreateTextBox(string ID)
TextBox txt = new TextBox();
txt.ID = ID;
txt.Width = Unit.Pixel(300);
//txt.TextChanged += new EventHandler(OnTextChanged);
txt.AutoPostBack = false;

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Nov 30, 2010

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In my application a mail message send to particular recipeeient with msg body contains a hyper link.. when the recipent click on this link,it will redirect to another form(InternalForm.aspx)... bt when clicking the link error is occured,whuy its happening???? In InternalForm.aspx,page load portion access the link content(badgeno).. page load portion code of InternalForm.aspx is shown below:-


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Nov 29, 2010

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