Document View Architecture Same As MVC?

Mar 17, 2010

Is MFC's document view architecture the same as MVC pattern or not

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Architecture :: Document Storage And Retrieval

Dec 21, 2010

In our organization we had to write code to store and retrive documents in many apps. Now I would like to write a service/library that can be used my other devs. Not sure how to start about that? What should be my first step.

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MVC :: Render Partial View Itself In View Model Document?

Oct 27, 2010

I am totally a new bee in mvc. Let me now explain my issue. I have a strongly typed view which inherits from a view model Document. I want to have a partial view in that view itself. My code for this purpose is :

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<HexsolveMVC.Models.Document>" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
Document Title: <span>
<%=Model.DocTitle %></span><span><a href="#">[ Edit ]</a></span></h1>
<span>*</span>Created Date:</label>
<%= Model.DocCreatedDate%></span></li>

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Passing XML Document Among 3-tier Architecture Layer?

Oct 31, 2010

I am making use of 3-tier architecture.In UI layer, i am getting user input and converting it into XML document. But now question arises that how can i pass this xml document to business and data access layer?

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Architecture :: Filter A Document Scroll Event

Mar 1, 2010

I am just writing a new article for my blog and I am using a bit of javascript that looks something like this:


The purpose is as the code says to filter a document scroll event but only catch it the first time I reach a certain point. That doesn't really matter but I was just wondering if anyone knew a name for this? What would you call it?

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Architecture :: File/document In A Web Farm?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an application running on a web farm that allows users to upload files and download them later via link to that file. Currently, I use Windows DFS to replicate the local IIS directory where the files are stored across the web farm servers. However, as this solution does not scale out, I want to implement a more scalable solution by partitioning the documents. Specifically, say I set up multiple file storage servers (Fs1, Fs2, Fs3, etc.) on the network. Further, let's say I change my upload page to save the uploaded file to one of the file storage servers on the local LAN (based on some logic). I assume so far I am safe with ASP.NET doing this much assuming I have the correct permission for the ASP.NET process ID. The question I have is withregards to download links. When a user gets served a download link to their document (e.g. is there a way for me to "intercept" that HTTP request and underneath the coversserve the doc1.txt from the file storage server (e.g. Fs2) it resides

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How To View Document

Jul 10, 2010

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Changing Document Library Default View?

Jul 22, 2010

I basically have quite a large site collection with various site and sub sites that all contain their own document libraries. I need to change the default view of each document library to include the following fields:

Checked out to.

Check in comments.

This is ok as I have written an app that will loop through all existing lists and do this however is there a way I can change the template for a document library so that any future lists that are created will automatically contain these two fields in the their default view?

I am using WSS 3.0.

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Architecture :: Class Design - Application Allows Admins To Add Types Such As Document Types?

Oct 12, 2010

I have an application that allows admins to add types such as document types and training types that are in seperate tables with a foreign key in a transaction table.

When structuring my class I decided to go with an abstract-like pattern (without the factory methods though). So I have a Type abstract class that defines my Save, Delete, and GetList methods. I have a training type class that inherits this class. The thing is all types have 3 main properties - defined in the abstract base - but have different source tables and thus different store procedures in my DbCommand object. So basically I repeat setting up the same parameters on all the derived classes. I would like to implement the common stuff in the base but I am getting thrown off by the difference in data sources.

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Data Controls :: Open Word Document Stored In Database And View In Browser?

Apr 19, 2014

how we can open word,pdf,txt document which is saved in sqlserver database in binary format.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Control Inside A View Of Multiview Using Javascript (document.getElementById)

Nov 19, 2010

i am using the multiview control inside a page and i am trying to find a control using the javascript function document.getElementById. My Problem is that the function returns null cause it cannot find the control. When i open the code of the page from the browser the active view is not rendered so I think thats the reason why I am getting a null value from the function.

On the HTML code is rendered only the first view or the view that is activated on page load.

Is there any way to find a control inside the view using javascript? or I am doing something wrong?

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Social Networking :: Hide URL Of Document When Using Google Document Viewer With IFrame

Jan 24, 2014

<iframe src="" style="width:600px; height:600px;margin-left:20px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I am using above code to show our document online.

But when we inspect element it is showing url of file which we dont't want.

it is possible to hide this url or any other alternate to show our document to user without exposing our physical file path.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Pass Xml Document (huge Document) Through WCF RestFul Service

Aug 16, 2010

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May 9, 2012

I want when user uploadĀ  a doc file it convert into pdf. How can i do this. I read that itextsharp convert it.

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Web Forms :: Hiding The Document Name When Launching A PDF Document?

Sep 15, 2010

I am launching a pdf document using either:

1. Response.Redirect("filepath/document.pdf"), or

2. Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"

Both methods successfuly launch the PDF document displaying the document path and title in the title bar. For security reasons I'd like to HIDE the document title. Can someone advice how this can be done? (How can a PDF document be launched without showing the actual document's name)

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Convert Word Document To PDF Document?

Jun 10, 2010

I want to convert to Word Document in a PDF document. I do not want to use any third party control. I want to do it on my own. Can somebody tell me how to start with it?

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Architecture :: Articles/Links On Asp.Net Pipeline And Internal Request Processing Architecture?

Oct 4, 2010

I am looking details on the internal working of architecture. The topics need to include the following:

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Sep 22, 2010

i want to create a centralised business or Service authendication architecture in .net. for example, we have a clients like c1, c2, c3, c4, ... etc. everybody logins seperatly as well as grouply. ie, if client "C1" logins [with login authentication] he can access c2 , c3, c4 also without login authendication. So its like a google. if we enters gmail account, we can access orkut, picasa like that.. i need the cetralised architecture.

And, client "c1" seperately asks seperately how will be the authendication architecture.

so give me the single solution for both these two scenarios. how will be the architecture for these two and how is the Data Base (Login) Structure.

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Architecture :: Entity Model Design Framework And N - Tier Architecture

Dec 25, 2010

recently i've studied on ADO.NET's Entity Model Framework and say 'wow' as ORM is one of the fevourite pattern i practice..but suddenly i've come to an ambiguous situation when i'm going to start. i usually follow the following 3-tier architecture..

1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
b. Gateway (contains the sql query/stored procedure and connection with DB)

now when i'm going to use the Entity Model Design,where the DBML/ .edmx File should be placed? Because many a times i'm using the DBML file as DTO because of the mapped objects.. in the same time, sometimes DBML ( .edmx file in .NET 4.0) contains CRUD methods and stored procedured method as well as methods with different selection operations,- which should be in Gateway. so where the .edmx file should be placed !?!! IN DTO namespace !? or in Gateway namespace!

moreover sometimes there is no need for the BLL which breaks the rules of inter-layer-communication (UI > BLL > DAL.Gateway)! what makes me confuse is, what should be the ideal n-tier architecture when i'll use the ADO.NET Entity Model Design Framework

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Architecture :: Asynchronous Page Processing In 3 Tier Architecture?

Jul 30, 2010

I am working on 3 tier architecture: UI, BL, DAL. In my UI i have following code for Asynchronous page processing:


But I want a database fetch operation to be performed in this asyncronous method. And due to 3 tier arch. i am unable to do this in UI Layer. Can anyone guide me that how can I implement Asynchronous processing in 3 tier architecture? Note: If you are going to place EndAsyncWork1 in DAL then show that how can I return a value back to UI layer from this function.


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Architecture :: What Is The Difference In 3-tier Architecture And Gereral Way Of Programming

May 20, 2010

I want to know that What are the factors if we use methods on each .cs page for connection and executing query on each aspx code behind page rather then using BAL .

How our application get affected in terms of performance and speed or other way?

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then which logic is better and why ?

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Architecture :: Function Implementation In 3-tier Architecture?

Apr 28, 2010

I have implemented the 3-tier architecture project; DAL, BAL, and presentation layer are three layers in it. I am going to implement the following scenario:

Presentation layer calls to a function in the BAL layer which returns 2 string variable, and in turn this function from BAL layer calls to a DAL layer function which also returns 2 string variable. How can I implement the above scenario?

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Architecture :: Exception Layer In N-tier Architecture?

May 13, 2010

I'm developing a n-tier architecture... I'm confused with handling exception in the layers... Is it a good practise to add a Exception Layer to the architecture.

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Architecture :: Design Pattern And Tier Architecture

Jun 12, 2010

I am a newbie to and work in a firm where the projects are quite small.

I was told by my manager that in a few weeks or so we would be getting a bigger project and I need to be well versed with Design Patterns and N tier arcihtecture.

I would really appreciate if someone could provide me some links and also drop me a few sentences on how this things are useful?

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Architecture :: Architecture FOR SAAS ( Service As A Product)?

Dec 22, 2010

I am going to create the SAAS (Software as a service) Application. Can you please provide all the attributes that we have to consider in SAAS application (for example usability, pluggable architecture etc .. )

How architecture should be build for this project, provide sample architecture for SAAS application. This architecture should be easy to upload and upgrade or degrade the features. Error handling should be easy.

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