Eliminate Html Tags From Text Boxes?

Sep 2, 2010

In my application I am using a login screen. While a new user registers he has to fill the First name and Last name. There is a user search option. The details of the users will be shown in the user details page. Some users try to add html tags like </td></tr> with first name and last name. So after rendering from DB the page alignment is breaking. How to fix this problem?? How can I avoid html tags while entering the user details?

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Remove Style Tags,css,scripts And Html Tags From Html To Plain Text?

Mar 8, 2011

I want regex operation for removing style tags,css,scripts and html tags from html to plain text in asp.net c#...

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Allow Html In Text Boxes Mvc

Feb 10, 2010

im using asp.net mvc. how can I allow users to enter html into a textbox. im seting validaterequest to false and still getting this error:A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Summary="<a>"). i know its not recommended etc, but it's for internal use.

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Forms Data Controls :: Space In Text Boxes & Drop Down Lists / Text Boxes Gets A One Tab Spacing?

Jan 20, 2011

Using C# and SQL as the database.I have a page with a gridview and some text boxes and drop down list boxes. A user selects a record from the grid view I query the database and fill the text boxes and drop down list boxes.

Some fields get updated periodincally thus there is no data in those fields in the database until some time.

A strange thing happens.When filling data some text boxes gets a one tab spacing .

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Create Text Boxes Dynamically Want To Bind Autosuggest With The New Created Text Boxes?

Feb 3, 2011

i can use auto-suggest with the text box txtCode like this...

as_jsonReportingTo = new bsn.AutoSuggest('<%= txtCode.ClientID %>', optionsRe);

Now I will create text boxes dynamically, i want to bind autosuggest with the new created text boxes. What should I do?

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Web Forms :: Remove The Html Tags From The Text?

Jul 20, 2010

i have atitle and Image in the news.when i hover on the title,The Details Appears in Atooltip. But the problem is that Alot of Html Tag in my details in the tooltip,Because i wrote the details of the News By Rich Editor(Fck Editor) How to Remove these tag to be clean text?

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Web Forms :: Html Tags To Be Removed From Output Text

Oct 19, 2010

I have some code written in c# to obtain the text and numbers from a web interface that required user inputs. my problem is that the texts i am getting off the web is displays in html forms (i.e. it has tags all over the place) hence, i would like to filter out the html tags, is that possible? i searched up some codes but it didn't help me as it brought up even more problems when compile.

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Web Forms :: How To Copy Only Text From One Textbox To Another Without Html Tags

Mar 2, 2011

i've 2 textboxes(t1,t2)
t1.text = <p>some data</p>
if i click a button i want to display only "some data" in t2 without <p>,</p> means, I want to display only text without any html tags, how?

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Web Forms :: Allow Users To Click Button To Insert HTML Code In Multiple Text Boxes?

Jan 25, 2010

I have several text boxes on a page that need to be filled out. When users fill out those boxes they need the ability to enter in bold, italics, superscripts, and trademarks. It has been recommended to use a WYSIWYG. The problem with a WYSIWYG is that it is all tied to 1 large text box. I just need a panel on the side that can hold Bold, Italics buttons to transform whatever text the user has selected to be Bolded/Italicized and then I need to be able to add in predetermined Superscripts and Trademarks where the cursor is as defined by the user. Now this would work with a WYSIWYG but I need this to apply to several (sometimes up to 10 fields on a page) text boxes on a page.

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DataSource Controls :: Bind Text Containing HTML And Tags From Database

Oct 29, 2010

I have to show dynamic charts to clients. I created table: ChartCodes

ChartCodeID Code 1

<asp:SqlDataSource ID='SqlDataSource_Chart1' runat='server' ConnectionString='<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>' SelectCommand='Usp_GetTotalEmissions_Org_chart' SelectCommandType='StoredProcedure'><SelectParameters>< . . ..
. . . .

I wrote code of chart with sqldatasource in database column. My problem is I could not able bind. I used DataList Control with a template and literal. Bind literal with <%# Eval("Code") %> But In sql I have ASP.NET tags <%&nbsp; %>. and when processing process %>, it assumes asp.net ends and wrote other text as it is in out put. how to bind this text. Or any other Idea to display graphs from database as per user selection.

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Controls :: How To Stamper HTML Tags In Column Text Using ITextSharp In C#

Nov 22, 2015

protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String pathin = "E:pdfso22.pdf";
String pathout = "E:pdfso1rere.pdf";
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pathin);

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: Make An HTML / ASP Page Where A User Puts In Data, Either In Text Fields Or Selection Boxes

Oct 15, 2010

I'm new to ASP.NET. I 'm trying to figure out how to make an HTML/ASP page where a user puts in data, either in text fields or selection boxes, and on clicking a submit button all of there selected data gets dropped either into a Access 97 Db or an excel spread sheet. Are there any examples out there of this? Is there a place that has already created this and I can just look and the code and figure it out for myself?

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AJAX :: Remove HTML Tags From Word Doc Copy/paste Text?

Feb 17, 2010

I am creating a web form for employees to submit recipe's on a web form. The fields are recipe name, ingredients, and the recipe instructions. Majority of the time, employee's will be copying/pasting the text from a word document. Currently I am using the ajax editor control. I know there is a "Paste from Word" button that can be used but all the users are not going to know to use the button.

They may just do a right click to paste or the ctrl v to paste. When this is done, all the html tags from Word are pasted as well. I want to be able to remove the tags.

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AJAX :: Getting Html Tags Output Instead Of Executed Html Tags

Mar 27, 2010

i'm doing ajax website using PostWebRequest() function, when i call any .aspx page to the target html element the output is coming fine in IE but in FF(FireFox) is coming in html format(html tags) IE output : [URL] FF output : [URL]

javascript functions :
function PostWebRequest(postPage, HTMLTarget, parameter) {
displayElement = $get(HTMLTarget);
displayElement.innerHTML = "<div style='text-align:center;'><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><img src='images/ajax-loader.gif' algin='center' /></div>";
var wRequest = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
var body = parameter;
wRequest.get_headers()["Content-Length"] = body.length;
function onWebRequestCompleted(executor, eventArgs) {
if (executor.get_responseAvailable()) {
if (document.all) {
displayElement.innerHTML = executor.get_responseData();
else {
displayElement.textContent = executor.get_responseData();
else {
if (executor.get_timeOut()) {
alert("Timed Out");
else {
if (executor.get_aborted())

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Web Forms :: Custom Validator Validates Three Text Boxes And Give Errorto Fill The Boxes

Apr 20, 2010

I have a custom validator which validates three text boxes. my code is,


I fill in all the three textboxes.it still gives me the error message to fill in all the boxes and does not submit the page even when all the three boxes are filled.

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Web Forms :: Label Text Doesn't Show The Content Properly - HTML Tags

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to save HTML content in a database. I have it stored properly but when I try to call it and display it on a page using a literal or label control, it does not show the content properly. It will show the text but not any HTML content (i.e. checkboxes, images, hyperlinks, etc)

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Web Forms :: How To Eliminate Postback On Text Change Event

Jan 21, 2011

I have two text boxes and one label control. All three controls are in different "td". Now what i want to do is , i am subtacting a value of textbox2 from the value of textbox1 and storing an answer in label control. I have written a code of subtracting values in the text changed event of textbox 2 and i am also getting an answer in label control. But when text changed event fires, it takes some time to execute which i reall dont like. this is why i want to use update panel to reduce that time. how can i use update panel in this kind of situation. i tried but not successded. so please write some code here related to my controls.

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How To Eliminate Duplicate Or Repeated Values On Textbox.text

Jul 12, 2010

i used ajax control ModalPopupExtender.ModalPopupextender has panel. in that panel, text boxes and gridview placed and OK button. it has three textboxes and gridview and ok button sequentially. While edit button of gridview and after entering the some intextboxes, the text of textboxes repetedly show on textbox with camma.

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Web Forms :: Reading Data From Text File And Displaying It In Corresponding Text Boxes

Jun 17, 2010

I have written the following ocde to save the data in to textfile.

using(TextWriter tw=new StreamWriter(file))
string refcode = txtReftypecode.Text;
string priorcode = txtPrioritycode.Text;
tw.Write(priorcode.PadLeft(2, '0'));
string date=txtFilecreatdate.Text.Replace("/","");
string time1=txtFilecreattime.Text.Replace(":","");
tw.Write(txtImmeddestname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtImmedorgname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtRefcode.Text.PadRight(8,' '));

Now i would like to represent the data in to the corresponding to text boxes when i open that text file.

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Web Forms :: Get Text From Dynamically Created Number Of Text Boxes?

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to get the text value from each textbox on a page that has a dynamically created number of text boxes. I need to store that value in a database row. I guess what i need is to be able to store the text box values in a collection or arrary of some sort and then be able to use textbox(i).value or something of that nature. Not really sure where to begin.

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C# - Cutting HTML String Into Separate Lines Without Breaking HTML Tags

Oct 24, 2010

I have to break a HTML content string in to multiple lines. And each line should have some fixed characters, 50 or 60 Also I don't want to break the word..or html tags...

ex : <p>Email: <a href="mailto:someone@gmail.com">someone@gmail.com</a></p>
<p><em>"Text goes <font color=red>Hello world</font> Text goes here and Text goes here Text goes here 1976."</em> </p>

How can I acheive this in C#?

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Remove All Html Tags And Javascript Tags Using Regex In Javascript

Jan 31, 2011

How can I remove all html tags and script tags? consider also short tags like unclosed tags

<body> aaa<b>bbb</body>

This should return aaa bbb.

notice that all the contents inside the script tag is ignored.

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Setting The Value Of HTML Input Boxes?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm sure there must be an easy solution to this... from the C# code behind page, how can I set the value of an HTML input text box?

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Add To A Database With Text Boxes?

Apr 12, 2010

can anyone give me a step step guide of how add data to a data base( access 2003 with oledb connection) use vb 2005 asp.net aspx pages via text boxes with a button to submit

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Align Text Boxes

Sep 20, 2015

Is it possible to set the start location of all these text boxes to be the same? Currently Two and Three are aligned together, but one is not. They are all inside their own div tags as well, not sure if that will matter. The only thing that does matter is the start of each text box needs to be aligned.


<div class="One">
<font class="BoldTextBlack">Option One:</font>
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtoptionone" MaxLength="10" Width="70px" CssClass="TextBoxes"></asp:TextBox>

[Code] ....

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