Fancybox With Page?

Feb 2, 2011

I am developing a page which send a email. page is loaded in fancybox. problem is when i click the button fancybox close and i am redirected to full page in the browser which i don't want to happen. what i want is keep the fancybox as it is after server side code execute also.

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Similar Messages:

C# - Fancybox - Button Not Working?

Apr 21, 2010

I've just determined using Firebug that when Fancybox window is created it actually takes all of my ASP.NET controls (contained in DIV tag) and puts them outside FORM tag. So I guess this is the reason why then ASP.NET button doesn't do anything - it is placed outside form.So, do you have any suggestions how I can prevent this (or make that ASP.NET button work), other than using completely different modal dialog?EDIT: The only good answer we have so far is not working for everybody (me included),

View 8 Replies

C# - Fancybox Event Is Not Fired?

Jul 17, 2010

i have my login in a fancybox and fancybox div is in a controller. problem is if click the button nothing happens event isnt fired. this is my controller.ascx

<div id="inline1" style="width:400px;">
<ul class="forms">
<li class="inputfield"><asp:TextBox ID="kullanıcı_adi" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></li>


I found the solution. Same question asked before. [URL]

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JQuery :: Triggering FancyBox From Codebehind?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to use the JQuery FancyBox on an page but all the examples I have found show triggering a fancybox from anchor tag (< a >). I am not able to find an example where a fancybox is triggered from codebehind. To be more specific, I create a pdf file on the fly on a LinkButton click. After the file has been created, I want to show it using fancybox (I am using Jquery and FancyBox for the first time). Any examples showing how to do this will be much appreciated. PS: Fancybox is not must. Any JQuery plugin that will show the pdf in a popup will do.

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Webforms - Want Do Fancybox Work Without A Click?

May 10, 2010

I want do Fancybox work without a click. I want fancybox work as a alert in onload.

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Jquery - Triggering FancyBox From Codebehind?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to use the JQuery FancyBox on an page but all the examples I have found show triggering a fancybox from anchor tag (< a >). I am not able to find an example where a fancybox is triggered from codebehind. To be more specific, I create a pdf file on the fly on a LinkButton click. After the file has been created, I want to show it using fancybox (I am using Jquery and FancyBox for the first time).

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How To Get An UpdatePanel Inside Fancybox Working

Oct 25, 2010

I'm using fancybox to display the contents of a div when clicking a link. This works using the code below:

<a id="popupTrigger" href="#popup">popup trigger</a>
<div style="display:none">
<div id="popup">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="HerkomstCodeUpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
This content displays inside fancybox.
<asp:TextBox ID="CurrentTimeTextBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="RefreshContentButton" runat="server"></asp:Button>

And the JScript:

$(document).ready(function () {
autoDimensions: false,
height: 250,
transitionIn: 'elastic',
transitionOut: 'elastic',
width: 400

Now what I'm expecting it would do is that when you click the button (which is displayed inside fancybox) it would update the textbox and do whatever I define it to do in the codebehind. Unfortunately nothing happens when I click the button.

I've tried to trigger a __doPostback myself passing the ClientID of the updatepanel and/or the button itself. I can't seem to trigger the event in the codebehind however.

The thing is if I remove the fancybox, the updatepanel works as expected. So I am guessing if I can somehow find out what eventhandler logic is behind the button before I create the fancybox, I might be able to recreate the eventhandler logic after attaching fancybox? I just can't find it anywhere...

I am using ASP.Net WebForms 3.5 and JQuery 1.4.1


I got it to trigger the codebehind button_click event by overriding the clientside click event on the button using the code below. The key is in using the name of the button as the sender object for the __doPostBack event. The only problem that remains is that all other values aren't posted back anymore. If I type anything in the textbox, click the button, my codebehind doesn't know what's in the textbox anymore.

//.... other options,
onComplete: function () {
$("#RefreshContentButton").click(function () {
__doPostBack($(this).attr('name'), '');

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Web Forms :: Button Not Doing PostBack In FancyBox

Feb 7, 2014

I have a webuser control which hv fancy box having asp button but when i  click on button it does't post back. how to resolve this issue below is my webusercontrol

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MessageZoom.ascx.cs" Inherits="usercontrol_MessageZoom" %>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

[Code] ....

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JQuery :: How To Show Server Data In Fancybox

Mar 26, 2011

I have a requirement to show a list of rows (from a datatable resulting from a call to stored proc) in a pop-up window. I'm wondering if I could do this with fancybox? The situation is that on my main page, there is a Gridview. One column has a linkbutton and when the user clicks it, they want to see a pop-up with a grid or table of more data related to the row they clicked on.

View 6 Replies

Fancybox Not Showing Streamed Image Correctly?

Jan 18, 2010

I've got an aspx page that streams jpeg's. It sets the content type and then writes to the response stream. If I view the images directly they work a treat, but if I use fancybox 1.2.6 I get the following.Using fancybox 1.2.1 the images do show.Here is the code that is pushing out the image.

using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())


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JQuery :: Triggering FancyBox From Dynamically Loaded User Controls

Aug 16, 2010

I am following on my own solution to triggering fancybox from code-behind as here:

But this time I am stuck because my hidden_link control exists inside a dynamically loaded user control, and I do not know it's id, as the id's change to something like this:


I am using
Literal1.Text = "<script>jQuery(document).ready(function() {$("a[id$='hidden_link2']").trigger('click');});</script>";
(which would find an <a> tag ending with hidden_link2) but this only triggers the fancybox for the first user control. How can I inject this script for the required <a> link only? Hope that makes sense.

View 3 Replies - User Closes The Window Using Default Icon Provided In Fancybox?

Apr 18, 2010

I am using jquery.fancybox-1.2.1.js of fancy box in applicationQ1: In the base page i have datagrid and on combobox. on slection of combobox the datagrid is populated.From the datagrid I open the fancybox when user click on Edit link. I open new page likeIn EditProjectTask.aspx i have the controls in edible mode. Now if user closes the window using default icon provided in fancybox.then if user select some other option from combox the url changes into EditProjectTask?Task= 86Q2: #
From the # datagrid I open the fancybox when user click on Edit link. I open new page likeIn EditProjectTask.aspx i have the controls in edible mode. Now when user updates the the content I want to close the fancybox and also refresh the parent window. I have achieved this using
After update i #But it reloads all the page.Can I use some Ajax call.

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JQuery :: Button Click Is Not Working When Display A Form Within A FancyBox Dialog?

Aug 5, 2010

Has anyone implemented FancyBox to display a form where user can make an entry within a FancyBox dialog? I'm simply displaying an inline form within a FancyBox dialog but my button is not firing.If I do not set to style="display: none;", I can see my form i.e. a TextBox control and a Button control and it works fine. If I set it display: none so that I can show my form within a FancyBox dialog, it doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: Triggering Fancybox Script Using Server Control Linkbutton Or ImageButton

Dec 14, 2010

I am using fancyBox Scripts to display a link in IFRAme.

script for FancyBox is
<pre><script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
'titlePosition' : 'inside',
'transitionIn' : 'none',
'transitionOut' : 'none'
'width' : '75%',
'height' : '75%',
'autoScale' : false,
'transitionIn' : 'none',
'transitionOut' : 'none',
'type' : 'iframe'

But till now i have used anchor tags <a> to invoke or trigger fancyBox Script. i.e <pre><a id="various1" href="#inline1" title="<b>Dr. abc</b>"> View Profile</a></pre> But now i want to trigger this on Asp buttonlink or Image Button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Calling An Iframe (fancybox Script) Using TemplateField Of Datagrid?

Dec 12, 2010

I am using Datagrid to display Data from Access DB. Now i have a hypererlink in template field of Datagrid, when user click on it, Iframe should open and Detailed data should be display in it. I need to use fancy box Script to open an Iframe,

here is my code of DataGrid

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" EnableCallBack="false" CellPadding="4" EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks="false" ForeColor="#333333" with="100%" Font-Bold="True">
<RowStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3" ForeColor="#333333" />


How should i pass a Style class to hyperlink field, in order to display fancy Iframe? I am using .net 3.5.

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Jquery - Control Inside Of Fancybox Modal Is Not "working"?

Apr 5, 2010

Your typical "It doesn't work" freak out going on over here. I have a login control on my master page and I'm trying to only display it using jquery fancybox and then redirect the user once they are logged in.But any buttons or controls that should do "something" when pressed when I put inside the fancy box are not responding. If I keep the div visible and then use the control not using fancybox I get the expected result.

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Having Common Page Title In Master Page With Each Page Adding Page

Aug 26, 2010

My master page looks like:

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

Content pages look like:

<asp:Content ID="TitleContent1"
ContentPlaceHolderID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="Server">
My Page

This works by placing the content page specific title on the page ("My Page" in this example). Now I want to add a global prefix to the title in my master page for the site name. So I want:

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

However, when I do this content pages are still rendered without "" in the tile, it's like it's ignored.

Why is this happening and how can I achieve this?

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Page Life Cycle Sequence Between Master Page And Child Page And User Control?

Jun 4, 2010

I want to share a common page load and page init events sequence between Master page and child page and User Control as described below:

Let us have the following components:-

1. TestMaster.master -> It is the master page

2. TestChild.aspx -> It is the Child page

3. TestUserContrl.ascx -> It is the UserControl present within the TestMaster.master page.

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Web Forms :: Accessing Master Page's Body Tag From Aspx Page That Is Not A Content Page

Jan 8, 2011

I am using Master page and Content page combination.But how can i access <body> tag and it's event (onload, onunload) of Master page in .aspx page that is not a content page.

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Web Forms :: To Get A Normal Html Page Inside The Master Page Instead Of Content Page?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a master page homeMaster.aspx and many content pages. However the situation is I have few .html pages. Now when a user clicks on a link the html page should get loaded.inside the master page. The problem is these are .html and not content page with .aspx.

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Web Forms :: Treeview Style Doesn't Apply In The Page If That Page Is Using Mater Page

Jun 10, 2010

I've encountered a problem when I put a treeview in a page which is using master page. The treeview style doesn't apply.For example, I set the nodes with different colors in different levels. But the treeview nodes are still displayed in the default color(bule).

The treeview code is :


If I use these code in a page which doesn't use a master page. The nodes are shown in colors.

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Restricting Certain Pages -- Redirect On Every Page? Or On Master Page By Viewing Current Page In Url?

Feb 6, 2011

Per different user mode, some pages should not be accessible by users unless they have a valid session key.In your opinions -- would it be better to have a list of acceptable pages in the master page, and check if the current page is valid for the current user? Or handle this on every child page?I'm thinking master page, just want to hear what your input would be.

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Javascript - How To Pass Page Or Master Page Object To AJAX Page Method

Oct 5, 2010

I wrote a page Page method in my aspx page. in web service method I need to call FindControl method return textbox and get text box value. But my findControl will take MasterPage object to iterate.

code.<script type = "text/javascript">
function ShowCurrentDateTime() {
$.ajax({ [code]....

But I am getting compiler error when use Page.Master: Reference to non-shared member requires an object reference

How to pass Master Page object or Page to Page method?. So I can use in Sared method.Is there any way I can access Textbox value directly in Page method? I need access couple of controls in Page Method.

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How To Run The Javascript Function On The Page Onload Event In Content Page Of Master Page

Nov 4, 2010


means i have masterpage and the content page of master page namely default.aspx in

My problem was that .

i wanna run javascript function in Default.aspx and i have called the function

body onload in master page..

when i run my website it shows the error

"" Microsoft JScript Runtime Error : Object Expected ""

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Page - Dont Want Full Page Refresh When Click A Button In A Web Page?

Feb 18, 2010

How can I use double buffering in C#?I want smthng like that : I dont want full page refresh when I click a button in a web page.. I think it can be solved with double buffering. When a button clicked for redirect a content page (button-in master page), current page will not go until the redirected page completely load in the background..

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