Filtering Value Of A Grid By Selecting Dropdownlist?
Apr 6, 2010
I have a grid and dropdownlist.I want to filter values in a grid by the selection of dropdownlist.How Can i do this? My code is like this
<asp:DropDownList ID="DDLVisitedVol" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" DataSourceID="DsVisitedVol"
DataTextField="VisitedVol" DataValueField="VisitedVol"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString=""
SelectCommand="SELECT [ID],[UserName], [Email], [visitedVol] FROM [HitTracker] where visitedVol=@VisitedVol ">
<asp:Parameter Name="VisitedVol" Type="String"/>
How can i pass the selected value of dropdown list to @VisitedVol.
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I have a gridview, based on thsi datasource:
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Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim DB As New AOP29DBDataContext
If GridView1.SelectedValue = "Receiver" Then
Dim Query = From p In DB.Receivers
Select p
GridView2.DataSource = Query
End If
If GridView1.SelectedValue = "Donor" Then
Dim Query = From p In DB.Donors
Select p
GridView2.DataSource = Query
End If
End Sub
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Jan 8, 2011
after hours of searching and testing (and found no luck), I came here to ask for your help again. I have a gridview and two dropdownlists. The first dropdownlist (DropDownList1) filters the gridview with Type of Customer. Here is the code on the aspx:
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
<asp:ListItem Value="1" Selected="True">A Type</asp:ListItem>
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Feb 17, 2010
I have dropdownlist of dates and depending on the date that the user selects from list, I would like to filter records that fall between the startyear and finishyear columns in the datasource. (My the problem is that I do not know how to declare the Startyear and Endyear from the query in the code as they appear underlined - probably the BETWEEN syntax is wrong too).
yYear = DropDownList1.Text
Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=CHRIS-PCSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TorGHL;Integrated Security=True")
Dim cmd As String
cmd = "SELECT BarDetails.*, MenuHeadingId AS Expr1 FROM BarDetails WHERE (MenuHeadingId = 2)" & "WHERE " & yYear & " BETWEEN " & "(" &
StartYear & ")" & " AND " & "(" & EndYear & ")"
Dim dapubcb As New SqlDataAdapterDim sqlcomm
New SqlCommand(cmd, connection)
dapubcb.SelectCommand = sqlcomm
Dim dspubcb As New DataSet("BarDetails")
dapubcb.Fill(dspubcb, "BarDetails")
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Mar 28, 2011
i'm using a strongly typed view with a custom viewmodel. this viewmodel contains a collection of books.
public IList<Books> Books { get; private set; }
i'm also passing a select-list to the view. however the DropDownListFor helper class doesn't automatically preselect the default value of the book.
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => Model.Books[i].AuthorID, Model.Author as SelectList)
everything else works, e.g. it does pass the selected value back to the controller.
i figured out a workaround by creating the select list in the viewmodel:
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => Model.Books[i].AuthorID, new SelectList(Model.AuthorList, "Value", "Text", @Model.Books[i].AuthorID.ToString()))
however i don't want to implement this workaround if there is a simpler solution. is there a way that the view can handle values from a collection?
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Oct 30, 2010
I'm trying to filter data based on the selected value from a drop down list and the according values of a local variable within a gridview_rowdatabound event. For example, if "In Arrears" is selected, the gridview should return all rows where the account balance is less than -100. So far, when I select a value from the dropdown list, it has no effect on the gridview. Here's the code I have:
If (DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = 0) Then
e.Row.Visible = True
ElseIf ((DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = 1)
And (AccountBalance <= -100))
e.Row.Visible = False
ElseIf ((DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = 2)
And (AccountBalance > 100)
And (AccountBalance < -100))
e.Row.Visible = False
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Aug 4, 2010
I have a drop-down list that is dynamically filled with a set of values. By viewing the source code in the browser I can tell that this list is correctly filled with the "value" and "text" parameters.
But if I try to retrieve the value using ddl.SelectedItem.Value I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" which means that there is no parameter in "value" to retrieve ...
Page_Load() contains an "If Not IsPagePostback" in which the list is filled. I don't want to use AutoPostback = True since I want to retrieve the value-parameter when I click a "save" button. I must have missed something fundamental here that I do not grasp ...
The code to fill the list looks like this:
Dim ds as Dataset ()
ds.ReadXml(the path to an xml file)
ddl.Items.Add(New ListItem("destination", "destination"))
ddl.DataSource = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView
This snippet does not generate any errors: Everything is printed as it should!
But inside my Submit function I cannot be retrieve the parameter:
objcmd.parameter.add("?destination ", OdbcType.VarChar).Value = ddl.SelectedItem.Value
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May 28, 2010
I want to select a particular item in a dropdownlist by value, in using IronPython.
I found I can do it like this
listItem = ddl.Items.FindByValue(x)
if listItem != None: listItem.Selected = True
But I want to do it in one line
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a table MemberProfile with columns FirstName, LastName, Gender and iam displaying complexioncode as a dropdownlist with values fair, very fair, brown and when user selects a value I want to insert that in to table
I have creted a class( LookUpCodes) and written following code
public static IEnumerable<ComplexionCode> ComplexionCodes
now when I click the button FirstName, LastName Gender are inserting in to the table. only Dropdownlist( ComplexionCode ) value is not inserting.
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Feb 22, 2010
I am having trouble with DropDownList (and/or DropDownListFor) when using TemplateInfo's HtmlFieldPrefix in a strongly-typed view. DropDownList properly selects the value from the model when the prefix hos not been site. Once I set the value of HtmlFieldPrefix, the value from the model is not selected in the drop-down list.
I am using .NET 3.5SP1 and ASP.NET MVC 2 RC2.
public class TestModel
public string Text { get; set; }
public string Option { get; set; }
Is there something I should be doing differently to have the proper value selected in the drop-down list?
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Oct 4, 2010
Passing dynamic value to Detail view of grid through object selecting parameter
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Feb 1, 2011
Im working on an ASP.Net web forms application, where I have a form and the Index is working correctly, until I select a value from one specific control, a dropdownlist. After that no matter what control I am on if I press TAB it will go to the URL/Address Bar, from there to the search bar and then again to the URL bar...
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Apr 9, 2010
I have several asp dropdownlists that are populated from a database. I would like it so that when an item is selected it opens a seperate page depending on the selection.
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