Get Current Date From Windows And Put Into Textbox
Jan 20, 2010How to get current Date from Windows and put into my textbox
View 1 RepliesHow to get current Date from Windows and put into my textbox
View 1 Repliesvalidation to check the date greater and equal to the current date .
View 1 Repliesin my asp.net_vb code web. there are 9 textboxes whcih is used for entering numerical/dates
first is lve.text in whicj numder is entered
second one is lvefrom.text
thirdone is lveto.text
when user fills (lve.text) 5 and enter 15 Jan 2013 in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show 19 Jan 2013. i had posted this earlier and got reply which is mentioned below. this code below gives me 20 Jan 2013 instead of 19 Jan 2013.
tw text boxes lve.text (number filled) and lve from.text (date filled). when user enter a numder in lve.text and select a date fro date picker in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show date selected in lvefrom.text + number of days in lveto.text (eg if number of days is 5 and date selected in lvefrom.text is 15 Jan 2013 then lveto.text should display 19 jan 2013. because the starting day is also counted in my case.
Protected Sub lvefrom_TextChanged1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lvefrom.TextChanged
Dim ObjLocDate As New Date
Dim IntLocDays As Integer
IntLocDays = Convert.ToInt32(lve.Text)
ObjLocDate = lvefrom.Text
ObjLocDate = ObjLocDate.AddDays(IntLocDays)
lveto.Text = ObjLocDate.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")
End Sub
fourt tex box is pfx.text, fifth is pfx1.text, sixth is pfx2.text
when use filles pfx.text 3 then pfx1.text should display 12 Jan 2013 and pfx2.text should display 14 Jan 2013. these are the prefix for leave( as 12 to 14 Jan 2013 is prefix.seveth is sfx.text, eighth is sfx1.text and nineth is sfx2.text
when user fills sfx.text 3Â then sfx1.text should display 20 Jan 2013 and sfx2.text should display.
How to create Jobs, I am using SQL 2005, i need a query which should get current date and compare current date with date in table and Send Email according to Job scheduled.
View 4 Repliesi have a calendar control whose value will be displayed in a textbox, i need to validate the textbox value to the current date... It should not be less than current date.....
View 2 RepliesI am using Login control and validationg the user against SQL datasource. below is the code:
Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs)
Handles Login1.Authenticate
e.Authenticated = IsValidUser()If IsValidUser() =
Here is IsValidUser
Private Function IsValidUser() As Boolean
Dim sql As String = String.Empty
Dim RecCount As Integer = 0
sql = "Select count(*) from UserLogins where UserName='" & clsDB.RemoveQuote(Me.Login1.UserName.Trim) & "'"
sql = sql & " AND UserPass='" & Me.Login1.Password.Trim & "'"
RecCount = clsDB.ExeScalar(sql)
'If Invalid ==> 0 means no record is being returned by Query
If RecCount = 0 Then
IsValidUser = False
'MessageBox.Show("Invalid User Name/Password.", "Invalid", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
Exit Function
End If
If RecCount = 1 Then
IsValidUser = True
Exit Function
End If
'Error handler
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
Here comes the problem validation code is working fine and it validates the user and redirects the user to the "Order.aspx" page
For example: I type
Login Name: Nashy
Password: 1234
Order.aspx page has a textbox which supposed to display the current user login name and i am usiong the following code for that
when i test it on my local PC it shows the current user like this DOMAIN ashyMastrew.. what i want that the textbox should disply "nashy" not my current windows login name. and when i deploy it to the server and access it from other pc textbox does not show anything.
I am trying to get a textbox with a date extender. But there is some registration issue for which I don't have an answer.
First I get an error: "There is no source code available for the current location"
I click OK on the system alert popup and I get:
How to get the current date and time in textbox in IST ( Indian Standard Time) in ?
View 1 Replies1) How can i display the date only till current date in ajax calendar extender ?
2)How to validate the date in one TextBox with the Date in another TextBox ?
Here what i am trying to accomplish. I want to have a div or panel on the page and have some text on it. The div or panel must hava a specfied time limit and then disaaper from the page. Say i want this text to apper on 10Cotober 10.00 Â and disapper from the page on 11October 18.00.Â
View 1 RepliesThis is House_info table in database
in admin.aspx page I have register button
I want when users click on button In Table in Expiredate column insert current date+1year
I mean if today is 2013-1-3Â in Expiredate column insert 2014-1-3
for this what should I wrote in SP?
I'm using ASP.Net with VB (Visual Web Developer 2010) and SQL(Management Studio Express 2008) to create a website that keeps track of employee subscriptions.A date is entered into my database whenever an employee makes a subscription.I need to find a way to send an automatic email to each employee when the current date exceeds the subscription date by one year.
I am unable to use an SQL job as I only have SQL MS express.From other posts I have read it seems the best way to do this is to create a webservice to send emails but I am unsure of how to get the email address for each employee from the database to the web service?Do you guys think a web service is the best way to do this?
I want the code for calculating birthdate using age and current date in c#.
View 6 RepliesI have table in database that one column is Expire date that save date like below
Now I want compare it whit today date like below:
if (_dr["ExpireDate"]<DateTime.Now) {
But it makes error can you tell me true code for it?
I need to find a date 6, months from the current date. How to do it. I use dd/mm/yyyy format. I could use add 6 to mm part, what if it goes beyond 12 ? but it could still be done, I know. I want to know if there is any easy way to do it.
View 2 RepliesI'd like to use the jquery calendar control to populate a date into an textbox.
When the user selects a date I want the date populated in the textbox to be only Saturday dates. So if the day they select is not a Saturday I want the date of the next Saturday after the date the selected.
I am having one form in which payment mode have 2 radiobuttons cash and cheque when cash is there cheque panel remains in visible and when cheque is clicked panel opens in that there is cheuqe no,date and bank name.
my problem is that when i store cash data the cheque date by default stores date 1-jan-1900
but I don't want this to happen .....
<asp:Panel ID="pnlcreate" Visible="false" runat="server">
<table width="100%">
<td> Â
<asp:Label ID="lblmsg" runat="server" ForeColor="#CC0000" Visible="False"></asp:Label>
[Code] .....
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
qry = "Insert INTO PDC_Receipt Values('" + txtRce_No.Text + "','" + txtdate.Text + "','" + txtEnroll.Text + "','" + txtStudname.Text + "','" + txtUni.Text + "','" + txtCourse.Text + "','" + txtfeeoffered.Text + "','" + txtfeepaid.Text + "','" + txtfeerem.Text + "','" + txtAmount.Text + "','" + RadioButtonList2.Text + "','" + txtcheque_no.Text + "','" + txtcheque_date.Text + "','" + txtBank_Name.Text + "')";
[Code] ....
If I select the today date
Then I want store 4days later date in the database
The site is running on my local IIS 6.1. I Would like to add some features to pull information from our AD. My AD code works on many other projects and on my dev server. Here are my attempts at writing out the username:
Response.Write("1. " + this.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name);
Response.Write("2. " + Request.ServerVariables["Auth_User"]);
Response.Write("3. " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.ToString());
The results I get are:
How can I get at the actual windows username like ourdomain/username
How can i get the current date in web.config file.
<add key="ArticleIDDate" value="10" & CURRENTDATE />so the currentdate would be the actual date
have a table with a transaction date in it. It is set as a timestamp and basically I want on creation of a new record that field automatically inserts the current date. I am using visual studio 2010 and SQL not sure how to go about it. Dont need SQL injection protection for this just a simple way of doing it.
View 3 RepliesIm using forms authentication and im trying to get the current username. I tried using Environment.UserName but I am getting "ASPNET". But if i change my application to windows authentication im getting the true username that is currently logged on. How can I get the true username that is currently logged on in the domain using the forms authentication.
View 3 RepliesI have created an intranet site in win 2008 server. Enabled Windows Authentication and disabled Anonymous. I want to get AD logon username(current win logon user).I used HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name and also tried User.Identity.NameI am accessing the site from client machine. I am not getting the client's logon user instead getting the server's logon user. But I want client's logon user only.I just want to get username. I dont need any login screens or bla blaWhen I run in my development system(XP), its working fine.
When I deploy to windows 2008 server, I am getting problem(Getting only the server's logon user instead of getting the client's logon user).So, problem in the server settings. So, any settings I need to set to get this worked?I enabled Windows Authentication for my site in IIS management window. Disabled Anonymous authentication.
dear i want to subtract 60 seconds from current date.
View 3 Repliesi have used the GMDatepicker. i need to take the datetime value along with date.
my code:
DateTime dateval= ((GMDatePicker)GrdDynamicControls.FooterRow.FindControl("frmDateTime")).Date;
this gives me the date 6/26/2010 12.00pm. and not the current time.
how to get the date with current time over here.?