How To Create Photo Albums Like Facebook Style

Jan 7, 2010

I want to implement and allow users to create their own photo albums on my website.Now i was proposing that i have 2 tables:-Quote:
tbl_albums{album_id, user_id, album_name, info, date_added}
tbl_album_images{image_id, album_id, user_id, caption, date_added}
So one table would contain information about the album and the other would be the images inside the album.firstly does this seem like a good approach?If so, i want to know what would be the best way to allow users to do this?

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Social Networking :: Facebook Error 400 Bad Request - Fetching Photo Albums

Dec 15, 2012

I followed instructions for displaying albums from facebook on my web site. 

However I was having a problem at this line:

Dim data As String = FaceBookConnect.Fetch(code, "me/albums")

It fails with a (400) Bad Request. 

I tried your live demo and it does the same thing. Is this just me, or is there something not right with your code on this example?

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Social Networking :: Integrate FaceBook Albums In Website?

Oct 21, 2013

Can we integrate Facebook photos in our web form?

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Social Networking :: Save (Insert) Images From Facebook Albums To Database?

May 7, 2015

I am fetching all image from facebook and display in repeter like this 

<asp:Repeater ID="rptFaceBookAlbums" runat="server">
<div class="header1"><%# Eval("Name") %></div>


now i wnat to save all this image in database. so tell me what would be data table column structure in sql data shold be retrive to me is album wise

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Create Facebook Style News Feed With JQuery?

Jan 27, 2011

I am developing a web application by using 3.5 and sql server 2008R2. I have to create a page as like as facebook News Feed (wall post). I need post Status and reply comments. I know it will be done by jQuery but I am not expart of Query. Anyone help me with sample code or demo project?

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C# - How To Upload Photo With Facebook API

Mar 22, 2010

How can I upload a photo file automatically with ASP.NET using the Facebook API?

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Web Forms :: Photo Tagging Like Facebook?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to create an image gallery where you can create tag on the photo like on facebook.Does anyone knows any free library to do this... I have already searched on google but i don't be able to find anything :S

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How To Post Photo To Album In Facebook Graph Api

Mar 27, 2011

i wrote an application for facebook but i couldn't upload image to album that i created,
code is in below

Facebook.FacebookAPI api = new Facebook.FacebookAPI(GetAccessToken());
Dictionary<string, string> album = new Dictionary<string, string>();
album.Add("name", "Test Album");
album.Add("message", "Message here!");
JSONObject result = api.Post("me/albums", album);
string AlbumId = result.Dictionary["id"].String;
Dictionary<string, string> photo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
photo.Add("message", "test Message");
photo.Add("source", "tgw.jpg");
JSONObject photoResult = api.Post("/" + AlbumId + "/photos", photo);

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VS 2008 - How To Submit Photo To Facebook From Website

Oct 29, 2012

I need to take a picture and submit it to my facebook wall automatically including text if included. Is there a way to do this from I do not want to use any user interface - I want this to be automatic. As new pictures come on my server I want to post them right then.

I looked at the developer pages of fb but can't find anything that is more automated. What is the best and easiest way to submit the pictures?

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How To Implement Facebook Like Button On Website For Each Photo On Page

Aug 19, 2010

I have a page that have 5 to 10 photos of a person, If some user comes into this page he should see facebook "Like" button next to each photo on that page.

I have installed Javascript SDk on my site, I can use XFBML also. Just post me some sample code if you have any?

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Social Networking :: Get All Facebook Users From Particular Area With Name And Photo

May 7, 2015

I want to get all facebook User from particular area With their name and photo in .. How can I achieve this ..

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How To Create Facebook Application Via Facebook Developer Toolkit

Dec 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a basic application, i created facebook application before but everything has been changed.

I looked every where to create a basic application, but now i'm getting mad because there isn't any working sample. Because of the changed links, facebook api changes, facebook wiki changes i couldn't find a working copy.

write a basic app that gets permission to write user name to screen in facebook developer toolkit I looked, codeplex, and some other pages but i couldn't succeed.

Edit: I' m adding some screenshots and some codes, it will may be you to find my problem.


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Forms Data Controls :: Generate A Facebook Style Look To A Web App?

May 7, 2010

Anyone have a clue as to how to generate a facebook style look to a web app. I mean the way they have comments indented following a persons post?

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Forms Data Controls :: Facebook Style Wall Using ASP Repeater?

Apr 28, 2010

i have managed to develop a status wall some what similar to facebook, using Repeater Controls- Parent Repeater is bound to the status and the child repeater is bound to the comments inside that status. I am strugling to implement the following solution- hiding and displaying a btnDeleteComments - depending of the owner of the comment- i.e. only owner of the wall and those who leave the comment can only delete that comment.

Status X
Comment A - left by member John
Comment B - Left by Member Doe
Comment C - Left by Member Harry

The owner of the wall can delete all comments, and only John can delete comment A, Doe can delete comment B and so on Here is what i have tried so far

1. fill a data set with two tables and relate them (table one = status, Table 2 = comments of that status)
2. data bind the repeater to this data set
3. here is the HTML of the child repeater

<asp:Repeater ID="rptComment" runat="server"
<asp:Image ID="ImgComPic"
ImageUrl='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "["comPicThumbPath"]")%>'
runat="server" />
<asp:TextBox ID="TxtDisplayComment"
ReadOnly="true" TextMode="MultiLine"
Rows ="3"
BorderWidth="0px" runat="server"
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "["Comment"]")%>'
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "["CreateDate"]")%>'>
<asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Right">
<asp:Button ID="BtnDeleteCom" runat="server"
CommandName=' <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "["CommentID"]")%>'
Text="Delete" Width="60px" CommandArgument="DeleteCom" CssClass="buttonDelCom"
Visible=' <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "["ViewersComment"]")%>' />
<br />

The higlighted bit is causing the cast invalid error- i thought this would do the trick, by deafult all the delete buttons next to each comment is hidden for members other then the owner of the wall- and only if they are the one who left the comment will teh delete button be visible-

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "["ViewersComment"]")%>'

The SQL which retreives the comments for a specific status, also retrieves a column2 ViewersComment which is either 'true' of 'false', indicating wether that comment was left by this person viewing the status wall-

View 3 Replies

AJAX :: Facebook Wall Style Partial Page Rendering?

Jan 31, 2011

I have to create facebook style wall in my project. So far I assume that I will get X(the number that needs to be shown be default) number of wall posts from database, bind them to some control like Repeater and add update panel in each row in repeater so that only the portion of page only related to that post is updated once any new comment is added in that post.

Now, since I am new to AJAX so cant figure out how to display the "older post" link functionality there. As we have link at the bottom of facebook wall which once clicked appends the certain number of older posts at the end of the wall.

Similarly, once a new post is added by someone, it gets added at the top of the wall, how can I acheive that so tha only the limited portion at the top of the wall gets refersed and updated instead of whole page post back.

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Web Forms :: Programmatically Implement A Facebook Style Page Access?

Apr 21, 2010

I have an app that allows users to create personal pages which can be publicly accessed thru a "directory" page. The content of the pages is stored in sql server, so a given user's page is dynamically created thru the code that executes when the relevant link on the directory page is clicked.

I would like to take this a step further by allowing access to a given user's page directly thru the browser's address bar, something like (pretty much like You Tube, Facebook, etc.).

I could achieve this by manually creating a folder under the root, called "jim" and putting a default.aspx page in it which would have code in it's load event that would dynamically create jim's page.

However, I would like this "additional feature" to be created automatically, as part of the sign up process of the user.

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Web Forms :: Uploaded Photo Displayed And An Hyperlink Option To Save Photo?

Jan 22, 2011

in i want the user to chose a photo to upload from their HD . then i want the uploaded photo displayed and an hyperlink option to save or reject this photo. if accepted the filename will be stored in a DB.

the problem is displaying the photo before it has been saved.

I display strFileName which works on my PC but not on my laptop.


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JQuery :: Create A Photo Album In Website?

Feb 10, 2011

I want to create a photo album in my website like the following link


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Web Forms :: How To Create An ASP Photo Album Page WITHOUT Using A Database For The Photos

May 28, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to create an ASP photo album page WITHOUT using a database for the photos? In other words, I just want to be able to call the photos from a folder within the site... I can't get databases to work properly on my computer so I need to do it this simpler way. Can anyone let me know of a site which shows how to do this

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Web Forms :: Create (Add) Transparent Watermark Text To Images (Photo) And Save To Folder (disk)

May 7, 2015

I used below code to upload image and put watermark on it

protected void BtnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
uploadImageError.Visible = true;
if (fup1.HasFile && fup1.PostedFile.ContentLength < 102400) {
string watermarkText = "";
string path = Server.MapPath("~/image/House/product/");

[Code] ....

Problem is when I upload image and click on btnupload it shows image in new window with watermark text but it doesn't save it into host...

I want when I click on btnupload it doesn't show image in new window I want it just uploaded image with watermark into host...

How I can do it?

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Web Forms :: Create Div And Style In Code Behind?

Jan 4, 2011

i want bind data base to the component show quick scrolling about.

i want data bind to the div tag and identified style div in code behind but this is error.

this is code in code behind:

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand comand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Products", conn);


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Web Forms :: How To Create Google Style Search Box

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to create an interface similar to google's search box.

When you type a search string into the box, the drop panel appears suggesting all matches to the search as it's being typed.

Anyone know how do we do this with

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Create A Facebook Application Using C#?

Sep 24, 2010

I was taking a look at this Facebook Guide Documentation, and I was wandering if it is possible to:create a Facebook application not using PHP but ASP.NET and C#?would I have access information like e-mail, username, city/location, etc?

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Architecture :: Create Style Sheet At Session Startup

Jun 7, 2010

I want to be able to create a style sheet at session startup (based on a large number of variables... this sheet must be created on the fly and can not be hard coded). At the moment i can set up styles and apply them to controls using the VS designer (html behind of a page). But i need to be able to create these styles at runtime because they will differ for each session. The names of the styles may not differ, but the elements inside the style will be changing.

I figured that one thing i could do is create a css file using System.IO to create the file and then use that to apply (but even then, im not sure how i go from creating the file to including it in the project at runtime), but is there an easier way?

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Web Forms :: Create Color And Style Themes In Website?

Nov 26, 2012

How to use themesin my website so that user can select whatever he likes.

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