How To Count Substrings In A String

Nov 25, 2010

I need to count that sub string within string. How can i do that.

for example

string str=" this is an an an apple ";

i need to count substring "an" answer is 3;

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I tried so much working with this to get distinct Words and their count. I'm using ASP.NET 2.0. And i also googled so much.

1)Ex(String): The DOTNET is Very Cool! The Best.

2) Capture all the sequences like Space, FullStop, Question Mark, Exclamation, Apostrophe, New Line....(May be with RegEx?)

3)Split Words According to the above sequences

4)Get Distinct Words(Occurences) and their count based on the input string in 1st statement.

Desired O/P:
The - 2
Is - 1
Very - 1
Cool - 1
Best - 1

This is my Sample Code for your Ref.


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public IQueryable BindEmployees(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows)
EmployeeInfoDataContext dbEmp = new EmployeeInfoDataContext();
var query = from emp in dbEmp.Employees
join dept in dbEmp.Departments
on emp.DeptID equals dept.DeptID
select new
EmpID = emp.EmpID,
EmpName = emp.EmpName,
Age = emp.Age,
Address = emp.Address,
DeptName = dept.DepartmentName
return query.Skip(startRowIndex).Take(maximumRows);


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// How can I not repeat the logic above to get the count?

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