C# - Remove All Substrings Starting With "--"?

Jan 18, 2010

I have an string like this:

string s1 = "abc,tom,--Abc, tyu,--ghh";

This string is dynamic, and I need to remove all substrings starting with "--".Output for the example string:

s1 = "abc,tom, tyu";

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How To Count Substrings In A String

Nov 25, 2010

I need to count that sub string within string. How can i do that.

for example

string str=" this is an an an apple ";

i need to count substring "an" answer is 3;

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Displaying Substrings In Label After Looping Through Checkboxlist?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a checkboxlist which I populate programatically with strings. I then want to loop through the checkboxlist to find which checkboxes are checked by a user and then display the string/strings of the hecked checkboxes in a label. This works fine when I display the whole string/strings. My problem is that I want to display only a substring in the label, i.e. the ID of every string option. When I try this I only get one ID in the label.


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Iis - Migrating App To .NET 4 It's Not Starting?

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C# - Starting WCF Client In IIS?

Dec 8, 2010

It is possible to have WCF Client that connects persistantly using duplex over net.tcp (netTcpBinding) from IIS?i.e. the normal way would be to host it in a console app or as a windows service, my question is, could one use a shared hosting type of environment to run a WCF Client application. i.e. the application isn't ever accessible from the outside, the application just connects to another service and consumes a remote WCF service over the internet.

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VB.net Starting A New Session?

Feb 26, 2011

While Ive seen plenty of examples in PHP, can't seem to find one in VB, I want to know if this is even possible.

I have a page, a session starts on page load (using global.asax) the user may not move from (or interact with) that page for a long while and I dont want to increase the session timeout. When the session times out after say.. 20 minutes, I want to start a new one, without moving from the page.

I also don't want constant keep-alives

I want to do it via another method (timer, button press...)

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Web Forms :: How To Remove The Row Where The Remove Button Is Clicked

May 28, 2010

how do I write a code for the remove button I want to remove the row where the remove button is clicked. he code for my webform is below

html code for remove
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkbtnRemove" Text="Remove" OnClick="lnkRemoveGuest_Click" ></asp:LinkButton>


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Starting To Learn Silverlight?

Feb 14, 2010

At the moment I am starting to learn Silverlight. I have expriences in ASP.NET and like the concepts of "Masterpages. Does Silverlight provides a similar concept ? I have read a little bit about the Silverlight Navigation Framework. Is this a good replacement for "Masterpages" ?

Makes it sense to combine ASP.NET and HTML (with Javascript) with Silverlight or is it more recommandable to design and write pure Silverlight applications ? Mybe in the ner future I will start to develop an intranet (business) application which will have many and complex user interaction (it should behave like a windows client applicion). I think Silverlight is the better choice than ASP.NET !? Makes it sense also to start to use/learn the WCF RIA Services immediatly ? Are there good (VS) templates to start with Silverlight or which are a good basis / starting point for a new Silverlight application ? Unfortunately I am missing "Starter kits" on [URL] like the starter kits on www.asp.net !

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Which Is The Best Pattern For Starting New Project In MVC

Jan 8, 2010

which is the best for starting up a new project in ASP.Net MVC? I have added this question as to know what are the different options.

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Iis - Starting A New Process In A Web Service?

Apr 13, 2010

I have the following code:

public void BeginConvert(object data)
ConverterData cObject = (ConverterData)data;
string argument = string.Format("-i "{0}" -b {1} "{2}"", cObject.Source, compression, cObject.Destiny);
Process converterProcess = new Process();
converterProcess.StartInfo.FileName = ffPath;
converterProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = argument;
converterProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

I use it in a webservice, i start it in a new thread and it return exit code 1 (error, i'm trying to do a video convertion with ffmpeg library), i impersonate ASP.NET to use a local account with permissions to read and write files, when i run it in my machine running or debugging it works but know thta the web service is running in IIS doest'n.

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C# - A RegEx For Expresions Starting With $?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a Expression ($ASMLNA$ * $TSM$ * 8 * ($GrossDownTarget$ * $005930K$)+15)Now I am trying to get all the variables which is between $ $. Example $ASMLNA$ so for me it should give ASMLNA.I have tried using RegEx and this is what I have been able to do till now

Regex r = new Regex(@"[^$]");
string Contents = txtRegEx.Text.Trim();
MatchCollection ImageCollection = r.Matches(Contents);


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SQL Server :: Error While Starting SQL Job From C# Code?

Oct 27, 2010

I have written the following code in my web application to start the sql Job


what could be the cause of this error. The same code and same ddl its running great in my local PC but it is erroring out when the website is deployed to the web server.

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.net Mvc Routing With Optional Starting Parameter

Sep 4, 2010

I'm starting a port of an existing ASP.NET Web Forms CMS to ASP.NET MVC and want to get the routing right from the start.Note: it isn't important to have the exact same URL structure.I think this answer is close to what I'm looking for but would like some additional input should anyone have it.


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WCF / ASMX :: Starting Integration With Web Services?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm having my first experience with Web Services with .Net. I received from a client an integration manual to consume a web service they have.

In this manual I have the following information:

Request Interface: [URL]

Using SOAP request would return a XML Document with the response.


Request XML:


There's also XSD for the response XML.

Well, I'm having a little trouble trying to figure out how to consume this web service.

I found a topic here pointing to a MSDN article. There it says that I would have to add a Web Reference for this web service, but in my case this web service is external. Do I really have to add this reference to consume the web service? If yes how do I do that?

Next I have to create the XML Document that will be sent with the SOAP request. But here's a question. Searching on the internet I found mainly two types of request XML. I don't know wich one I should use.

The first one would be:


The second one is a XML file with soap:Body, soap:Header, soap:Envelope, etc.

Wich one should I create with my application in order to consume the web service? If it's the second one, how would look the XML for the data of the first XML?

And finally, how do I send the Soap request? As I said above, I found a MSDN article but it assumes I'm adding a web reference to the web service on my project and I belive that in my case I won't add this reference. So, how do I consume this web service?

I'm kind of lost here and really really soon I will have to estimate how long will take to develop the web service consume code.

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Web Forms :: Indicate Starting Node In A Menu?

Jun 17, 2010

The following code for the menu I have in my master page:

<asp:SiteMapDataSource runat="server" ID="SiteMapDataSource" StartFromCurrentNode="false" ShowStartingNode="false" SiteMapProvider="SiteMap" />

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.net Development Server Starting Unintentionally?

Feb 10, 2011

I normally debug my web applications using a local copy of iis. Today while testing that code I suffered a couple of stack overflows. Following that visual studio failed to connect to iis to debug further. After rebooting I was again able to debug my web projects against iis. The annoying problem I have now is that the asp.net development server (Cassini) also starts up when I click start debugging. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing the unwanted server start? I've checked my app properties and use visual studio development server is not checked.

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Displaying Names Starting With Those Initial Characters?

Jun 24, 2010

I am working on ASP.NET 2.0, I have a list of books Name in my master table, while entering new book name in Textbox I want to display the book names starting with those initial characters. How to achieve this.AJAX, silver light.Etc.google like feature..

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Finding Master Page Considerations Before Starting?

Dec 28, 2010

So it is time to use some pages i have to a master page.I have limited usage with master pages so i will write some concerns here so i could get some answers cuz i don't want to start breaking stuff on xmas days.

Of course i will give it a go on my own but it will be good to know what problems must be aware of before i start.If someone knows of them.

So i have a concern about page transfer.

I do a post and on the page to go to i use "<%@ Reference Page="~/thepage.aspx" %>"

Will this go on the master page or on the page to be transferred to?

Also i had an issue with the below command:

Dim result = CType(Context.Handler, _Default) .

Apparently asp is quite funny sometimes and it has blued out the code saying, eerrr, can quite remember but something like the page cannot be found or something.Haha.Very funny.I copy pasted all the code to a new page, deleted the old one and renamed and it worked.So if this happens if i embed the page to a master page, will the copy paste technique will work again or i need to modify the master page also?

Another concern is about the daypilot calendar(Gary? ) it's a heavy ajaxed page using panels,:UpdatePanels,ajax,javascript,server manipulation,SqlDataSources etc. I don't expect most of you to know this but will there be a problem by putting the daypilot design interface inside a master page.This page is so complex that i prefer not to use it inside a master page if i suspect that something is wrong.

Paypal concern.I have read somewhere that you cannot use 2 form tags and master page will give errors.However my approach is using a StringBuilder and doing AppendFormat to finally create an iconic form.So has anyone tried this to a master page?Will it work.

Viewstate.I use viewstate encryption when i use viewstate.Will it work on a page inside the master page?

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AJAX :: Page Methods Starting New Session?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET page methods to check for the updates. I'm using inproc sessions and windows authentication in IIS 6. When page is loaded, a session is started. But sometimes when the page method is called it starts a new session(created with current request return true also). Why that might happen ?

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AJAX Call Not Starting IIS Worker Process

Dec 21, 2010

First of all, I'm not a pro on IIS configuration topic.With that being said, I got a website written in VB.NET 3.5 Web Forms. I have a small web service, ASMX, running as a part of this website. One page on the website calls the web service with AJAX (jQuery $.ajax function, post). The server is running Windows 2003 and IIS 6.0. The website and the web service are sharing the same Application Pool.

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SQL Reporting :: How To Prevent Subreport From Starting A New Page

Mar 26, 2010

My main report is about half of a page long, subreport contains a table and its length depends on how many rows the table has. But even when a single row, subreport jumps to second page. How to prevent it?

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Change Dropdownlist - First Letter Of Month In Starting?

Jun 20, 2010

How do I change my dropdownlist so the first letter of the month are in upper? - And would like my text [Mounth] to be at the top of the dropdownlist when it is active. Right now is on the bottom. Hope can help these small things.


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Web Forms :: Starting Facebook Application Developement

May 20, 2010

I am new for integrating Facebook to a web application. Please anybody can guide me which dll is best and sample code to proceed.

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Web Forms :: Best Practice For Starting An External Process From Web App?

Mar 24, 2011

I need to essentially make a command line tool available via a web interface. This tool would need to be run ON the web server, not the client machine. e.g.: someCommand.exe -aSwitch param1 param2 The tool will be in a windows integrated auth web app on an intranet. I have not had to do anything like this before, so I want to find out how others handle this, what is the recommended best practice? a quick google first showed someone using system.diagnostic.process... so to start playing I did something like this, just to see if it works, it does:


I won't be running cmd.exe, that's just to test with. The actual command line tool I will be using is not on my dev machince right now. . is using system.diagnostics.process, processStartInfo, and start method acceptable? my goals:

1. use recommended best practices, especially with regard to security
2. I'd like to start the command, and use ajax to display the commands output as it runs, and of course I need to know if it was successfull or not.

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Starting View For Deployed MVC Site - Don't Want Login By Default

Feb 19, 2010

Everything works as expected in VS under development (of course), but when deployed (local IIS) the log in view (sans css) comes up rather than the home index view. I've tried this with several test apps, including NerdDinner with the same results.

I want to allow unauthenticated users to browse most of the site, but I do have views that require authentication (fomrs). I don't want to see the login view by default, only when the user explicitly wants to log in, or trys to see a view that requires authentication. What settings need to be made to not default to the login view?

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