How To Do A Page Rank Checking

Aug 5, 2010

I'm looking for some code to do a page rank check on a given domain provided I pass it a URL string in I have been unable to find anything and I have been searching for days.

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How To Create A Page Rank Tool

Feb 19, 2010

I need to create a page rank tool in Not sure if there is an API i would implement or URL i would call to get this info. Pretty much I need to write something like this:


Can any one point me in the right direction?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Check Page Rank Of Website?

Oct 19, 2010

what i want is to have pr of each website listed in gridview.

The gridview is populated through database.

Is it possible in

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MVC :: Transferring Home Page Rank From A Traditional HTML To An Mvc Website?

Jun 20, 2010

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Is it possible to keep the home page rank? I am realy not interested in all the other pages.

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C# - How To Implement Rank Structure

Jun 15, 2010

What is the best way to implement a rank system:

here is the code i will use


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SQL Server :: Display Data From Database According To Some Rank Given To It?

Oct 1, 2010

I want to display the data from the table according to some given rank. For example row with Rank 1 should be displayed first and so on. But at the same time I don't want same rank should be given to more than one row.

And if I want to change the rank of a particular row, rank of other rows following it should get changed accordingly so that all rows have unique ranks.

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ADO.NET :: Full Text Search Sorting By Rank And Date?

Nov 23, 2010

I am creating a web app to search thousands of records for past 60 days. I am using SQL stored proc to do the full text search and return the results order by RANK and insert datetime.

I am using custom paging in stored proc to receive 10 results at a time. Each time a page of 10 record is returned it comes up with few records that were added recently and others which were added 40,50 or 60 days ago. This happens because full text search find those results more relevant than the recently added ones.

What would be the best way to sort the results by rank as well as by date time. I am using SQL Server 2008.

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Checking An Open Web Page?

Jan 18, 2011

I want to write an ASP page which will accept a set of parameters (lets call it Page A), and will then launch other ASP pages, feeding parameters to those pages as required (call these Page B and Page C).What I want to do though is make sure that Page A will only launch Page B if Page B isn't already open. I also want to perform the same check before Page A launches Page C.Is there an easy way to do this using ASP?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Rank For Each Repeater Item - Per DataList

Mar 3, 2011

I have a DataList control setup with a Repeater inside it. It's displaying Ranks just fine, but the problem is I don't know how to make it start over with each DataList.

Right now, if there are two rows in the PointsCat table, it creates two DataLists (new DataList for each ID) and populates the Repeater with the person's rank, name and points from the Points table. The CatID in the Points table is a number equal to an ID in the PointsCat table (to tell which DataList's Repeater to display the data in). This code currently just orders ALL the entries from my database table, so the first Repeater in the first DataList may end with a ranking of 4 (4th), the first item in the next DataList's Repeater starts with a rank of 5...instead of starting over with 1.

So my current page may show something like this (notice the rank didn't start over in the second category):

Points Category 1 Points Category 2
1 John Doe 400 4 Janet Doe 275
2 John Smith 390 5 Johnny Smith 270
3 Jane Smith 380

My SqlDataAdapter line is below. I need it to start over the ranking for each CatID. Is it possible to do that within this line?


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C# - Checking For Database Changes At Set Intervals In Page

Oct 19, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page which contains a large number of gridviews, which contain masses amount of data which take a fair while to rebind. I currently have it set so the gridviews are only bound when the account number is changed (on the page, the user searches for an account which then displays their information). I'd like it to be able to monitor a database table (hashing it maybe?) every few minutes, then if there are changes spawn a popup box informing them, and an option to have the gridviews refreshed. Firstly, is this possible in ASP.NET/C#? Secondly, what would the performance impact be on the page checking the hash/checking for changes in a large DB table?

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Web Forms :: Checking Windows App Stat From Web Page

Jul 7, 2010

I have written a windows based executable that runs certain scheduled tasks that user enters using a web site.Everything is working as they should, but recently users started complaining that when they schedule a task, it did not run at all.What I have found out was that sometimes the executable gets closed (some users close it accidently).

So I decided to show the scheduler status on the web page and I did the following:

Created a control table (table with one record) in my SQL database with a column called timestamp.
In my Windows application I have a timer that runs every 30 seconds. And I update the timestamp field with the current date and time.And in my web page I check to see the timedifference is <=2 (2 mineutes) with current date. This way I will know the scheduler status.

I am not sure whether this is a good method or not, because of those database calls every 30 seconds.
Could some one shed some light on this? Are they any better ways of doing this?

View 4 Replies

AJAX :: Web Page Not Submitted When Checking PostBack?

Feb 8, 2010

in aspx file i have two simple controls


Then in Code behind file i wrote this


When i check whether page is posted back or not with this method , by clicking the button


then web form does not respond any more ..and when not using this condition ajax is working fine.

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Web Forms :: Checking All Checkboxes On The Page Using 1 Checkbox With Or Without Javascript

Nov 1, 2010

I have found plenty of examples where the checkboxes to be checked are within a datalist, gridview or other datacontrol like that.. but i dont have that setup..

I have individual checkboxes within my page and need to provide a way to check or uncheck them all..

I cant use a checkboxlist because of the layout of the page.. so not sure if it would be easiest with javascript or do it with the checked event for the single check box that will be used..

I know that may not be the best or cleanest way, but is there a better way?

Reason i cant use a checkboxlist for the larger set of checkboxes, is that a few of them will have additional fields that need to be completed if they chose certain checkboxes.. so i have those controls next to the checkbox that they belong with..

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Web Forms :: Checking HTTPS On Page Load And Executing Condition?

Oct 13, 2010

In Global I have the following code that redirects the page to use HTTPS. I also have a SPROC that adds a record when a user visits a page. When a user visits a page, the SPROC is adding a record for the HTTP and then another record using the HTTPS. I'm not sure how to handle just adding one record. Is there something to add to the SPROC that will delete one of the records or should I do a code behind on an aspx page that executes the SPROC "IF" the page starts with HTTPS? HOw would I set up the condition to check for the HTTPS?


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Forms Data Controls :: Checking For Null On Aspx Page?

Jan 27, 2011

checking for null on aspx page


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Web Forms :: Checking Some Values In A CheckBoxList In The Page Load Event?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a checkboxlist (cblTeamMates) with a sqldatasource (sqlTeamMates) that has 3 columns (ID, FullName and Status ). The datavaluefield and datatextfield for cblTeamMates is "FullName" and the 2 status values possible are "Available" and "Absent". How do I go about, in the page load event, checking all the names (FullName) whose Status is "Available"?

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ADO.NET :: Checking Existence Of A Record In Sql Database Using IF EXIST And Reporting Outcome On Asp Page

Sep 22, 2010

I have a page that inserts a record to an sql database and I would like to do the following:

(i) Check if a record already exist before trying do an insert

(ii) If a record exist, the page should be able to inform/display a message in a textbox informing the user that the record already exist.

I have seen a number of post on the internet that suggest that one possible solution is to write a sproc and use the T-sql IF EXIST function. However, I have NOT seen a complete code showing (a) how this can be done (b) how to call the sproc from an asp page (c) and MORE IMPORTANTLY how to display a message informing a user that a record already exist i.e. when the record already exist in the database.

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Checking If Dll Is Installed

Aug 22, 2010

I have a web app that needs vfpoledb dll installed on the server to work. I wanted to check to see if this dll is installed and if it isn't display a message and link to install it. I have no idea how to go about this. Can someone give me an example of how to do this check in code for an C# app?

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C# - Checking Where All Foreign Key Is Being Used?

Jan 8, 2011

Lets say there's a table Table1 with Primary key as "MainID" and this MainID is being used as a Foreign key in many tables.

Now when I try and delete a record from Table1 who's MainID as foreign key is being used in some child tables, then it throws this exception that "Foreign key conflict n stuff"..

Now I want to design my Delete Strored procedure in such a way that first of all checks ALL the child t ables that have that foreign key column "MainID" and if MainID from Table1 is being used in any of the child tables it should return 0 . Based on this 0 value I want an alert box to show that will say "Still in use or watever" and wont let the user delete that record unless ALL the records in child tables have been deleted that were using that mainID from table1.

I can't use ON DELETE CASCADE. I want the user to delete child table records manually one by one. Only after child table records using the MainID have been deleted that the user can delete record from Table1

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Checking For Null Values

Jan 28, 2010

protected void rptNavigation_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs e){
if (!((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) || (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item)))
}string Name = string.Empty;
if (IsDBNull(e.Item.DataItem["FullName"])) {
Name = String.Empty;}
else {Name = (string)(e.Item.DataItem["FullName"]);}
Literal ltlLiteral = (Literal)(e.Item.FindControl("ltlLiteral"));
ltlLiteral.Text = Name.ToString();

I get error for IsDbNull - Error 1 The name 'IsDBNull' does not exist in the current context. What's the best way to check for null values returned from db? also I get errors on both lines where (e.Item.FindControl(ltlLiteral")); is present ERror: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'object'

View 12 Replies

Checking For Null List?

Jan 23, 2011

I am making a class with an optional paramiter which will be a List<> paramiter. I want to set it's default value to null so I have used List<Params> Param = null. What am not 100% sure is checking the list to see if it was set to null or not. Is using:

if (Param == null)

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Error While Checking Url - Key Can't Be Null

Sep 14, 2010

.NET noob here (as in I know next to nothing, I'm trying to pick up some of the scraps left by my developer). Ok, I am getting this error on a number of my .aspx pages: Error while checking url '/': Key cannot be null. Parameter name: key Interestingly, I get this on my homepage on which the only .NET code is in the form of two includes, e.g: <% Response.WriteFile("/includes/footer.aspx") %> These includes in themselves only contain HTML, so I assume the issue can only be related to these or a configuration issue?

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Checking Site For JS Errors?

Apr 7, 2010

I have an application where I use the AJAX Tabpanel. It works 99 times out of 100. But sometimes a JavaScript error appears on the site saying that the Tabpanel cannot be found.
What I want is to check the site for JS errors and if JS errors appear then I will reload the site. In Pseudo-code:


If noJavaScriptErrorsAppear then

Is that possible to implement in the serverside code e.g. in the page events?

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Checking Dimensions Of An Image?

Dec 22, 2010

using 2005.I am reading an image using a FileStream object and wondering this: is there a way that I can check what the dimensions are of a file before I read it using the FileStream object? the code I have now is like this:


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C# - Super Fuzzy Name Checking?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm working on some stuff for an in-house CRM. The company's current frontend allows for lots of duplicates. I'm trying to stop end-users from putting in the same person because they searched for 'Bill Johnson' and not 'William Johnson.' So the user will put in some information about their new customer and we'll find the similar names (including fuzzy names) and match them against what is already in our database and ask if they meant those things... Does such a database or technology exist?

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