Web Forms :: Checking Windows App Stat From Web Page

Jul 7, 2010

I have written a windows based executable that runs certain scheduled tasks that user enters using a web site.Everything is working as they should, but recently users started complaining that when they schedule a task, it did not run at all.What I have found out was that sometimes the executable gets closed (some users close it accidently).

So I decided to show the scheduler status on the web page and I did the following:

Created a control table (table with one record) in my SQL database with a column called timestamp.
In my Windows application I have a timer that runs every 30 seconds. And I update the timestamp field with the current date and time.And in my web page I check to see the timedifference is <=2 (2 mineutes) with current date. This way I will know the scheduler status.

I am not sure whether this is a good method or not, because of those database calls every 30 seconds.
Could some one shed some light on this? Are they any better ways of doing this?

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Control MyUserControl;
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