How To Insert Multiple Rows Using Entity Framework In Studio 2008

Oct 7, 2010

i'm trying to use Entity Framework to insert into SQL SERVER 2005, using Visual studio 2008.the following codes are a Button onclick event,I want to insert into DB multiple rows at a time


however this does not work, it seems we can only insert into DB only one row at a time

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Similar Messages:

Can Insert Muiple Rows Into Table Using Entity Framework

Oct 6, 2010

i'm trying to use Entity Framework to insert into SQL SERVER 2005, using Visual studio 2008.the following codes are a Button onclick event,I want to insert into DB multiple rows at a time


however this does not work, it seems we can only insert into DB only one row at a time

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Web Forms :: Entity Framework Multiple Rows Update

Feb 24, 2013

I am using Entity Framework 4.0. I want To write a query for multiple row update.

Then how to write Query for multiple row update in Entity Framework.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Save Multiple Rows Using ADO.NET Entity Framework

Mar 23, 2010

public void saveOptionalCourses( ArrayList coursesAdded, int studentID)
StudentOptionalCoursesXRef XRefObject = new StudentOptionalCoursesXRef();
using (var EntityObject = new SchoolProjectEntities2())
foreach ( string list in coursesAdded)
XRefObject.StudentDetails = EntityObject.StudentDetails.Where(c => c.StudentID == studentID).First();
XRefObject.OptionalCourses = EntityObject.OptionalCourses.Where(c => c.OptionalCourseName == list).FirstOrDefault();

with this above method and could save only last row that am returning remaining rows are iterated but are not saving on to database

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Cast Exception When Try To Insert Entity In Entity Framework (using Code-f)

Feb 9, 2011

I get an cast exception when i am trying to insert an entity in Entity Framework (using code-first). From this code :

public virtual T Insert(T entity)
return Context.Set<T>().Add(entity);

The cast exception is like "impossible to cast ...Collection'1(Entity) to type (Entity)" I can't figure out why. I am pretty sure ive done everything right. Post entity

public class Post
public long PostId { get; private set; }
public DateTime date { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }
public User User { get; set; }
public Category Category { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Tag> Tags { get; private set; }
public Post()
Category = new Category();
if (Tags == null)
Tags = new Collection<Tag>();

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In MVC And Entity Framework, How To Avoid Duplicate Rows

Mar 7, 2011

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and I'm trying to implement an address manager.I'm using Linq2Entity Framework. I've got a table with contacts and one with phone numbers. These two tables are linked by a contact_has_phone_number table. The Entity Framework enables me to get all phone numbers that are assigned to one contact. This is done by calling contact.PhoneNumbers which returns a collection of phone numbers.

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How To Insert, Many-To-Many, Entity Framework

Mar 18, 2011

I have 3 tables in the database, with a Many to Many relationship:

Assessment(assessID, userID, A, B, C)Grade(gradeID, scoreA, scoreB, scoreC)AssessmentGrade(assessID, gradeID) [PK and FK]I can already Insert into the Assessment AND Grade tables without any problems.I cannot seem to figure out how to Insert into the AssessmentGrade table. There is no separate Entity, because there is only the PK/FK in the AssessmentGrade. I have looked at some tutorials, but none of them seem to address my situation.

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ADO.NET :: How To Insert Foreign Key In Entity Framework In MVC

Oct 18, 2010

I m try to insert record to table, its working well without foreignkey using Entity model. But i need to insert foreign key. I used the following query, its not working well via Entity model.

objFacility.FacilityCategoryReference.EntityKey =
new System.Data.EntityKey("testEntities.test",
"id", 10);

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Can Entity Framework Insert Into Lookup Table

Dec 20, 2010

I ahve two tables each with a primary key. There is a lookup table in between the two tables with relationships. Below is a simplified look at the table structure

Table 'Product'
Column ProductPK int (Primary Key)
Table 'County'
Column CountyID int (primary key)
Table Product_County_Lookup
Column ProductPK int (Joint Primary Key)
Column CountyID int (joint primary key)

I already have the ProductPK and CountyID. What is the correct LINQ statement to insert into Product_County_Lookup table ONLY?

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Insert Record Into Mysql Db With Entity Framework

Apr 19, 2010

the problem is that it will insert a new record in a mysql table, I have already done the mapping of the mysql db and I have already done tests returning data and everything works. Now I read from a file, where there are queries written, I have them run me back and the result of true or false based on the final outcome of single query written to the file. Txt; I did this:

using (var w = new demotestEntities ())
foreach (var l listaqueri)
var p = we.CreateQuery <category> (l);
we.SaveChanges ();
result = true;

but it does not work, I sense that it returns no errors, but neither the result given written in the query. txt file is as follows: INSERT INTO category (id, name) VALUES (null, 'test2')

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Data Controls :: How To Get ID Of Record After Insert In Entity Framework

May 7, 2015

I want to add recored and immediately after add get id value of that record.

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Can Check Rows Returned In A QueryString Parameter Based Entity Framework Query

May 29, 2010

I need to check if any rows are returned in a QueryString here's what I have so far.not sure what code to put to see if the row count is greater than 1

private void BindDataToGrid()
//MessageBoardEntities3 is ThemeableAttribute connection string name
int TID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ThreadID"].ToString()); // if Post ID is int
var context = new MessageBoardEntities3();
gvPosts.DataSource = from p in context.Posts
where p.ThreadID == TID
select new { p.Post1, p.PostID };
lblNoPosts.Text = "No posts found for this thread.";

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Adding Multiple Rows, Displaying Session Rows And Then Doing One Insert?

Apr 14, 2010

I need to produce a from where I can add multiple parts. Each time a user enters a part number, the description should be populated. The user can then click add and this part and description will be shown below. They have the option to add as many parts as they require. Once all parts are added the user fills in some general info eg description and then once a submit button is clicked all part info will be inserted into a table and general info will be inserted into another table with one unique ID.

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Use FormView In Order To Insert Complex Entity Framework Objects?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm trying to use formview in order to do insert of a new entity object (called Customer) Customer has a reference to another entity called Address. How can I fill both of them in the same formview?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert A Null Into A Record Entity Framework

Feb 24, 2010

I'm using the linq to entity command to perform a record update. I want to set one of the fields back to NULL but I'm not sure how do it. I have a query such as

Dim record = From r in db.LISTS where r.ID = refID Select r
record.Title = txtTitle.text
if txtDetail.text = "" then
record.Detail =
end if

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ADO.NET :: Insert Update And Delete Records Using Entity Framework Data Model?

Nov 22, 2010

How can i insert,update and delete records using entity framework data model.

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SQL Server :: Bulk Insert Or Insert Multiple Rows Into Database At A Time?

Aug 20, 2010

i need to insert multiple rows at a time into database table(sqlserver) from datatable or gridview. Actually iam looping through the rows of gridview and inserting each row. Is there any method to insert entire table of rows at a time into database table. Both datatable columns and database table coulmns are similar.

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert New Blank Rows In A Gridview And Insert Them In Database Multiple At A Time?

Oct 19, 2010

I have grid view in ASP.Net 3.5. I need to add multiple blank rows in a gridview and then have to save them in database. How can I do that in most simplest way?

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ADO.NET :: Entity Framework With Multiple Database Servers

Feb 7, 2011

We have an IVR product that reads a configuration database for callflow information. I am writing a tool for our implementation team that will allow them to add/delete/update the data in the configuration database. Once the tool is in production, the implementer will use only the production release of the tool to modify the configuration database in all four of the IVR regions (Dev, QA, Cert, and Prod). Each region has its own database with identical schemas. The tool has 'tabs' across the top for each region. If a user is currently working in the Dev region and clicks the QA tab, how do I switch my connection from the Dev db server to the QA db server?

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ADO.NET :: How To Use Stored Procedure For Insert,update,delete,select In Entity Framework 4 With MVC2

Dec 10, 2010

i want to know how to call stored procedure in entity framework. how to do code with controller class and with model.

i mean if i want to call insert,update,select,delete stored procedure for entity framework then what are stps i have to follow.

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ADO.NET :: LINQ To Entity Multiple Rows WCF?

Dec 15, 2010

I am selecting some products from database and would like to show them in client's grid using WCF. Problem is I don't know how to pass selected collection to the client since my method can't return that data type.

My method:

public class Service1 : IService1
public ProductData GetData(int value)
using( NorthwindEntities NWEntities = new NorthwindEntities()){


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Entity Framework - Use Of Self-Tracking Entities In Across Multiple Posts

Dec 14, 2010

I have a model that consists of Order, OrderLine, Product.

I want to create an Order and add OrderLines (each OrderLine related to a Product). I create the Order and add new OrderLines to it. Between posts I store the Order entity in Session (or ViewState). Just so you know I have added suppport for binary serialisation which works fine.

The relationship is therefore Order > OrderLine(s) > Product(s).

You might have already guessed what the problem is - that when I SaveChanges() I get the usual 'AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager.' error.

I have referred to a number of articles online but none seem to handle this case (where I have the relationship across more than two entities) e.g. [URL].

This must be a very common requirement surely? Is there anyone out there doing the same kind of thing with Entity Framework (and without using DTOs etc)?

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Using Multiple ObjectContexts In Entity Framework 4 With The Repository/uow Pattern

Jan 17, 2011

i am using EF4 and StructureMap in an web application. I am using the repository/unit of work patterns as detailed in this post. In the code, there is a line that delegates the setup of an ObjectContext in global.asax.

EntityUnitOfWorkFactory.SetObjectContext(() => new MyObjectContext());

On the web page code-behind, you can create a generic repository interface like so ...

IRepository<MyPocoObject> ds = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRepository<MyPocoObject>>();

My question is what is a good approach to refactoring this code so that I can use more than one ObjectContext and differentiate between them in the code-behind? Basically i have two databases/entity models in my application and need to query them both on the same page.

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Using Entity Framework To Connect To Multiple Similar Tables In MVC?

Jun 10, 2010

A relative newcomer to .net MVC2 and the entity framework, I am working on a project which requires a single web application, (C# .net 4), to connect to multiple different databases depending on the route of access, (ie subdomain).

No problem with this in principle and all the logic is written to transform the subdomain into an entity connection and pass this through to the Entity Model.

The problem comes with the fact that the different database whilst being largely similar in structure contain 3 or 4 unique tables bespoke to that instance.

To my mind there are two ways to solve this issue, neither of which i am sure will be possible.

1/ Use a separate entity model for each database. -Attempts down this route have through up conflicts where table/sp names are the same across differnt db's, or implicit conversion errors when I try and put the different models in different namespaces. or

2/ Overwrite the classes which refer to the changeable database objects based on the value of a base controller property.

My question is if either of theser routes can ever work in principle or if i should just give up on the EF and connect to the dtabases directlky using ADO. Perhaps there is another way to solve this problem i haven't thought of?

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ADO.NET :: Entity Framework ContainsAll Matching Multiple Values

Jan 21, 2011

So, have a search form where users can enter one or more keywords, these keywords are then held in a List<string> called keywords. Now using Entity Framework have an Organisation entity with a Name field. What I want to do is select those organisations whose name contains all the keywords. I don't care if they are in the right order or not but it just contain all the keywords. Also organsiations is a big table in the database so I don't want to materialise all the organsiation objects on the server and then loop through them. So what I'm looking for (excuse my LINQ naivety here) is equivalent to the non-existent LINQ statement:


I'm sure this must have already been answered but just can't find it.

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