How To Rename Files On The Fly

Jul 6, 2010

What I want to do is rename myfile.mp3 to 00001.non and store it on my server which is easy. I then would like a link setup on a secure page that when clicked will rename 00001.non back to myfile.mp3 and prompt myself to download the file. Is this possible, if so, how? I use C# (web forms).

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showing some error also the folder using another process, How to rename while moving..

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it should increment file name

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in we can rename the property with [JsonPropertyAttribute("")] ,

public class Foo
// how can I rename the Foo1 property name to F1?!
public string Foo1 { set; get; }
public string Foo2 { set; get; }

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new Foo(),
new Foo(),
new Foo()
return post;

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<TestResponse xmlns="">

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The WebMethod was defined:


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HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=form.pdf");

HOWEVER, i found that when the pdf file was returned to browser( rather than a pop up window to download), the filename always remain same as the action name! (when u right click file and try to save it on ur hard disk), i was wondering if there is a automatic way to rename the file rather than "right click" and "save as" to rename the outputfile when it is shown in the browser?

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Oct 5, 2010

I have a question. How do you rename a file from an upload control and save it in webserver folder?. Actually I know how to save it in the webfolder. All I want to know is how to check if the file already exist and to rename it if it exist with an addition of number to the file uploaded? Here is my code now. But I wanna add another number to it with the orignal file name.

filepath = Server.MapPath(
"~/Resumes/" & UploadResume.FileName)

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1. [URL] OR

2. [URL]

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Mar 19, 2010

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string SQL = "INSERT INTO my table (dailyFile) VALUES(@IMGDAILYFILE)";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IMGDAILYFILE", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 80));
cmd.Parameters["@IMGDAILYFILE"].Value = "/myfolder/subfolder/" + destPath3.Substring(destPath3.LastIndexOf("\") + 1);

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C# - Programmatically Rename A Sharepoint Directory (SPFolder Or SPListItem)?

Sep 10, 2010

I have tried this:

SPFolder folder = ...;
folder.Item["Name"] = newName;

And it behaves mysteriously. If I run it, it throws an exception: SPException: Cannot complete this action. HOWEVER, if I stop it in the debugger after the new Name assignment and before the Update(), and look at the properties of folder.Item, then continue, it works every time. It's not a timing thing, I tried stopping it in the debugger without looking at it in the Locals window, but it threw an exception that time. This question indicates a similar solution but using SystemUpdate(), does that matter? [URL]

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