How To Set An Unbound GridView Column To Invisible In Code
Apr 4, 2011
Dim Application = From AL In db.AnnualLeave _
Where AL.Approval <> True _
Select LeaveID, EmpID, Name
GridView3.DataSource = Application
after calling `GridView3.DataBind(), why do i still get Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index.
at this line of code GridView3.Columns(1).Visible = False yet the grid has rows and more than 2 columns. i found a thread about similar problem here [URL] Note that the Gridview columns have NOT been defined at design time.
i want to sort my Gridview rows by a template column that is not bound to any database field. This template coulmn just has a label whose text i set in code depending on a value in a different column that is databound. So am stuck on how to set its sortExpression since its not linked to an column.
I have a gridview control bound to a sqldatasource in c#. In the rowdatabound event I look at a value in a cell and use a function to evaluate the value and depending on that value I populate an added unbound column in my bound datagrid to show an excalmation point. I now want to sort by the column with the excalmation point.
I have an ASP.NET GridView control in a Web Form. For the sake of simplicity, I will say that this GridView is defined as follows:
When each of these rows is bound (a.k.a. during the "myGridView_RowBound" event), I want to get the ID, Name, and Age values. My problem is, I cannot figure out how to get the "ID" value. The reason why is because it is in an invisible field.
How do I make a column invisible in a gridview? I tried to use this:
dataGridView.Columns(0).Visible = False
But its getting an error "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index". How can I do this?
I have a grid view which is dynamically generated via C# using a DataSet. I'm passing a row ID field (from the database) to the grid view, as this is required when a user clicks to edit a records. However I don't want the user to be able to view the column.I have tried the following but it doesn't seem to work? hide the column or a better way of attaching the information to the grid view row so it can be used at a later stage. c#
DataColumn ColImplantCustomerDetailsID = new DataColumn(); ColImplantCustomerDetailsID.ColumnName = "Implant ID"; ColImplantCustomerDetailsID.DataType = typeof(int); ColImplantCustomerDetailsID.Visable = false; <-- visable doens't work here.
How do I pass a GridView column value to the code behind with out making it visible? In the following code, I would like to capture the ContactID with out making it visible in the GridView.
I would like to capture ContactID as follows. I can not do so with out making it visible = true in the GridView.
if (e.CommandName.Equals("Remove")) { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); int ContactID = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.Rows[index].Cells[0].Text.Trim()); }
I m getting 9 columns from database in a dataset but I want to diplay only 4 columns in datagrid. Remaining 5 columns values, I want to display in the textboxes below datagird.
I tried it making column invisible. If I make it invisible, I m not getting any value for that column to display in the textbox.
I bound the gridview having some fields(ID, StudName, City) Â and Display Button. When I click on the Disply button I approve the student and updation will happen.Â
Bu what happen the column ID is not in the sequence. Sometime it displays 1,2,3,4,5,6 ... Â next time it will display 7,8,9,10,11.... I want a sequence for the column ID. For that I used :Â
<%# Container.DataItemIndex+1 %>
and it is working fine.. But again I realize that these numbers are generating at runtime and i can't refer to that student. Also I don't want to display ID column on the grid view but I want to use on runtime generated column. [ i am using RowCommand for ID column ] How it is possible?Â
regarding gridview Template my template column i have a textbox and i need to invisible to user. but when i set visible property "false" then textbox value is not render.
I have a gridview control inside an updatepanel. When I run the app and look at the source code generated, there is no source code about gridview. So, I can't aproach to the elements inside the gridview.
My question is, where is rendered code of gridview and how can I approach controls inside it?
let me explain completly. I designed an gridview, header template i added one textbox and button if the user enter something on Txtbox and click button then based on input i show corresponding rows only, all other rowss will be hidded using Javascript like below
tblOrders.rows[CurrRow].style.display = 'none';
now im doing something on the Gridview_RowCommand event at this time the gridview got refreshed so that the hiden rows are visible, but i dont want to show the hidden(invisible) rows while rowcommand event fired.
The Datalist is being databound via an ObjectDataSource and everything here works fine. I have a label which I've added to my datalist and it's unbound to anything. Depending on the message information, I want this unbound label to display a certain phrase but it has to be next to a bound label. But if I try to change the text of the label in the code-behind, VS2k8 reports that the label is not declared. How do I do this?
Is there a way to populate gridView in aspx page with some static Unbound data without making changes to the .vb file?I do not see any settings in the property window, checking to see if someone has the code?
The gridview will be populated with some columns with values. The problem is that the values are formated like this 1234.5600 and i want them to be like 1,234.56
I am populating a DataTable and binding it to a GridView's source.
I have a dropdown box in an itemtemplate in the gridview.
I want the dropdown to have 3 options and depending on what is in a column from row in datatable a specific value will be selected.
I was able to do this when I was binding gridview source by looping through SQL but now I that I am putting the results in a datatable I am not sure how to go about it.
This will create multiple fields in the gridview with some values. Say i have this field called "Sold" and it has the value "1234.5600" How can i display it like "1,234.56" ?
i use a gridview to show data from datasource, but i have some column in this gridview that they're not bound. If i go in edit mode, my unbound control show me the textbox to enter value and its ok, but if i modify value thru rowdatabound, now when i go in edit mode, the textbox are not showing as i expect, its just showing the value i put in rowdatabound, but i don't have the textbox to let me enter a new value and update it after.
And more in the same relation: with the two above condition i wrote, when i dont modify value in rowdatabound, i can modify value in prerender event with this line:
TextBox box1 = this.GridView1.Rows[this.GridView1.EditIndex].FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox; box1.Text = "a value" ; but
when again i modify value in rowdatabound, the line above will not work too, box1 is load with a null value
I have some tables in my mvc application for layout purposes. Even though I usually use divs for most things, in some cases tables make most sense because they already have exactly the layout I'm after in these cases.
The only problem is, as far as I know the borders are supposed to be invisible unless you specify a width and style for the borders. But they aren't... They are rather vague, yes, but there are still light blue borders around each cell. What is that and how do I get rid of them? (Funny thing is I don't remember having seen this before when I used tables, which was a while ago).
I also tried specifically setting the border to 0px on both table and td, but that didn't work either...
what I am trying to do is add a method to my gridview's sorting event to add a class to the column being sorted so the user can know if the data is being sorted ascending or descending and on what column. I am currently trying to do it through a switch statement on the sort expression to determine what column it's coming from but I am unaware of how to set the css class.