Iis - CLR Profile Be Used For Profiling Applications?

Mar 3, 2011

Title says it all but since requirement is that body must be atleast 30 characters, let me copy paste it.Can CLR Profile be used for profiling ASP.NET applications?

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Just an FYI for those trying to use the SqlTableProfileProvider in a Web application project. Here's my article:

Using the SQL Table Profile Provider in ASP.NET 4 Web Applications (C# & VB)


The complete projects are here:


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DateTime dbg = DateTime.Now;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["dbg"])) Response.Write("<b>partial className:</b> " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(dbg).TotalMilliseconds + "<hr />");

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Source Error:



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<add name="Name"/>

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x = Profile.GetPropertyValue(....)

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asp:sqldatasource id="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>"[code]....

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Could you suggest me a product that grant integration with my existing application.

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// Bla...
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Jan 19, 2010

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I use C#

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