MVC :: How To Profile MVC Application

May 20, 2010

I am creating an ASP.NET MVC application. Now I see that it is slow. How can I profile it to see where the problem lies?

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Similar Messages:

Want To Use Profile In Web Application

Jan 19, 2010

i want to use the Profile to store some informations about the user , but i don't know how cause i am using a web applicatio not a web site. In fact, i want to store data after that the user click on a button.

I use C#

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Unable To Use A Profile In .NET Web Application

Mar 27, 2011

I'm reading an ASP.NET book that says you can't use Profile if you select Web Application when you start a project. It only run under Web Site.

Are there any alternatives for Web Application? Or do you need to build your own Profile system.

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How To Use Profile In Web Site/web Application

Apr 4, 2011

Some years ago I worked at a very large project in C++/Java with the a CORBA ORB and we were using Rational Purify/CodeCoverage to instrument, detect memory leaks and discover bottlenecks on server code. From that time I did not have any experience on using tools like that on the .NET platform either working on pure c# or with a web application

Do you use tools?Do you estimate traffic and do calculations on the expected bandwidth needed?

Do you profile differently server code and web page rendering?

What code coverage tool are you using?

I know this is a very big topic. Some information I have are from the book "Performance Analysis for Java WebSites", who is fo the Java platform and reference tools for that platform but ises an approach that is transferable and so the core ideas apply generally.

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Security :: How To Use Profile Provider In WebForm Application

Dec 2, 2010

i want to use profile provider in webformapplication

i hear that profile provider can only be used by website

is there some way to use it also in webform application?

i try to useProfileCommon method but i got an error

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Security :: Using Profile Shopping Cart Property With Web Application?

Mar 15, 2010

I know how to use Profile Shopping cart property with Web site but i can't use it with web application

if you can refere me to any post explains how to use Profile Shopping cart property with Web application.

For example if i used this code in web application does not work but it works in website!


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Security :: Open Source User Profile And Role Management Application?

Dec 23, 2010

I am looking for an opensource .Net 4.0 user profile and role management module. I need to manage basic user profile updates and management. Does any body know if such a thing exist?

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Web Forms :: Sync Data Between Web And Local Version Of Application - Profile Provider Crashed

Jun 26, 2010

I had to restructure my database so I could synch the data between the Web and local version of my application, which I had carelessly let run amok. I finally get all the records and schema into one database but now that I've done that, my Profile system isn't working anymore. I noticed that the relationships between aspnet_Users and _Membership (and my "profile additional items table") don't exist anymore. I ran the aspnet_regsql.exe utility and registered the DB, and I'm surprised that the registration didn't re-establish the foreign key relationships, etc.

Anyway, if someone can give me pointers on how to restore these relationships or direct me to a source that explains it (i.e., what the foreign keys should be named, if there are any other aspnet_ tables that need to be linked together), I'm pretty sure this would take care of my problem. And I just noticed that nothing is in the aspnet_Profile table. Should I start all over with a new database or is this one salvageable?

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Trying To Implement Custom Profile Fields In Visual Studio 2008 Web Application Project?

Mar 18, 2010

I've been working on this for a while now and nothing has been a bigger pain in I'm trying to implement custom profile fields in my visual studio 2008 web application project. I've read a lot of tutorials but they all seem to be either out dated or don't apply to web application projects. Last night I got a little closer to solving the problem when I found the "Web Profile Builder" for web applications. I've successfully set this up and can handle static profile data.I've got my web.config file setup and I can access my custom profile fields by Profile.CustomField. Now I want to figure out how I integrate this with the database and data connection. I know there are two standard ways to handle this, I would like to create new columns in the aspnet_Profile database (rather than the delimited key/value option).I'm pretty new to and this is my first project with c#, .net, and asp.

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Web Forms :: Profile Service Error - Unable To Load User Profile In Iis?

Jan 3, 2011

I am using profile services to store some attributes of users registered in the website. Now I am making a display profile page for a user. The problem is that the profile loads easily when I am running the site from VS 2010, but it gives the following error when I run it from IIS7 on my local machine:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:



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Web Forms :: Writing To Profile With Multiple Profile Providers?

Aug 6, 2010

I'm trying to update/create the user profile for a specific user that will not be the logged on user of the moment. I'm able to do this with the following code:

'Dim p As ProfileBase = ProfileBase.Create(Email, False)

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Security :: Creating A Profile For A New User Is Updating Other Profile

Feb 4, 2010

I am logged in as user1, and while creating a user in which I have additional information which would store first and last name into the profile database. I have the following code


But because I just have profile like that, it is updating the profile of user1 not the new user i just created


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Security :: Want To Use Profile And Have A Profile Property?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm being stupid but don't know what I'm missing.I want to use profile and have a profile property.So in the webconfig for my site I've added:

<add name="Name"/>

But in the code behind a page I cannot use Profile.Visual Studio is just saying the Profile is not known in the current context.Thus I cannot do

Profile.Name = ....
x = Profile.GetPropertyValue(....)

View 13 Replies

Web Forms :: Create A Profile In Which The User Can Create And Edit His Profile?

Jun 25, 2010

I got the followig task.Create a website (Profile.aspx) in which the User can create and edit his profile.Well, I know how to write in a database, but how do I get the UserName oder the UserID to make a PrimaryKey?If the user is logged in a session will be started. In this session is the UserName but I don't know how to read out the UserName with ASP.NET to make an PrimaryKey. If I would try to read out the UserName with C# I must save it in an variable and give it somehow to my form.

asp:sqldatasource id="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>"[code]....

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How To Get The User Profile From RPX

Apr 29, 2010

I am using RPX for authentication. Now I get the user profile with identifier. What to do next to set authentication cookie and other things? Also the logout feature. in 3.5 and C#.

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Use Profile In A Project?

Apr 4, 2010

i have a project and i want to use profile in it.

i set some profile properties in web.config file and in code of my page i use Profile.MyProperty but it doesn't return it and i have an error like MyProperty is not a member of Profile.

i try to creat a web site and i use the code as like as in my project and it work

can you tell me why it doesn't work in project? and how can i use it in a project?

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MVC :: How To Access Profile (MVC 3 Razor)

Feb 4, 2011

I'm all new at MVC, so how do I access the users Profile attributes which are defined in the web.config file.With WebForms I would normally do something like this:



I really can't figure out how to do it in MVC 3 Razor.Would really like to see a working example,

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Want To Save Some Values In Profile?

Mar 20, 2011

Possible Duplicate: How to assign Profile values?I want to save some values in Profile in MVC controller, How can I access the profile object in controller ? What namespace Do I need to add. I have added few name value pairs under profile section in web.config.

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Architecture :: Using Profile In Web Farm

May 6, 2010

My web app must access database via web service, and can not access databse directly.

In case my web app is deployed into a web farm, to remember the user's preference, I think I can't use ASP.NET Profile directly.

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Using Membership And Profile Providers?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm trying to use both the default Membership and Profile Providers and can not for the life of me get both to work at the same time. I'm using MS Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and when I create a new Project I get access to the Membership but not the Profile. When I create a new Website I get just the opposite i.e. access to Profile and not Membership. What do I need to do to get access to both?

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Profile Access In .NET Web Services?

Apr 30, 2010

ASP.NET profile properties are trivially available to the code-behind of an ASPX web page courtesy of the HttpContext.Current.Profile object.

In a .svc web service, how does one bring ProfileCommon and paraphernalia into scope?

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Security :: Use The Profile Other Than Default?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm making another attempt to find out how to use a different profile in the web application. I though it would be quite simple. but couldn't find an answer anywhere.

All I need to know is how to call "i90ProfileProvider" instead of default "i90PartnerProfileProvider" in C# or VB.

<profile defaultProvider="i90PartnerProfileProvider">
<add name="i90PartnerProfileProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="i90Partner"/>
<add name="i90ProfileProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="i90"/>

There must be the way to do this. For user it works just fine:

MembershipUser user=


If there is a way to add a name for Profile Provider in web.config, then there must be a way to use it.

Or I should do something entirely different to retrieve the user profile form another database?

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C# - Binding Formview With Profile?

Apr 17, 2010

I want to display and update user profile using FormView control. But I dont know exactly how to do this.

I am using custom providers for Roles, Membership and Profile. Everything is working fine.

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Iis - CLR Profile Be Used For Profiling Applications?

Mar 3, 2011

Title says it all but since requirement is that body must be atleast 30 characters, let me copy paste it.Can CLR Profile be used for profiling ASP.NET applications?

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Does The .NET SQL Profile Provider Use Caching?

Aug 11, 2010

Does the ASP.NET SQL Profile Provider use caching? I mean if I pull data from the profile for a user will it hit the DB for each request?

I'm looking for a setting or any information on this. I had thought I read it would use cookies but I can't find this now.

Edit: describes process as

When called by SqlProfileProvider.GetPropertyValues, aspnet_Profile_GetProperties performs the following actions:

Queries the aspnet_Applications table to convert the application name input to it into an application ID.

Queries the aspnet_Users table to convert the user name input to it into a user ID.

Queries the aspnet_Profile table for the PropertyNames, PropertyValuesString, and PropertyValuesBinary fields for the specified user.

Updates the user's last activity date in the aspnet_Users table with the current date and time.

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