Iis7 - How To Stop Cache

Jun 7, 2010

I'm seeing an issue of some static pages that are using the browser cache, which is not desired. To prevent caching, I'm setting

<clientCache cacheControlMode="DisableCache" />

in the relevant <location> tag in web.config

If I open the page in Firebug (in the Net tab), I see that the Response headers have Cache-Control: no-cache which is correct, but the status of the Response is 304 Not Modified! Isn't that a contradiction? How can I get it to stop caching (i.e. always send a 200 with content)?

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Similar Messages:

Is The Cache Independent For Each Host Header Set In IIS7

Dec 22, 2010

I have a site that dynamically loads website contents based on domain host name, served from IIS7. All of the domains share a cached collection of settings. The settings are being flushed from the cache on almost every page request, it seems. This is verified by logging the times at which the Cache value is null and reloaded from SQL. This codes works as expected on other servers and sites. Is it possible that ASP.NET Cache is being stored separately for each domain host name?

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Manually Refresh Output Cache In IIS7?

Dec 23, 2010

On our website we use standard asp cache with duration set to 5h.

It works fine, but sometimes the publisher add some special content that need to be showed impatiently on many different sub-pages (example some promoted article).

That's what I need to do it's easy to use page like this:


I want to clear SERVER SIDE CACHE.

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C# - Cache A Dataset To Stop Round Trips To Db?

Sep 11, 2010

I am creating a search results page in C# in an ASP.NET 1.1 page. In my data layer I have a DataSet that stores the result of a plain old ADO.NET stored procedure call. The DataSet has two DataTables and I'm using a DataVIew to filter and sort the columns.

I only want to fill the dataset once, and then work on the DataTables and derived DataView until the page is unloaded. How best should I cache the DataSet in my DAL so that it is filled only PageLoad? Do i put it in a Cache object, a static member variable, a property...

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Web Forms :: Clear Browser Cache And Stop Pages From Being Cached?

Oct 25, 2013

when i first run my applcation some time its showing the data from cache.i want to avoid it in first time .

i want to cache my all images/css/js file what is the efficient way to do it.

i have lot of images folder /js /css files.

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Iis7 - Error On Cache Folder In Application / Access To The Path 'Cachev10' Is Denied

Feb 17, 2011

I'm working on an ASP.NET application that accesses Team Foundation Server 2010 and creates new work items. The application is running in the DefaultAppPool, using NetworkService as the identity. I'm getting the error below:

[UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'Cachev10' is denied.]


We were able to work around the issue by turning the Cache folder into a network share and giving NetworkService full access to the share. I'd prefer not to have to do this, but it seems to be working correctly now.

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IIS7: Set "no-cache" For All Aspx Pages But Not Images/css/js

Jan 7, 2010

I would like to not cache my aspx pages anywhere. For some reason IE ignores meta tags which are set from my master page

<meta http-equiv="Expires" CONTENT="0">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

I am trying to see if I can set my Http response header to "Cache-Control" - "no-cache". Setting something like

HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("Exipres", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString());

in every page would be painful. I am thinking if there is anyway we can set this in IIS7 (add this header to aspx pages, but not images/css/js). Is it possible ?


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C# - Implement System.Web.Caching.Cache Object In A Controller To Cache Specific Query?

Mar 29, 2010

Is it correct to implement my caching object like this in my controller :


And I Use it like this :


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Architecture :: Cache The Full List Of Objects In Http Cache On The Service Tier And Page In Memory?

Feb 25, 2011

We have a wfc layer that wraps the business classes and database access and use a client that lives on the database layer. Amongst our group we are attempting to form standards. Some want to have the client call the web method and pass the page they are requesting and the page size. Pass that to the database and then page in SQL Server use RowNum.Some want to cache the full list of objects in http cache on the service tier and page in memory. They concern here is memory use on the server.

Which would be best for a medium number of users with potentially large number of records to manage (say 30K) Is it better to cache them all in memory and work from there or page at the database as the application scales?

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New-Cache Parameters For AppFabric Cache When Storing.NET Session State

Jul 28, 2010

What are the "optimal" parameters for creating an AppFabric cache when you will be storing session state in the cache? MSDN Cache-Related Commands

Powershell command line:

New-Cache [-CacheName] <String> [-Eviction <String>] [-Expirable <String>] [-Force [<SwitchParameter>]] [-NotificationsEnabled <String>] [-Secondaries <Int32>] [-TimeToLive <Int64>]


Since I don't want my sessions to be removed unless the session has been abandoned either via code or Session Timeout...For eviction, I would think "None" and for expireable, I would think False.I have tested and calling Session.Abandon does remove the object from the cache. I have also tested to see if by extending my session, the session object in cache is also extended. This does seem to work the "correct" way.

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Data Cache Support Background Population Of Cache Entries?

Aug 1, 2010

We have a data driven ASP.NET website which has been written using the standard pattern for data caching (adapted here from MSDN):

public DataTable GetData()
string key = "DataTable";
object item = Cache[key] as DataTable;


The trouble with this is that the call to GetDataFromSQL() is expensive and the use of the site is fairly high. So every five minutes, when the cache drops, the site becomes very 'sticky' while a lot of requests are waiting for the new data to be retrieved.

What we really want to happen is for the old data to remain current while new data is periodically reloaded in the background. (The fact that someone might therefore see data that is six minutes old isn't a big issue - the data isn't that time sensitive). This is something that I can write myself, but it would be useful to know if any alternative caching engines (I know names like Velocity, memcache) support this kind of scenario. Or am I missing some obvious trick with the standard ASP.NET data cache?

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C# - Maximum Length Of Cache Keys In HttpRuntime.Cache Object?

Feb 24, 2010

We are using HttpRuntime.Cache API in an ASP.NET to cache data retrieved from a database.

For this particular application, our database queries feature a LOT of parameters, so our cache keys look something like this:

table=table1;param1=somevalue1;param2=somevalue2;param3=somevalue3;param4=somevalue4;param5=somevalue5;param6=somevalue6... etc...

we have so many parameters that the cache key is several hundred characters long. is there a limit to the length of these cache keys? Internally, it is using a dictionary, so theoretically the lookup time should be constant. However, I wonder if we have potential to run into some performance/memory problem.

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ADO.NET :: Use HttpContext.Current.Cache (system.web) For Cache Data Something In Project

Sep 13, 2010

I have use Nhibernate in my MVC Project by me known, Nhibernate have cache on Session and Object. now, I want use HttpContext.Current.Cache (system.web) for cache data something in project. my code same that have problem, haven't it. and that's right or wrong.

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Architecture :: Distributed Caching / Keeping Cache In Sync Between Multiple Webservers Or Even Better Farm Cache Management To Another Server?

Feb 26, 2010

I've got a web application that runs of a state server. It looks like soon it may need to distributed and there will be two web servers behind a load balancer.

This works great for session state but my next challenge is Cache

My application leverages heavily of cache. I understand ASP.Net 4.0 will be offering more here but nothing much has been said about the how too.

There are two challenges that I face

1). Each webserver will have its own copy of cache whereas it would be more efficient to put this to a third server the same as session state is put to state server.

2). The real challenge is keeping cache in sync if a simple dataset derived from the database is changed my code dumps that cache item and reloads the cache. That's all well on one webserver but webserver number two wont know to drop that particular cache item and reload it. This could cause some unexpected problems in the application.

For scenario number 2 I could attempt to do some smart coding so server number two knows to dump the cache and reload it.

My guess is someone else has already been here before and there's probably a better implementation approach rather than writing extra code.

Does anyone know how I could achieve the goal of keeping Cache in sync between multiple webservers or even better farm Cache management to another server?

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Is Page Output Cache Stored In.NET Cache Object?

Nov 2, 2010

I need to enable caching in my asp.net application, but I do not want to use the webserver's memory for holding cache objects. If I add the page directive for output caching will the page be stored in the asp.net cache object?

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C# - Application_End() Cannot Access Cache Through HttpContext.Current.Cache

Dec 12, 2010

I want to be able to maintain certain objects between application restarts.

To do that, I want to write specific cached items out to disk in Global.asax Application_End() function and re-load them back on Application_Start().

I currently have a cache helper class, which uses the following method to return the cached value:

return HttpContext.Current.Cache[key];

Problem: during Application_End(), HttpContext.Current is null since there is no web request (it's an automated cleanup procedure) - therefore, I cannot access .Cache[] to retrieve any of the items to save to disk.

Question: how can I access the cache items during Application_End()?

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C# - Web Application Cache Versus Database Cache

Jan 14, 2010

Im building a image gallery which reads file from disk, create thumbnails on the fly and present them to the user. This works good, except the processing takes a bit time.

I then decided to cache the processed images using the ASP .NET Application Cache. When a image is processed I add the byte[] stream to the cache. As far as I know this is beeing saved into the system memory. And this is working perfect, the loading of the page is much faster.

My question is if there are thousands of images which gets cached in the Application Cache, will that affect the server performance in any way?

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Sql - Cache And Output Cache For Controls?

Oct 28, 2010

You know I have the way to Cache the data I've got from the SQL Server over data caching. In addition I can output cache web user controls.Whats about a web user control contains data from a SQL database? Does it make sense to cache the data and also cache the control?What is the best solution for the combination of these two components?

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Programmatically Cache A Server Control And Add A Cache Dependency?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a server control that I developed which generates navigation based on a third party CMS API. Currently I am caching this control using the PartialCaching attribute. The CMS uses cache key dependencies to invalidate the cache when a user makes an edit, however in the case of my server control it does not get invalidated and the updated navigation will not show up until the cache expiration set by the PartialCaching attribute.Here is my two part question:

What is the proper way to programmatically cache a server control, without using the PartialCaching attribute, and adding a cache key dependency?

Is it possible to continue to use the PartialCaching attribute and add a cache key dependency?

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Web Forms :: Cache "OutputCache" - Exclude The "login/register" Control From The Cache?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm using the OutputCache for my pages, and I have a dynamic user control (login/register) . When the user try to sign in, the the control do not change the aspect because I´m using OutputCache. How can I exclude the "login/register" control from the cache?

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C# - HttpRuntime.Cache.Remove Doesn't Remove Cache

Nov 19, 2010

I am trying to remove the cache using the HttpRuntime.Cache.Remove(key) but invain. I wonder what are the best practices for using HttpRuntime.Cache.

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C# - Why Does IIS Stop After A While

Jan 30, 2011

I am not too clear about the IIS lifecycle, but my general understanding is:

Every couple of hours IIS resets itself. This is apparently done so as to fix up any memory leaks, resource deadlocks etc. etc. ie. It seems to be a cleanup operation.

Every couple more hours (I think I read 23 hours) the server just stops listening to inbound requests and runs Application_End. An external page request will restart the app.

Can I get a bit more reasoning to why these behaviors occur? Especially with regards to item #2... My server runs internal scheduling behaviors which completely died last night. The reason was that Application_End occurs and no customer requests were happening to start the IIS server again. This seems weird. Why not just clean up memory leaks etc. and then keep IIS running exactly as it was?

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Running Locally With IIS7?

Jan 3, 2010

This may be obvious to many of you (hopefully!) I have a site under asp.net created using Visual Web Developer 2008 and MSSQL 2007 (all express editions)All ok so far.My PSP requires the addition of a couple of traditional ASP 'screens' to redirect payments to them. I cannot run this under VWD2008 development server as .asp are not allowed, so am looking to move to running it locally under IIS7 which is turned on.How do I alter the site to run on the IIS7 instance?

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Connect To Iis7 Website With Ip?

Feb 11, 2010

I got 2 pages on my iis7. None of them got a domain addy yet. So I wonder how I could connect to them with the server ip somehow?

like if i got all in the files in wwwroot and I can access to the web site like this..[URL]

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Get The Real Requested URL Using IIS7

Feb 7, 2010

Using ASP.Net, I am trying to determine the actual URL requested by the user. For example if I type the following into my address bar: [URL] Fiddler shows me that this is the URL being sent over the wire however by the time it reaches ASP.Net all of the variables in HttpContext.Current.Request are showing this URL: [URL] The IIS logs show the same cleaned up version of the URL as ASP.Net. This causes some of the relative links on the site to break so I would like to at least detect and log these requests. I am using IIS7 on Windows 7 and .Net 3.5 SP1. What is doing this translation and how can I find out the original URL?

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