Insert Data By Using Linq To Sql Concept?

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to insert the data via linq to sql concept. i wrote down the code like this. here customers is the table name in which i want to insert the data. How to achieve it? following code is not working. How to insert the data via this concept.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim context As New linq_to_sql_classesDataContext
Dim custid As New Customer
custid.CustomerID = Trim(txt_custid.Text)


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Is it as simple as iterating through the dataset and, for each row, creating a new instance of the associated class, initializing its data with the dataset's row, adding it to the data model, and then doing one giant SubmitChanges at the end?

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<td>Type of Plan</td>
<td><img alt="Required" src="/Images/arrow.png" /></td>
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string prevOriginator = string.Empty;
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C# - How To Insert A Copy Of A Row (with A New Identity) Using LINQ To SQL

Feb 16, 2011

I have a number of tables that together make up a "Test" that somebody can take. There are multiple types (scripts) of Test a person can take. I'm working on an Edit function that will allow somebody to edit the Test Questions. I want these edited questions to show up on all new Tests of that type, but still show the old questions when viewing past test scores.

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DataContext db = new DataContext(ConnectionString);
//Copy old test into identical new test but with a different script ID
var oldScript = db.TestScripts.Single(ds => ds.TestScriptId == oldScriptID);
var newScript = oldScript;

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Dim context As New SondageDataContext()
Dim repondant = (From r In context.Repondants Where r.RefRepondant = iRefRepondant Select r).Single
repondant.Prenom = strPrenom
repondant.Nom = strNom
If dtAdhesion > Date.MinValue Then
repondant.DateAdhesion = dtAdhesion
repondant.DateAdhesion = DBNull.Value
End If
'Integer for dropdownmenu
If iOccupation <> -1 Then
repondant.RefOccupation = iOccupation
repondant.RefOccupation = DBNull.Value
End If

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Feb 8, 2011

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still i m using MVC 3.0 send me full detail example for insert record using Linq

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I've installed a Free TextBox editor to allow clients to do a write up about themselves and style it with HTML. Been reading about cross site script attacks (XSS) and want to make sure I'm correctly uploading the data collected with the Server.encode method.

Is this the right way to do it?:


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