Data Controls :: How To Insert Data Into Database In MVC Using Linq To SQL

Sep 17, 2013

How to Insert data into database USING mvc BASED ON condition...

I want to check condition at the time of insert,Entered TagID exist in database show the error message,Not exist in database store data into database...

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
           if (!this.IsPostBack)

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The data is added to the database when pressing a button inside the datalist (using onItemCommand). If I write UserIDLabel.Text the regular way it doesn't work either. The label is in the MasterPage, while the datalist is in a .aspx-page. If it is possible to somehow access the data that is in this label and add it to the database I would be ever grateful. Or is it somehow possible to add data that is in a Session and add it to the database?

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i'm currently doing a shopping website. The customer will have to selected the item they want to buy and it will appear in the detail view when they click add in the grid view. I need the info inside the detail view to be insert into a database call Orderlist.

i've try using INSERT INTO OrderList (ProductName, Price,) VALUES (@ProductName, @Price) but it don't seems to work.

Was it because i can't insert it like this as it is detailview? This method can work if is Textbox instead of detailview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Extracting Data From Gridview And Insert Into Sql Database?

Mar 30, 2011

i have a gridview of 8 columns.I need to extract the data row by row from the the first(Message) and the last(phone_no) column and to be inserted into my sql table named massMessage.I have the codes here. Apparently im able to only extract the phone_no. My message wasnt inserted.

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (GridViewRow gvr in GridView2.Rows) //loop through GridView


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Data Controls :: Bulk Insert Data From GridView Rows Into Database?

Nov 14, 2013

i insert some data in textboxes and i click add button so data will go to gridview and click submit button then data will goto database.

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Data Controls :: Insert Data From GridView To Database When Button In Particular Row Clicked

Jun 13, 2013

I am having one friend request form.In that,I have used grid view control to show all registered members,So one who want to send request he/she can send request.My form design code is:

 <asp:GridView ID="grdviewFriendRequest" runat="server" AllowPaging="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
EmptyDataText="No members found" Width="100%" Font-Size="16px" ForeColor="#FF9F00"
GridLines="None" PagerSettings-Mode="NumericFirstLast"


it still gives me error, saying Input string not in a correct form.then I try to give commandArgument property,but still it gives me value 0;

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Send Friend Request">
<asp:Button ID="btnSendFrndReq" CssClass="btnImage" Text="Send Friend Request" runat="server" CommandName="SendFriendReq" CommandArgument="<%# Container.DataItemIndex %>" /></ItemTemplate>

So,what I can do now?

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Data Controls :: Unable To Insert Data Into Database If There Was Mobile Number?

Jun 6, 2013

I have 2 table in database

1-Estate_free Table

2-Black_list Table

in Register.aspx users can insert their information and when click on insertButton it insert their data into Estate_free table

below is code

  protected void insertButton_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("InsertFreeState1", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;


in above SP I define that if users tell or Mobile number was in Estate_free ro Black_list table it doesn't insert data into database and show 'You can just register 1 Time' and if there wasn't their mobile or Tell in those table it insert their data into Estate_free table and show 'You have been registered'.

problem is that when I enter data in database with new mobile number it didn't insert data in database and show 'you can just register 1 Time'.

I mean it never insert data in database.

what should i do?

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Data Controls :: Show Error Message When Insert Data Into Database?

Jun 14, 2013

I have insert.aspx page that users can enter data and when they click on insertbutton it insert data into database below is SP 

create procedure [dbo].[InsertFreeState2]
@Name nvarchar(40)
,@mobile varchar(20)=null
,@Tell varchar(15)=null
,@Transfer nvarchar(20)
,@Type nvarchar(20)
,@id int =0


 here when users enter new mobile number it should insert data into database and show 'You have been registered'  and if they enter Mobile number that was in table it shouldn't insert data into database and show=='You can just register 1 Time'

problem is when I enter new mobile number it inserted  data into database but it showed this message'You can just register 1 Time'  but here it should show 'You have been registered' I mean in both condition  it show this message 'You can just register 1 Time'

it never show this message='You have been registered'

what should i do?

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Data Controls :: Insert Form Data Into Database And Display In GridView?

Dec 13, 2013

My requirement is need to develope a web page in using c#, which contain 4 textboxes 4 labels and 1 button and finally gridview.

Lables are:

1.StudentId (it shld be identity key and primary in db(automatic id updation))-textbox


3.Course-dropdownlist box


Note: studentId and name shld have validation.




Gridview should hve edit and delete link button atlast. In c# pgm thr should be a sql connection when values are entered in textboxes after clicking Insert button it should insert value in gridview and also in database. If the edit button is clicked the values should display in textbox and their only we should update the values and main thing we click on edit link button the INSERT button should change to UPDATE button after updating the updated values it should save in gridview and also in database and after updating it should chance again to insert button. 

The delete button shld delete the selected row in gridview. 

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Data Controls :: Insert GridView Data To Database Using Entity Framework

Aug 18, 2015

I am working with entity frame work to insert data into data base for that I write a web method and query function but  data can’t insert data base following my function and web method.

function AddGridviewData() {
var AddRow = new Array();
$('[id*=Test_gridview]').find('tr:has(td)').each(function () {
var NewRow = {};
NewRow. name = $(this).find("td:eq(1)").html();

[Code] ...

There are no error and no insert the data into data base.

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Data To Database When Click The Link Inside The Gridview

Feb 21, 2011

so i have a gridview wherein there is a linkbutton ... when i click the linkbutton it will insert data to database...

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Data Controls :: Save (Insert) Data To Database When TextBox Looses Focus Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

I'm referring in this question [URL] ....

and now what I want is without using the submit button and save to database

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Insert Data Into Database From Gridview

Nov 18, 2010

i wanted to insert the data into the database from the gridview1.

I want that row of value which the user click add in to the database.

I have added in the insert command which i have underline it but it only record in the ProductID value.

How to i insert them in the database call OrderList?

Here is my code:


This is the first time i'm using


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Data Controls :: Insert Data In Database Based Value In TextBox

Feb 28, 2014

I have register table in database that it has age column and I have textbox in register.aspx page that users can enter their age in it...

I want if users enter number between 10-20 in textbox it insert in age column "less than 20"

And if they enter number between 20-30 it insert into age column "more than 20"

How I can do it?

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