Javascript - Redirect Users To Default Page

Dec 2, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 intranet website which has a default page with a menu and when the user clicks on a menu item, I display the page for that menu item in an iframe embedded within the default page. but if the user types the URL of a page directly in the browser, then I would like to redirect him to the default page, because all the content pages do not have a menu. (Master Pages will solve this issue, but I can't use Master page here for a reason and don't want to go into those details). how to find out if user has arrived at the page directly by typing the URL or by clicking on the menu item, so that I can decide whether to redirect or not? Is this possible to find out? btw this is an intranet site and no login is required.

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Security :: Redirect Javascript And CSS URLs To Homepage(Default.aspx) By Web.config?

May 28, 2010

I want to redirect my Javascript and CSS URLs to Homepage(Default.aspx) by web.config or via anyother way in ASP.Net. I tried to try it but I can't able to do this thing. I have already checkout ASP.Net professional book but I can't get any reference for it anywhere.

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How To Redirect Users To A Page When Not Authorized

Jan 29, 2011

I need my users are redirected to AuthError.aspx page ("You don't have the access to this page") in the case when they are authenticated but try to access the page that they cannot access (because of the role for exam). If I set up web.config so:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" timeout="2880" />

this is the system's wrong behaviour because an user is already authenticated and there is no need to redirect him or her to this page. But if I write here AuthError.aspx instead Login.aspx how could I redirect not-yet-authenticated user to the login page?

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Redirect To Web App Default Document When Another Page Is Specified?

Feb 4, 2010

IIS6, ASP.NET 2.0, No Forms Authentication I'm calling Response.Redirect("~/foo.aspx"), but the default document ("Default.aspx") for my site is appearing. To make matters worse, it only happens intermittently. Sometimes the redirect displays the right page.

I've checked session state, and I don't see any values in the web.config (that is, I'm assuming I'm using the 20-minute defaults).

There's foo.aspx and foo2.aspx (and the default document, Default.aspx). All pages extend from BasePage, which extends Page.

BasePage has a property named ReturnPage:

protected string ReturnPage {
get {
if (Session["ReturnPage"] == null) {
Session["ReturnPage"] = "";
return Session["ReturnPage"].ToString();
set { Session["ReturnPage"] = value; }

Users click on a LinkButton on foo.aspx, and the click event handler ends with two lines of code:

ReturnPage = ResolveUrl("~/foo.aspx");

The Page_Load of foo2.aspx has problems, and its error handling calls Response.Redirect(ReturnPage).

When I view the response headers of foo2.aspx, the 302 location is string.Empty (that is, there isn't one). That same response header has the same ASP.NET Session ID as the response of foo.aspx.

And remember -- this is intermittent. Sometimes, you can click on that LinkButton and go effortlessly to foo2.aspx, no problem. You can process the click with the exact same data once, and it will fail. You'll navigate from the default document (Default.aspx, where you were sent by the "bug") back to foo.aspx, click again with the same data (the same row in the grid/table -- the same LinkButton, essentially), and you'll be redirected to foo2.aspx without issue.

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Web Forms :: Redirect To Requested Page Instead Of Default Page After Login?

Jul 17, 2015

I have created an order checkout page.when i click checkout button then it check user login or not if not then it redirect to login page .after login i want to show

my previous link page

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Redirect Users To Logon Page Only If Not Authenticated In MVC?

Aug 1, 2010

In my ASP.NET MVC project i have following tag in in web.config file

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880"/>

This causes even the authenticated users but unauthorized resource requested users to redirect to logon page. but i need only to redirect this page if user try to access unauthorized page and not already authenticated(logged on) and redirect to custom page.

Is there easy way to do this without writing custom action filter?

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Security :: Redirect User To Default Page

May 14, 2010

I would like to redirect the user to default page if he tries to copy paste an URL to browser. Like if i copy the url [URL] and paste it in the browser it should refirect me to default page.

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C# - Redirect Users To A Logged Out Page Once The Session Has Expired?

Jun 1, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to detect when a users session has exipred in asp? I want to redirect users to a logged out page once the session has expired.

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Security :: Redirect Authorized Users To Needed Page?

Dec 9, 2010

I have written a web application. All users open The default.aspx initially.

If user goes to auth/Login.aspx page and authorizes, he is redirected to auth/data.aspx

The problem is -

If user closes page and opens again, he is authorized (using cookies) but sees Default.aspx.

But because he is authorized already, is it possible that he is redirected to auth/data.aspx ?


Is is possible to change the link in Master.Page to another for authorized users?

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Web Forms :: Redirect To Default Page - Canonical - Getting SEO Error

Feb 12, 2011

When I tested web site on SEO Tools in IIS7 I get this SEO Error: The page contains multiple canonical formats. The page with URL "[URL]" can also be accessed by using URL "[URL]".Search engines identify unique pages by using URLs. When a single page can be accessed by using any one of multiple URLs, a search engine assumes that there are multiple unique pages. Use a single URL to reference a page to prevent dilution of page relevance. You can prevent dilution by following a standard URL format.

Recommended action: Pick a canonical URL format for your site and then ensure that all the links in your site follow that format. (For example, always use lowercase letters.) If an external link that points to your site does not use the canonical URL format, use permanent HTTP redirection to redirect site visitors and search engines to a canonical equivalent of that URL.

I tried to solve this by redirect page to a default.aspx. The problem is that HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), always shows [URL] So I can't detect if url typed in browser is only [URL] or [URL] I know that that can be solved in IIS7, but I can't access it to do that in hosting server. Is any solution in ASP.NET to redirect to default page any time when in browser is typed only domain name?

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Security :: NT Authentication Fails Redirect To Default Page

Dec 16, 2010

I am in the process of designing application in case user authentication if failed i need to redirect to default page (NT Authentication). Is there any way you can redirect the user on IIS if the user is fail go through the NT authenticaiton at IIS level.Options 1 : Always land the user to defalut page and validate there and redirect to site based on the access give the directory level access. I am looking if there any options to let the user to default page in case user access is denied.

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Forms Authentication - Redirecting To Page Other Than Default Redirect Url

Jun 29, 2010

In we specify the redirect url when using forms authentications like this:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="myApp" loginUrl="Login.aspx" protection="All" defaultUrl="default.aspx" path="/" requireSSL="false"/>

this means that when a user log in, will be redirected to "default.aspx" using this method

FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(IDTextBox.Text, RememberCheckBox.Checked);

Now is it possible to make the user choose which page to be redirected to prior to login? for example the user chooses from a list the page to login to prior to login then when authenticated be redirected to this page instead of the default.aspx page. is that possible and if so how can this be done?

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State Management :: Session Time Out - Redirect Page To Default

Feb 21, 2011

I'm using sessions to track user name. I assign Session["userName"] in my login procedure. The sessionn gets timeout in about 15 minutes. What I need to do is, if the session timeouts I need to redirect the page to the Default.aspx page.

How can I do this? Any code example would be great.

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Auto Redirect User To Default.aspx If Directly Access Any Page Of Website?

Feb 28, 2011

I have the following pages structure in my 3.5 website. i want if anybody directly access any page of my site as [URL] then it will automatically redirected to [URL] How to do this using,

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Redirect Page When Javascript Is Disabled?

Oct 12, 2010

I need to redirect to another page when the client script is disabled on the browser.

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Javascript - Do Postback Then Redirect To A Page

Sep 9, 2010

I'm trying to do a javascript postback and then re-direct to a different page but it keeps posting back to the current page Here's my code

$(this).prepend('<a class="booknow2 sidelink sidelinkNew" href="javascript:__doPostBack('SetSess','')"><img src="../../images1/button/leftEdge.png" width="4" height="35" style="float:left; margin:0; padding:0;" alt="book now" /><img src="../../images1/button/rightEdge.png" width="4" height="35" style="float:right; margin:0; padding:0;" alt="book now" /><span>Check availability »</span></a>');

And here's my SetSess postback command

Sub SetSess()
Session("TenHolStDateNewCheck") = "%"
End Sub

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Javascript - If Users Press The Browser's Back Button To Reach The Prior Page Then Page Should Display A Message Like "web Page Expired"

Jul 23, 2010

if users press the browser's back button to reach the prior page..then page should display a message like "web page expired" in can i use javascript for this?

for example..

there are 4 pages in web sites. 1,2 and 3 can be back. but when the 4th page run then 4th page can not be back... when the user press browser's back button , diaplay ma message "weg page expired".

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Javascript - Redirect To Page With Loading Animation?

Aug 17, 2010

I already know this solution. (transfer the slow loading page to a loading-interim-page which shows the animation and then redirects to the actual page)But I would really like to solve this without a redirecting page.

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Web Forms :: Redirect Loggedout Users Back To Login Page When Back Button Is Pressed

Jul 7, 2012

i m having problem with logout code in with c#. this logout code should end session, disable browser's back button and and if somebody try to login by paste the url of any user account page.i used this code in login page

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["name"] = TxtUserName.Text;

and in logout i used this

protected void logout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

nothing happening back button is still visible

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Security :: Grant Access To Default Page For All Users - Authenticated & Non-Authenticated?

Aug 18, 2010

I've a default.aspx page in my application's root folder. I added a a page in the root of inetpub that redirects requests to the default page. The idea is that the user need only enter the server name to get to the default page. How can I set things up so that all users have access to the default.aspx and that they only have access to the other pages once they've been authenticated?

I am using Windows Integrated Security and the users are being challenged and authenticated properly. I want them to be able to access Default.aspx without any challenges.

(On a side note which may answer this question, when using WIS does the user *allows* have to be challenged? Isn't it possible to pass through their Windows User and ID without the prompt?)

c: inetpubwwwroot
edirect.aspx (set as default document in IIS and simple executes Response.redirect("sites/mercury/default.aspx")
c:documents and settingsall usersdocumentswebsitesmercurydefault.aspx (home page for the site & server)web.config includes


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JavaScript In Button Click Event / Unable To Redirect To Another Page

Jun 21, 2010

i place the onClick event in asp buttons. but it is showing error like

Too many characters in character literal

my code is

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button"
onClick="alert('The button was clicked.');" />

actually my requirement is when i click on the button i want to display some message and when we press ok then it is redirect to another page is it possible

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C# - Redirect Default Aspx

Sep 6, 2010

I have an ASP.NET project. Currently, it starts on the Default.aspx page. However, I'd like to change this so that it starts on a different page. In VS2008 it is possible to specify the start page, but that doesn't seem to affect the published product.I've tried putting a Response.Redirect in the Page_Load of Default.aspx, but that doesn't seem to work either.

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How To Redirect Logged In Users To Separate Pages

Apr 21, 2010

I have basic login functionality implemented using SQL Server and the LoginView, LoginStatus, and LoginName controls.I have two roles defined: one for Administrators and one for Users.I have two users defined, one for each role. I would like to redirect those authenticated as users to one page and those authenticated as administrators to another. Do I need to define RoleGroups to do this? Is there a good, basic way to accomplish this? I'm not sure what to do next.

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MVC :: Forms Authentication Always Redirect Unauthenticated Users

Feb 23, 2011

I have an issue with loginUrl parameter on Forms authentication. Forms Authentication always redirect unauthenticated users to ~/Account/Login ignoring the url configured into Web.Config.

This happend if i add reference to WebMatrix.WebData,WebMatrix.Data into main web.config file (system.web/compilation/assemblies). N.B.: Moving this reference to child web.config file (the one contained into View folder) error doesn't occour anymore

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C# - Put Code To Redirect Users Without A Session To The Homepage?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a web app with loads of pages and most of them require some session variables in order to function.

i want to put some defensive code in my app. where is the best place to put somethign like:

if (Session.Count == 0){

EDIT: how do i check if the current page is defult.aspx?

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