Jquery - MVC2 JsonResult This Request Has Been Blocked?
Dec 17, 2010
I know the question is very familiar but i can't over it.This is my Controller Action
public JsonResult AddToCart(int productId, int quantity = 1, int optionValue = 0)
AjaxActionResponse res = new AjaxActionResponse();
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm currently developing a few ASP.NET MVC2/.NET 3.5SP1 web-services that are mostly IO bound (execute a couple HTTP back end calls + DB write per request) and i'm getting really poor load-testing performance.
To make sure it wasn't something in my application, I created a brand new ASP MVC 2 project (project -> new -> "ASP.NET MVC2 Web Application", based on .NET 3.5 SP1), added a "TestController" with the following action:
I deployed this on a dual-core test server, running Win2008 and IIS7, Application Pool set to "integrated mode". I have the following in my C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v2.0.50727Aspnet.config:
Just in case, I added the following DWORD key in the registry:
I verified I was able to access my test action from a regular browser and started a load test from another machine on the same network: user load set to 500, no "think" time.
The following is what I observe on the machine running the loadtest after about 8 minutes:
req/s: 5.98avg response time: 78.4 secondsno errors whatsoevernote that the local CPU is 1-2% On the test server, this is what I observe using perfmon:
request current: flat line at 501request execution time: flat line at 1506 ms avg => this makes sense though I don't understand why I see the request coming back after 78 seconds at the other end% proc time avg < 1%request queued as well as all others asp.net v2.0.50727 counters at 0 I don't get it. I believe the expected behavior would be to see about 333 req/s (500/1.5) with a avp response time of 1.5xx seconds...
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Apr 8, 2010
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My model is:
The form bit of my ViewPage<User>:
As far as I can see the only additional thing that is being rendered is this:
Which is interesting/annoying for a few reasons. Firstly all of my annotations appear to have been ignored.Secondly FormId isn't even marked as required, and as this rendered text was taken from a page loaded with a null Model (add mode) the FormId field isn't in the form. Finally, this doesn't even result in any actual validation occuring (on the client side). All the server side validation is working fine.See I am using PasswordFor instead of EditorFor. Because someone at MS testing dropped the ball there. Yes EditorFor renders a password field, but it behaves differently to PasswordFor.. the value of the Password field is sent to the client (set in the value
attribute of the field). Fail.
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Mar 16, 2010
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How can i maintain individual?
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Jan 27, 2011
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In our solution, we have placed all our support libraries (3rd party and custom) into respective projects. The MVC2 project that is also in the solution is using the default MVC2 template.
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May 11, 2010
I have a table of products on my page, each product has zero or more colors, the colors are shown as a list beneath the product. After the colors I have a button to add a color. The button will do an ajax call with the parent product id to a controller which will return a JSON object with color information. My problem is where to store the product id in the DOM, should I put it in a hidden field and use jquery in the click event of the "add color" to get to it? What is the best way to do this?
EDIT: The page is initially rendered on the server so I don't want to use jquery to add the id's to the page.
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Feb 22, 2011
I am posting a Jquery Json serialized object to my controller but not all of the data is getting passed. One of the members is a complex type that is also Json serialized. This is the one that isn't getting through to the controller.
Here is the class I'm passing to my controller via Ajax post. Note the complex type, RoutingRuleModel.
Problem: SourceCodeModel contains correct values EXCEPT for it's complex member: RuleModel, which comes back as a RoutingRuleModel with default (null or 0's) values.
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Sep 19, 2010
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below i have the route from the global.ascx, the action int the FeedBackController and the query that does the post.
"FeedBack", // Route name
"FeedBack/{action}", // URL with parameters [code]....
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Jan 28, 2011
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Aug 20, 2010
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Jan 31, 2011
How can I get the result of a method that return a JsonResult and cast into string.
public JsonResult AnalyseNbPayment(DateTime dt, DateTime dt2,int FrequencyID) {
if (FrequencyID == ApplConfig.Frequency.WEEKLY) {
return Json(new { val = GetNbWeek(dt, dt2) });
else if (FrequencyID == ApplConfig.Frequency.MONTHLY) {
return Json(new { val =GetDateDiffInMonth(dt, dt2) });
else if (FrequencyID == ApplConfig.Frequency.QUARTELY) {
return Json(new { val = GetQuarterLy(dt, dt2) });
else if (FrequencyID == ApplConfig.Frequency.BI_MONTLY) {
return Json(new { val = GetBiMontlhy(dt, dt2) });
else if(FrequencyID == ApplConfig.Frequency.YEARLY)
return Json(new { val = GetNbYear(dt, dt2) });
return Json(new { val =0 });
I want to call my method like this
string MyValue = AnalyseNbPayment(Convert.ToDateTime(ViewModel.oRent.DateFrom), Convert.ToDateTime(ViewModel.oRent.DateTo), Convert.ToInt32(oLease.FrequencyID)).val.ToString(); <br />
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Sep 5, 2010
How can i get to see the raw jsonresult of an action in a controller? i want to make sure its returning correctly formed data.
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Mar 3, 2010
I have created a ActiveX componed and packed into a cab file
1) Created the setup for Class Library that I would like to be exposed for COM access.
2) Create the CAB setup project taking the Project output from the setup created in the setup 1.
3) Embedded the object tag in a sample html file
Now when I launch the sample html from IE, it is showing an security alert, when I accept the security waning the installation was blocked with the following message.
"winows has blocked this software because it can't verify the publisher"
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Mar 31, 2010
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results = {
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Apr 21, 2010
I have some stored JSON strings stored in the DB which I want to return to the client as JsonResult . I know that Json(object) turns an object into JsonResult but what if I already have the result in a string ? can I cast it to JsonResult
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Apr 1, 2011
Is it possible to do something like this inside an action?
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Nov 30, 2010
Am using ASP.Net 3.5 with C#. Am trying to send email using SMTP server on button click. Mostly email is sent suceessfully. But sometimes am getting web mail exception error saying "Host machine software has blocked the mail".My web application runs behind a firewall.
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Mar 13, 2011
I have a web form that will send a message fine to every email address other than gmail (this one I know for sure) the message is " Delivery to the following recipients failed. " I know this email works since it is mine. I have my own e-mail server and when I send to the same gmail account the message goes through fine (using the same e-mail address in for form and in the e-mail client). Is there some coding I need to add to prevent this form message from being blocked?
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Jan 16, 2013
How to check whether popup is blocked or not in asp.net for chrome. This works fine for all browsers except chrome.
<script language="javascript">
function detectPopupBlocker() {
var candidateWin;
var savedTime = false;
var valEmailID
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Apr 3, 2010
I'm trying to use jquery.Ajax to post data to an ASP.NET MVC2 action method that returns a JsonResult. Everything works great except when the response gets back to the browser it is treated as a file download instead of being passed into the success handler. Here's my code:
If I open the downloaded file the json is exactly what I'm looking for and the mime type is shown as application/json. What am I missing to make the jquery.ajax call receive the json returned?
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Jan 16, 2011
I am wondering if jsonResult method can be used to return Data Table? If so, is it a json array or a json string?
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Mar 28, 2010
I would like to wrap a RenderPartial in a JsonResult so that my jQuery can handle placement/positioning of the html data based on additional Json parameters.
e.g. {html: <string returned from RenderPartial>, typeofdata: 1}
After Googling, it seems that the only way to do this is a workaround that hijacks HttpContext in order to spit the PartialViewResult into a string. However, this seems like it would break testability.
Is JsonResult not intended to be used with RenderPartial?
Alternatively, I could set typeofdata as a parameter of the model, and have the PartialView render it as a hidden field, then have jQuery look for it. What is a better way to generate the data that I need?
View 5 Replies
Mar 5, 2010
I've got an ActionMethod that returns a JsonResult object and this isn't returning data to the calling jquery function. I have used wget to send and receive raw data to it, and I've discovered that when the object dataset is empty, it returns a value fine and the wget return is
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 78 [application/json]
Saving to: `filename'
but when there is data in the object dataset I get an internal server error:-
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error
2010-03-05 13:21:16 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.
This is a dataset of objects being returned - are there any common "gotchas" when doing this?
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