Labels Not Showing Required Value?
Oct 25, 2010
I have a page with a datalist on it, with an image button and some labels in the datalist item(1,2).
I have some more labels on the page which get their values from querystrings(17,18).
I have more labels which are empty (34,35)
On image click in the datalist item, i want the labels from that item to add with the labels outside of the datalist, and the last lot of labels to show this number..
Currently it doesnt do this. Here is my code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label17.Text = Request["b1"];
Label18.Text = Request["b2"];
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DataListItem item = ((Control)sender).NamingContainer as DataListItem;
Label Label1 = item.FindControl("Label1") as Label;
Label Label2 = item.FindControl("Label2") as Label;
Label34.Text = (int.Parse(Label1.Text) + int.Parse(Label17.Text)).ToString();
Label35.Text = (int.Parse(Label2.Text) + int.Parse(Label18.Text)).ToString();
View 4 Replies
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Sep 27, 2010
The bar chart report is showing data on x and y axis (y axis has 3 fields - min, max, avg values for time frame) and x axis has task type. For some reason, the chart only shows task types on the x-axis for some apparently interval, even though I have no interval set expressly.
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Oct 13, 2010
wrote an MVC 2 action which shows json data in the browser when i browse to the URL in my Dev environment.
When i upload it to production and i browse to the same url, i get;
04 - File or directory not found.The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.I have decorated the action with httpget and the url is in the format;
[URL]is the same format in my Dev Environment too..
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Dec 22, 2010
I'm trying to put Google's BarChart and PieChart both the client side version, and i'm experiencing some problems with the labels over the pie and the labels on the left of the vertical axis (of the bar chart).
I checked the code a lot of times and it seems to be like that you can see in the examples.I've tried the same page on Firefox and Chrome and it shows the labels without problems.If i try the examples on IE8 the labels are shown but not in my page.Sincerely I've not any idea where to start to fix this thing.
View 1 Replies
Oct 25, 2010
I have a page with a datalist on it, with an image button and some labels in the datalist item(1,2)..
I have some more labels on the page which get their values from querystrings(17,18)..
I have more labels which are empty (34,35)
On image click in the datalist item, i want the labels from that item to add with the labels outside of the datalist, and the last lot of labels to show this number..
Currently it doesnt do this. Here is my code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label17.Text = Request["b1"];
Label18.Text = Request["b2"];
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DataListItem item = ((Control)sender).NamingContainer as DataListItem;
Label Label1 = item.FindControl("Label1") as Label;
Label Label2 = item.FindControl("Label2") as Label;
Label34.Text = (int.Parse(Label1.Text) + int.Parse(Label17.Text)).ToString();
Label35.Text = (int.Parse(Label2.Text) + int.Parse(Label18.Text)).ToString();
View 3 Replies
Nov 8, 2010
I have the following simple linq to sql statement:
Instead of showing me the UserName from the aspnet_Users table, it showed me the SQL select statement.
View 2 Replies
Jul 6, 2010
I'd like to take the standard "List View" view in an ASP.NET MVC application, and convert all of the "Labels" to "TextBoxes" and then save any changes made to each record.The end result would function very similar to the List View in Access. I couldn't find anybody doing this, To be clear, I do not want an Edit/Delete button for each record, I want one "Save" button for ALL records at once.
View 1 Replies
Oct 12, 2010
td align="right" valign="top" style="width: 130px">
Answer: <asp:Label
I want it to say "Answer:*" with only the asterisk in red. How to do that if I want Answer to be inside the <asp:label/>.
View 1 Replies
Jul 20, 2010
trying to loop on the value of my labels.
i have several labels named label1, label2 etc....
my labels are filled with dates 10/10/2010, 10/11/2010, 10/12/2010 ....
the user enters a date in a textbox and i want all the labels that have a date > than the date enterd by the user to turn visible false.
View 10 Replies
Jul 22, 2010
I just wanted to hear some authorities on when and where you should use a LITERAL control over a LABEL. As I understand it, the difference is this: A LABEL can be styled via the <SPAN> tags that are added.
I personally find the addition of <SPAN> tags in my HTML to be very annoying and never actually apply styles through ASP, and so LITERALs seem to be what should be used most of the time... but I'm concerned there's other considerations or benefits to using a LABEL over it that I'm unaware of.
Is it 100% completely fine to replace any LABELs with LITERALs, provided we're not applying styles to them? Are there NO other considerations?
View 2 Replies
May 24, 2010
In my webpage i use the following in order filling the listview control
<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder id="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" /></layouttemplate>
<td><asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans1") %>' Visible = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans1Visible") %>'></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans2") %>' Visible = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans2Visible") %>'></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans3") %>' Visible = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans3Visible") %>'></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Text = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans4") %>' Visible = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans4Visible") %>'></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans5") %>' Visible = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans5Visible") %>'></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans6") %>' Visible = '<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Ans6Visible") %>'></asp:Label>
Now i would like to add numbers to the labels before they are rendered. For example currently the data displayed are like
and the output i would like to have is
1. Tennis
2. Football
3. Basketball
4. Nfl
5. Nba
6. Polo
Could i use ListView1_ItemCreated or the ListView1_ItemDataBound event to achieve this? If that is true, could you point me a place to start? the list view is filled with
Dt = GetDataTable("SELECT Ans1, Ans2,Ans3,Ans4,Ans5,Ans6, Ans1Visible,Ans2Visible,Ans3Visible,Ans4Visible,Ans5Visible,Ans6Visible, From myTable WHERE CatID ='" & cat & "'")
ListView1.DataSource = Dt
View 4 Replies
May 26, 2010
How do I do this in a loop.
protected void ddlTool_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblTool1.Visible = false;
txtTool1.Visible = false;
lblTool2.Visible = false;
txtTool2.Visible = false;
lblTool3.Visible = false;
txtTool3.Visible = false;
lblTool4.Visible = false;
txtTool4.Visible = false;
lblTool5.Visible = false;
if (ddlTool.SelectedValue == "1")
lblTool1.Visible = true;
txtTool1.Visible = true;
if (ddlTool.SelectedValue == "2")
lblTool1.Visible = true;
txtTool1.Visible = true;
lblTool2.Visible = true;
txtTool2.Visible = true;
if (ddlTool.SelectedValue == "3")
lblTool1.Visible = true;
txtTool1.Visible = true;
lblTool2.Visible = true;
txtTool2.Visible = true;
lblTool3.Visible = true;
txtTool3.Visible = true;
if (ddlTool.SelectedValue == "4")
lblTool1.Visible = true;
txtTool1.Visible = true;
lblTool2.Visible = true;
txtTool2.Visible = true;
lblTool3.Visible = true;
txtTool3.Visible = true;
lblTool4.Visible = true;
txtTool4.Visible = true;
View 5 Replies
Oct 11, 2010
I would like to customize the labels on the datapoints below so they would render as (using first datapoint on the chart as an example) :
4:10 - 4:40
yellow class
View 1 Replies
Jan 13, 2010
I have a program called Bartender which is a labeling program and it can use Visual Studio as an interface. I have been given the task to make our staff have an easier way of processing a label.
The data which I need is on our P:/ NOTAPE directory. Now in this folder is a list of text files which our ERP system generates.
I want the user to open up a form and have the ability to type in the Batch file number and press return(TextBox1). On pressing the button(Button1), the File will then be picked up and then passed on to Bartender which will then go through the procedure of asking how many labels need to be printed.
This is my code so far.
View 2 Replies
Jan 6, 2010
im styling my asp labels using css and table. unfortunately the page shows the titles before the animal is loaded even. is there anyway i can hid them look at my screenshot
View 5 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
In my webform I have got 50 labels. I want them to have the same property or style.They have in common that their ID start with "Label" and later they have a number that differs from each other: "Label1", "Label2", ... , "Label50";I know itīs possible to do it by using a for loop:
View 8 Replies
Jan 22, 2010
I don't know if gnomes came into my office over night, but suddenly things aren't lining up on my form anymore.
I want a label over a text box and both to line up on the left edge.
I made two css classes one for a field that starts on a new row and one for a field that floats left next to a previous field.
For each of these I make divs and put the asp controls in the div
As usual the designer completely lies about how things will really look. When I view my site the labels are above and about 1 character to the left of the textboxes underneath and my check box control somehow decided to go to a newline for each word in it's label.
I can't figure out what I did wrong. I've went over the css several times.
View 2 Replies
Dec 19, 2010
I have a dataset that is binded to piechart control the dataset has 2 columns the "country name " as X and "population" As Y
I have 2 problems the first one I just want to display both X and corresponding Y Values
I try this code Chart1.Series[0].SetCustomProperty("PieLabelStyle", "outside"); it just display country name ONLY
the second problem I want the values to be distributed along 360C of the pie chart in other words I have 30 countries and want to be displayed and fit the circular pie
View 3 Replies
Jan 19, 2010
I'm dynamically creating labels and textboxes. The labels are getting the data that they should, but the textboxes aren't. The textboxes are empty if they were newly added or contain data from a previous initialization. There's no difference in the code that I'm using that I can see or think of. What do I need to change to get data to the textboxes?
The following code is in my OnInit event. The code for dynamicTextBoxes is currently commented in favor of dynamicLabelsData, which works as I'd like. myPlaceHolder is a ContentTemplate on the page.
View 8 Replies
Mar 30, 2010
I have been playing around with the new ms chart controls 3.5 to create reports on web traffic. It looks like a pretty powerful extension, however, I am having trouble drawing a funnel chart the way I want.
I am trying to mirror one of the samples posted on ms's website but no luck. I have a datatable with two columns, first the labels, second the data like so.
page hits
default.aspx 9
products.aspx 7
contactus.aspx 2
I am able to populate the funnel correctly in that the largest part of the graph is default. However, when I put the labels on it only shows the data values, not the page name. Without the label showing property the graph is useless. I know it must work somehow because the sample chart displays product names as labels and not the datapoints.
View 8 Replies
Sep 9, 2010
I need to be able to present different labels for different users.
If Adam is logged in I need the label for a field to read "Age:"
If Bob is logged in I need the label for the same field to read "How old are you?:"
The input for both fields will still go into the same column in the database. So both fields targets the column "usrAge" in the DB.
I would like a stable solution which would work for 1000 users and each user has it's own label for age. Ciould I map them in an XML file or maybe store the different labels in a specific table in the database. I don't know? Is there a general solution to this kind of problem?
I think this problem is fairly similar to language translation of labels...only I need to specify the labels as users are created in the DB, each with a new label name.
View 6 Replies
Sep 8, 2010
I realized I incorrectly posted my code when I originally posted this query so I will try again. I am trying to use a Slider Extender with the values 1.00 to 7.00. The Slider works properly but I would like to add labels to the slider with the values 1 thru 7.
View 3 Replies
Aug 17, 2010
Is there a way where I could update a label control while still doing a postback method?
For example:
while (reading each row of data table) update front-end label text to show errors found in file
View 2 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
I am using in ASP.NET HtmlInputRadioButton runat = server dont ask why not RadioButtonList. Some one else's code and when I use disabled property it grays out the control but the labels are not grayed out and hence a defect. Any way to disable this control similar to RadioButtonList.Enabled = false in terms of visual experience?
View 1 Replies
Jun 15, 2010
My Registration page currently looks like the following:The current styling I have for the above is image is:
<style type="text/css">
#contactinfo label
As you can see from above, I have every label field pair wrapped in a p tag so it breaks to the next line, but I am not sure if I need to do this. I want to get city, state, and zip all on the same line, but as soon as I move all the labels and inputs for city,state,zip into one p tag, it looks like the following and I don't know how to fix it.
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