Looping Through A List Of Checkboxes And Saving The Values Not Working Properly?

May 15, 2010

I'm having a bit of a problem with this code.

The program gives me a list of checkboxes but a user ID. then u user can change his selection and push the save button (id="btnSaveUserIntersts") and i am trying to save in the hidden textbox all the values of the checkboxes that was choosen.

The problem is that i am getting all the time the same selections that came form the database and not getting the new selection that the user made.

what am i doing wrong here?


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Forms Data Controls :: Saving Multiple Checkboxes In Gridview

Jul 8, 2010

save the Mulitple checkboxes in Gridview in once. I want to save only those rows which are checked.. not the once which are not checked. There is a row in gridview which has four checkboxes in each row, so i want to save the row in which either or all of the checkboxes are checked and ignore the once in which anyof checkbox is not checked.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Saving User Checkboxes?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm getting an error message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

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I am trying to bind my dataset to a datalist. I know I can use a databind methed but Im also trying to do something else like modifying the dataset. What I want basically done is, if the user is not signed in, it will populate my datalist which is mostly checkboxes with texts. But when the user is signed in, i want his history of his checkboxes that was save onto the database.


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How To Get All The Values In A Listbox When Looping Through Them

Jan 11, 2010

I'm currently trying to move through all the values added to a listbox by the user, however, I want to retrieve the actual value of each item in the listbox and not the text.

I've gotten so far with the code below, but that only gets the text and not the value.


How would I go about getting the value for each item in the collection?

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Web Forms :: Looping Through Values Of DataRow?

Mar 19, 2010

im trying to retrive all the values in the datatable

but i keep getting only the first value

since i just finished learning C# i have no idea how to solve that

here the code i use let me know what am i missing


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MVC :: Looping Over Values And Open Partial In Modal For Each?

Feb 16, 2011

Got a list of checboxes. User check a few and click a button.

In my jQuery script, I loop over all checked items. For each call a controller action that will return a partial view, which I will display in a modal.

However, before opening the next item in the modal, I first want to let the user finish the current one.

How to explain? Ok, like if you placed an alert in the loop (below)...nothing goes on until you close that alert. Can one do that?


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Web Forms :: Looping Thru CheckboxList To Get Selected Values And Save To Database?

Feb 21, 2011

I am fairly new to ASP.NET C#, I have a vehicle table which stores basic info about the vehicle, then a vehicle options table that stores the options available on the table.

I have a checkboxlist control on my form and I am populating the list items from the database. I am trying to loop thru the items to determine which ones the user has selected. After determining which ones are selected I need to add rows for each item selected to the vehicle options table.



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DataSource Controls :: Looping Through Checkbox List And Adding Selected Items To MS SQL Database

Jan 14, 2010

Looping Through Checkbox List and adding selected items to MS SQL DatabaseI don't want to store it using comma deliminator.I will need to do a search on analyze which users have what music in common.The image above is from a tbl_lookup_music table I created. MusicID, MusicNow how should I build the logicIF we have a user that has a tbl_profile table. And listens to many different types of music. How should We store the data.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_lookup_music]( [MusicID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Music] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL, ---- Type of music. CONSTRAINT [PK_tbl_lookup_music] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [MusicID] ASC )WITH(PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF,ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Profile_Music]( [ProfileMusicID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProfileID] [int] NOT NULL, [MusicID] [int] NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProfileMusicID] ASC)WITH(PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF,ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOHow should I setup this table.

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DataSource Controls :: Looping Through Textbox Values And Inserting Into SQL Server Via Stored Procedure

May 9, 2010

I have a database table as follows:


This table receives data from my web application via a stored procedure, snippet pasted below:


In my quote.aspx page, I have a wizard control that collects numerous data points. In one of the wizard steps, I have 20 textbox controls for PartNumbers and 20 textbox controls for respective Quantity.

Question:How do I write a for..each loop that checks for values in my Part Number and Quantity fields and inserts them via my SQLDataSource?

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Getting Values For Checkboxes?

Jun 22, 2010

I currently have a group of check boxes with several checkall check boxes which once clicked selects all the check boxes in its group.. my question is once I need to get the values of which check boxes were clicked how do I do that and also how do I omit the checkall checkboxes from result?

View 14 Replies

List Of Checkboxes Each With Associated Textbox?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm trying to build a list of checkboxes, each one with a textbox/textarea associated to it. The plan is for it to look something like this




The title of each checkbox & textbox will be populated from the database. I'm not really sure how to go about doing this.

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List Of Grouped (nested) Checkboxes?

Mar 11, 2011

I want to create List of Grouped Checkboxes as follows:

[] Item1
[] Item2

Here Group# and item# are checkboxes. Does anyone know how to do this in asp.net. I am getting data from DataSet. One limitation is that I am not allowed to use third party tool/controls or jQuery.

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ADO.NET :: How To Get Working Properly In EF 4.0

Aug 26, 2010

I am trying to create an Abstract class that looks like the following (note that I coded it right inline here so it may not compile):


I want to (in my edmx design) be able to inherit from EntityBase and have each of those 6 columns be added to the physical database table representing the object that inherits it. So, for example, I have a class called Test that would look like this:


That Test class should have its physical data store mapping based on the other "stuff" plus the properties inherited from EntityBase. Thus, the database table for Test needs to also include those 6 columns from EntityBase. However, I'd like for it to be set up in a way so that they get mapped such that in the edmx design (what is that designer called anyway) when an entity inherits from the EntityBase, I don't need to do any further work to propogate those 6 columns over to the underlying database table. Am I making sense in how I am explaining this? how to accomplish this?

On a side note (and this can be answered separately or not at all) assuming this mapping is in place, NHibernate has a concept called an Interceptor. I'd like to add an "interceptor" to the delete function of any entity that is inherited from EntityBase so that it updates DeletedAt with the current time and DeletedBy with the current user and the same would be true for any updates with UpdatedAt/By. With NHibernate, you can test inside of this interceptor whether or not the object is of a certain type (e.g. object is EntityBase). Any ideas on how to get this with EF 4.0?

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MVC :: Update Database From Dynamic List Of Checkboxes?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm fairly new to MVC and have an issue converting something I created using normal ASP.NET to MVC framework.I have a database with one to many relationship between 2 tables. I need to be able to make amendments to the single parent row in the same page as that which will edit the many records. The values to be edited in the table with many rows to be edited are either true or false and will be edited using a checkbox.

To make it a little more complicated the list of checkboxes is actually dynamic and is built from another table.In the normal ASP.NET page, all the controls are placed in a details view and the dynamic list of checkboxes is added to a placeholder on Page_Load. Then I get the list of values that are true and, for each row in the list, use FindControl to find the checkbox with the appropriate ID and set it to flagged.

I've got the MVC page working so far as follows:

I can build the checkboxes I need by passing the list of ID's using the ViewData.

I can also add, and edit the fields that are in the table with the single row that needs to be edited.

What I'm stuck on is:

Populating the appropriate checkboxes with "true" as appropriate

Subsequently saving any updates to the checkboxes when the save button is clicked.

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Add Only Checked Checkboxes Added In Array List?

Nov 19, 2010

i want to insert checkbox text only if they are checked. .. how to do that ..

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox1.Text = Request.QueryString("txt")
Dim splitted As String() = TextBox1.Text.Split(",")
For Each id As String In splitted
Dim ctrl As Control = Page.FindControl("checkbox" & id)
If Not ctrl Is Nothing Then
Dim chkbox As CheckBox = DirectCast(ctrl, CheckBox)
chkbox.Enabled = False
Dim arrList As New ArrayList()
'populate the list with some temp values
'databind the list to our repeater
Repeater1.DataSource = arrList
End If
End Sub

This code will add all checkboxes whether it is checked or not !

so that only checked checkboxes would be added in array list

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C# - Creating A List Of Checkboxes Using MVC For A Table Without A Primary Key?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a table that get populated via an external text file. I am not sure of the exact process as I'm relatively new to the company.

The table does not have a primary key as the entire table is dumped and re-loaded every quarter when there is a new text file.

Enter ASP.NET MVC. I need to display that table with checkboxes in a grid so the user can select some rows and send it back to the server. It sounds relatively easy, but I am really not sure what to put as the value for the checkboxes as I am pretty sure I'll need to use multiple columns to create a unique. Yep, I know, I know :).

- Field1
- Field2
- Field3
- FieldN

The View

<input type="checkbox"

Would something like this work? If I can create a key with a few fields, can I use those fields as the value in the checkbox? I realize my action will be a bit ugly as I'll have to split and parse each value in the array of values.

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AJAX :: The Values Or Names Of The Checkboxes Need To Be Generated?

Aug 20, 2010

I currently have an accordion and I want each accordion to populate only if the user clicks on that header( partial accordion rendering ). How are people doing that nowadays? I know I can do it with updatepanels but have read bad things about update panels. Also just as an FYI each accrordion panel content pane will look the same ..It will have a thumbnail of the product..several checkboxes and a download button . The values or names of the checkboxes need to be generated so that I can then grab them and lookup those values in an xml file to find the location and then zip those files up and have user download it..I actually have all this working with all the content of the accordion being generated on server at load time but being that I'm trying to learn asp.net I figured I would give partial rendering a shot..I like the idea of only loading content for that accordion panel if user is interested in in. I also have a webservice running which displays hello world in the accordion panel content that trigger the network callback..That's fine but then I'm thinking ok now how do I build the checkboxes and html that I really need to send back and is this web service the correct solution. Another thought is using javascript to create elements as the data is retrieived from the web service..I'm just trying to do it the right way[URL]

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CustomError Not Working Properly

Apr 20, 2010

I am using following setting for customError.

< customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.aspx" >
< error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.aspx" />
< error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.aspx" />
< /customErrors>

I have a folder "Admin" having access to administrators role. When someone other than administrators tries to access the pages inside admin folder, it is redirected to login page. My expectation is to display "NoAccess.aspx". Whats wrong with this code? Or is there other meaning to statusCode=403.

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C# - Paged List With Checkboxes, Keep The Checkbox Value Browsing Through The Paging?

Mar 29, 2010

I got a list of customers I thought I would list in a gridview or a repeater with customer html, it gone have paging. I'm gone have a checkbox for each customer in the list. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I should do to keep the checkbox value when I go to page 2-3-4 ect in the paging. I'm thinking a session to store the id of the checked customers. After I'm done setting the values they go to the database.

Do you got any other ideas then the session I'm thinking of?

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How To Get A Custom Made Set Of Checkboxes Return Values In The Postback

Apr 2, 2010

I have the following in an aspx page:

<td colspan="2">
<% DisplayParties(); %>

In the code behind for the aspx page, i have this (e.g. I build HTML for the checkboxes):


Not my proudest moment, but whatever. The problem is that when this page posts back via some event on the page, I never get these tags in the Request.Form collection.

Is this simply how ASP.NET works (e.g. only server-side control post back) or am I missing something simple.

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Javascript - How To Add Comma Separated Values According To The Checkboxes In Textbox

Nov 8, 2010

I have 3 checkboxes and 1 textbox

i use only these controls mentioned above ..

I want ---- when i check checkbox1 and checkbox2 then it will display in textbox1 as 1,2 as it is as the same ascending order not 1,2, or 2,1,

I use this type of coding in asp.net (VB) , i wanna use this coding for 45 checkboxes........

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JQuery :: List Doesn't Display Properly?

Feb 27, 2011

I am using 2 jquery plugins

1. to display one line of breaking news

2. to display a news ticker

each one uses an unordered list to display in the begining of the page loading the list is displayed with all its items under each other in an ugly way then it returns to the normal one line style.

I wish a way to display these lists properly from the begining of the page loading


here is the jquery call to them

1. the breaking news list

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function ()
//jQuery Cycle Fade option
fx: 'fade',


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VB.Net Data Report Not Working Properly

Feb 16, 2011

I have develoed a vb.net application for my client. I have been using datareport for that. The Data report get the output from the dataset file with the parameter. Now we need to show the value order by. For this i have added the order by in sql query which is generated by .xsd file. But still the output does like,...................

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MVC :: Additional Route Not Working Properly

Feb 15, 2010

I have added a new route to Global.asax in order for me to create some nice seo friendly URLs for some news items I am displaying

// Route name
// URL with parameters
new { controller =
"News", action =
"Story", id =
"", title =
"" }
// Parameter defaults );
// Route name
// URL with parameters
new { controller =
"Home", action =
"Index", id =
"" }
// Parameter defaults );

The problem I have is that when I now hit my home page I am getting [URL] displayed in my URL rather [URL] which is what I used to get. I think the news route is picking up everything. Has anyone any ideas on what constraint I could put on the news route above so that it only ever processes requests from the news route. I was thinking of doing a reg ex on the title and excluding anything with the '-' character in it but I coud not get that to work

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Accorian Menu Not Working Properly

Apr 18, 2010

I am using accordin menu in my site, placed in Master Page, It has 4 pane, each pane have multiple links. it was working fine previously. But suddenly it is displaying this error message There is no source code available for the current location.

It's is asking for show assembly. When I clicked on that I got a stopage at the stack

0000001a mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]

I am really not sure what does it means. Also, there are several links in accordin menu, after clicking on anyone of the link I am not able to click the other link, might be because of the above reason.

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