Add Only Checked Checkboxes Added In Array List?
Nov 19, 2010
i want to insert checkbox text only if they are checked. .. how to do that ..
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox1.Text = Request.QueryString("txt")
Dim splitted As String() = TextBox1.Text.Split(",")
For Each id As String In splitted
Dim ctrl As Control = Page.FindControl("checkbox" & id)
If Not ctrl Is Nothing Then
Dim chkbox As CheckBox = DirectCast(ctrl, CheckBox)
chkbox.Enabled = False
Dim arrList As New ArrayList()
'populate the list with some temp values
'databind the list to our repeater
Repeater1.DataSource = arrList
End If
End Sub
This code will add all checkboxes whether it is checked or not !
so that only checked checkboxes would be added in array list
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Similar Messages:
Nov 17, 2010
I have some code here in view-page
How can I get checked value from chechboxes above .
I'd like the output checked field wrapped in
What Datatype (if needed) should i create in the model ?
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Jan 1, 2011
If i have 3 checkboxes in my webform namely : CheckBox1, Checkbox2, Checkbox3 and a textbox namely textbox1
If Checkbox1.text ="1"
Checkbox2.text ="2"
Checkbox3.text ="3"
if checkbox1 is already checked ... if checkbox is remain checked and even after i check checkbox2 and checkbox3 then the output in textbox would be 2,3 ..... by ignoring already checked checkbox text ...
LOGIC I WANT : Ignore already check checkboxes and insert recent checkbox text to textbox1 as comma seperated string ...
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Nov 9, 2010
I have 3 webforms controls: 3 checkboxes and 1 textbox. When I check checkbox1 and checkbox2, then in the textbox it should appear as 1,2. How can this be done using ASP.NET webforms controls?
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Mar 9, 2011
I generate my check boxes dynamically:
for (int i = 0; i < dtCommon.Count; i++)
CheckBox newBox = new CheckBox();
newBox.Text = dtCommon[i].userName; [code]...
And when the save button is pressed I call this function:
protected void SaveUsers(object sender, EventArgs e)
How do I know which check boxes the user has checked?!
View 2 Replies
Feb 17, 2011
I have a page that im using javascript to do a select all / unselect all for my checkboxes on the page. Now i need to determine in the code behind if all of them are checked, im wondering if it would be easier to just set a session or something whenthe select all is checked, but that wouldnt be accurate, because after you select all, you still can uncheck some..
So i need it to check at the time the button is clicked.. there are currectly 30 checkboxes, NOT a checkboxlist.
I tried using the site search but getting an error has occured when i click to search..
View 6 Replies
Nov 30, 2013
I have a checkboxlist control in ASP.NET
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="chkchrges" runat="server">
I am binding in following way
 chkchrges.DataSource = objclsChargeMaster
chkchrges.DataTextField = "chrgdcd"
chkchrges.DataValueField = "chrgcd"
And i am trying to get values (value member) of checked checkboxes
I am trying in folllowing way but each time it rerurns false on Â
For Each li As ListItem In chkchrges.Items
If (li.Selected) Then
Dim XX = li.Value
'' Do something with Value
End If
View 1 Replies
May 12, 2010
Iam getting an array of list from database to client side(javascript array). Now my aim to place those values in a div one by one and that div should attach to the textbox similar to Autocomplete extender.
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Jan 28, 2011
having trouble only adding the checkboxstatus's that are checked to the gridview.
Protected Sub atasks_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim tasknamelist As New List(Of Boolean)
For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
' Selects the text from the TextBox
Dim checkboxstatus As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("tasknamebox"), CheckBox)
tasknamelist.Add(checkboxstatus.Checked) [code]....
View 1 Replies
Apr 3, 2011
note that the scenario is ASP.NET Webforms + Master - Content page which mess up the ids.
I have, say, three checkboxes
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkConsultantQuality" runat="server"
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkConsultantEnvironment" runat="server"
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkConsultantSafety" runat="server"
I would like to make a div id="CompanyPanel" on click event of each checkbox according to the following condition
visible if any of the checkboxes are checked.
hidden if all of the checkboxes are unchecked.
I am planning to use jQuery since I am selecting by class name. I could do it with jQuery.each on the class='company' by checking each for a checked flag.
View 2 Replies
Aug 25, 2010
i'm using a gridview and has a column of checkbox that is within a template field.
I want to do it in C# but I only found this code in VB
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Oct 20, 2012
How to get The Rowindex Of Gridview by clicking button outside gridview in ASP.Net?
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Mar 6, 2014
i want to disable other checkbox if one is selected inside gridview . i want to make that on clientside using javascript or jquery.below is the code
<html xmlns="" ><head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script src="selectedradio.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function(){
$('input[type=checkbox]').each(function () {
View 1 Replies
Mar 12, 2013
I have many country check boxes on page and i want to search data from database based on check boxes checked i.e. user can check check single or multiple checkboxes. So how can i fetch the data/records from database based on same.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have situation where I have to show checked CheckBox in a GridView. I have three tables
1) Menu Items ( Fields: menuID, menuName, menuLink, .....)
2) User Types (Fields: userTypeID, userTypeName, ...)
3) User Menus (Field: menuID, userTypeID )
I have a screen to add new Menu Items where I am showing a Grid That has two columns
1) CheckBox and
2) User Type
I have to check CheckBox in order to Link that User Type with the Menu Itme. I am done with Add Screen. Here is the Code:
HeaderText="User Types"
(Code Behind)
foreach (GridViewRow row in gridView_UserTypes.Rows)
// Access the CheckBox
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("userTypeSelector");
if (cb != null && cb.Checked)
// First, get the UserTypeID for the selected row
int userTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(gridView_UserTypes.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value);
if (selectedUserTypeIDs == "")
selectedUserTypeIDs = userTypeID.ToString();
selectedUserTypeIDs = selectedUserTypeIDs + "," + userTypeID.ToString();
Now I am passing selectedUserTypeIDs along with other details to my Stored Procedure and adding those UserTypes for newly Added menu. It works fine for me. Now I want to show checked CheckBox in Edit Mode.
View 2 Replies
Nov 15, 2010
I have a GridView with checkboxes. I want to let the user choose one or several checkboxes. Right now my code only manages to find one of the chosen checkboxes:
How do I change it to find the values from every row that has a checked checkbox?
View 10 Replies
Mar 4, 2011
I have a GridView with checkboxes. How can I count how many checkboxes are checked?
View 24 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I have created a popup window with the modalpopupextender. Inside the popup window is an Updatepanel that contains an OK button, a Search Button, a databound Datagrid and some checkboxes.
The problem is that when i press the OK button, i want to find the rows in the datagrid that have been checked with the checkboxes.... but i can't find the datagrid on the page! Any suggestions to how i can find the datagrid in the updatepanel?
View 3 Replies
Jul 15, 2010
I´m using a Repeater to generate Items out of a Database. Each ReapeaterItem should include an UpdatePanel, because i have to Update the Controls inside the UpdatePanel and do not want to reload the complete page. Inside these dynamically generated UpdatePanels (each RepeaterItem has one) i´m adding up to three Checkboxes dynamically (based on the Database). These Checkboxes need to fire the "CheckedChanged" event, because on some conditions i want to enable/disable/check/uncheck Checkbox1, 2 or 3 based on business logic. ... Hope you got this so far. I´m adding all Controls and have the EventHandler Added. But the generated Code does not reflect the Event Handler. I tried OnItemDataBound, OnItemCreated, PreRender, ... Events to add the Eventhandler too, but i was not able to find the CheckBox-Control with the ID.
I´m totally lost with this and on the way to use Buttons instead of Checkboxes. From what i read so far is that with Buttons i can use the CommandName from the Button and the ItemCommand-Event from the Repeater to get a workaround, but then i need to reflect the "Check" on the Page in some way. btw, every Repeater (8) sits inside an ajaxtoolkit-accordion control. Here i give you some Code:
<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterAccordionPane2" runat="server">
HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Header")%>HTML Stuff<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Beschreibung")%></td>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode=Conditional>
HTML Stuff
Here is the Page_Load Part
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
dvAlleArtikel = new System.Data.DataView(...Database...);
[... some other code here ...]
RepeaterAccordionPane2.DataSource = dvAlleArtikel;
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.ItemCreated +=new RepeaterItemEventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_ItemCreated);
//RepeaterAccordionPane2.PreRender +=new EventHandler(RepeaterAccordionPane2_PreRender);
int nUpdatePanelIndex = 0;
foreach (Control crInRepeater in RepeaterAccordionPane2.Controls)
if (crInRepeater.GetType() == typeof(RepeaterItem))
foreach (Control crInRepeaterItem in crInRepeater.Controls)............
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May 7, 2015
how can i checked the checkbox in parentGridview whenever i checked a checkbox in childGridview?
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Aug 26, 2010
This morning I posted a question w.r.t Radio Buttons, but the requirement changed so I'm posing a similar question.
I want to have a checkbox in a datagrid.
Suppose I click on one of the checkboxes and then realize i need to click on another, the screen has to automatically uncheck the previously clicked checkbox and then check the newly clicked checkbox.
In other words I need to clear previously checked checkboxes and check the recently clicked checkbox.
Also, I need to update a label in the page with a value associated with the row of the checked checkbox.
I should not be using a javascript to do this.
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Jul 23, 2010
the problem is actually in the subject. I have custom control that uses treeview. The control is added dynamically. Nodes for this treeview are populated on demand. Treeview nodes can be checked. I recreate this control on page load event, but still CheckedNodes is empty if checked nodes were added dynamically (added on demand).
View 2 Replies
Jan 2, 2013
How to disable two drop downs on checking one of radio button from radiobutton list,,its like radiobuttons with no ID in side <asp:RadiobuttonList> tag.Â
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a table witch i programmatically fill with(multiple) IDs in the first column, options in the second and checkboxes in the third. The table is in a View as it is part of a wizard and is filled on view_Activate.
How can i get the checked property of the checkboxes when i pass to the next view? When i try to do that on view_Deactivate the table is already 0 rows...
I know i can use i checkboxlist(... whose properties i can get on view_Deactivate) but i'd rather use a table as it is easier to layout as i want it(header, columns, alignment,...).
View 4 Replies
Mar 4, 2011
I'm trying to build a list of checkboxes, each one with a textbox/textarea associated to it. The plan is for it to look something like this
The title of each checkbox & textbox will be populated from the database. I'm not really sure how to go about doing this.
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