Map Model Classes To ViewModel Classes Or Aggregate Model Classes In ViewModel Classes

Dec 15, 2010

I'm curious as to what people consider better practice, between duplicating model structure in the view model and using a mapping tool to move data between the two, or aggregate the model inside the view model, i.e. have a property on the view model class that is a reference to the actual model. Which is considered a better approach in general?

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MVC :: To Put The Data Annotation Attributes - On The Viewmodel Classes Or On The Model?

Mar 20, 2010

I am using a model but as I want to have clean views I use the viewmodel approach which is like a downsized model which I map in my controller actions before sending to the view or getting it back in a HttpPost attributed action.

My question is: where to put the data annotation attributes. On the viewmodel classes or on the model? If I get it clearly the viewmodel annotations are used for the client side generation of validation right?

Do does that mean I have to put data annotations everywhere on both model and viewmodel?

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Visual Studio :: What Is The Difference Between Designer Classes And T4 Template Generated Classes

Jan 11, 2010

I am new to LINQ. when we drag tables we get a dbml file and designer file.

For example DataClasses1.dbml and DataClasses1.designer.cs.

Once we have them then we can start using our LINQ Queries.

In my company project I do not see this designer files and instead there are .tt files which were used as templates to greate ABC.generated.cs files. Is this same as designer class?

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C# - Class Structure With LINQ, Partial Classes, And Abstract Classes

May 17, 2010

I am following the Nerd Dinner tutorial as I'm learning ASP.NET MVC, and I am currently on Step 3: Building the Model. One part of this section discusses how to integrate validation and business rule logic with the model classes. All this makes perfect sense. However, in the case of this source code, the author only validates one class: Dinner.

What I am wondering is, say I have multiple classes that need validation (Dinner, Guest, etc). It doesn't seem smart to me to repeatedly write these two methods in the partial class:


This doesn't "feel" right, but I wanted to check with SO to get opinions of individuals smarter than me on this. I also tested it out, and it seems that the partial keyword on the OnValidate method is causing problems (understandably so). This doesn't seem possible to fix (but I could very well be wrong).

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C# - Can Base Classes See The Protected Fields Of Derived Classes

Aug 11, 2010

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Web Forms :: Using C# Classes Vb Classes Together In VS2008 / 3.5 Project

Mar 24, 2010

Can I use VB and C# classes together in the same 3.5 project?

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MVC :: Inherited Model Classes?

Feb 26, 2010

This is my first post in this forum and I want to congratulate all the ASP.Net MVC team for this great framework.Somedays ago, I saw the new ASP.Net MVC 2 Model Validation, following the instructions from Scott Gu blog...I found something interesting that I don't know if it's an expected behavior or a bug.My Model class is inherited, so I have something like this:


I have an descendent of this class with some more properties, and the validators for ASP.Net MVC:


Then I found that the Client validation don't work for the inherited property

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MVC :: Creating Foreign Key In Model Classes?

May 31, 2010

I am trying to create a relation between 2 of my model classes. I have separated my Model classes to be in their own project "Domain Model" and the application exists in the "WebUI" project.

I have 2 models.... SupportIssues and Users....

SupportIssues has a column UserID which is also a primary key in the Users table.

I want to create a relationship where one user can have many support issues.

I just can figure out how to do this?

Here is a snippet of my supportIssue.cs class:


How can i link UserID to my User.cs class?

Is it anything to do with the [Associate] tag?

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Automatically Generate Buddy Classes From Model In C#

Apr 28, 2010

I use Linq to Sql (although this is equally applicable in Entity Framework) for my models, and I'm finding myself creating buddy classes for my models all the time. I find this time consuming and repetitive. Is there an easy way to automatically generate these buddy classes based on the models? Perhaps a visual studio macro?

public partial class Person
public class PersonMetadata
public object Id { get; set; }

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MVC :: How To Use Of Validation With Data Annotations In Model Classes

Dec 12, 2010

I make use of validation with data annotations in my model classes. How do I make sure this annotations are not violated when I validate data in my business layer, before sending it to the DAL? I guess I don't want to define the validation rules in two places (model classes and in my BLL-classes)?

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Model Collections Of The Same Class Held By Several Other Classes?

Nov 30, 2010

How do I model the following using Castle ActiveRecord?

I have two classes, Customer and Task.

I would like to reuse a third class, Note, stored in a Collection in each of the Customer and Task classes.


I would then like to be able to pass the Notes collection to a Gridview, Listview or Repeater in the relevant ASP.Net page for the Customer or Task classes.

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ADO.NET :: How To Create Classes And Interfaces Using Entity Data Model

Jan 28, 2011

I am setting up my new project..We are using entity frame work 4.0..

Is there any way to generate all classes and interfaces as we create manually for 3-tier architecture...

Or do i need to generate manually...


Public Interface ITest
int testproperty {get;set:}
Public class Test: ITest
public int testproperty {get;set:}

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Visual Studio :: Configure SQL Server In VS2010 / Creating Model Classes With Linq To SQL?

Mar 17, 2011

I can't believe I'm having so much trouble finding this information. I'm endeavouring to learn about creating model classes with Linq to SQL. By default VS2010 wants to use SQL Express, but our organisation has several database servers for development so I'd rather use one of those. PLEASE can somebody tell me how I can configure VS2010 to do that, as all I get is 'A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server ... Verify that the instance name is correct'. Yeah, thanks Microsoft. Actually telling me how to verify the instance name would be a really good move here.

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ADO.NET :: Capture Updated / Changed Rows In The Entity Data Model Context Classes?

Dec 16, 2010

I am using an Entity Data Model (.edmx) in my project. I am using context.Customers to bind the grid.

Now when the datasource is binded to grid, i made some updates for 2 rows in the database.

Now, how can i capture those 2 updated rows in the context........?

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MVC :: The Name 'Html' Does Not Exist In The Current Context / Not Recongnizing The Html And Model Classes?

Apr 30, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC 2 project with VS 2010 and out of nothing I get the following errors on my views:

The name 'Html' does not exist in the current context

The name 'Model' does not exist in the current context

It is like it is not recongnizing the MVC Html and Model classes.

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C# - Using Sessions In Classes?

Jan 31, 2011

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Using Classes In A Webpage?

Aug 13, 2010

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Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient[code]......

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Jan 29, 2010

I found datetimepicker class in one project . i.e C# project , in this project he/she created one class named as datetimeextensions.cs.

so then he/she imported in to one view and used like this .


i added this class in to my project and i tried to import but it doesn't appear in extensions?

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MVC :: Validation With Model As Property To ViewModel?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a viewmodel with a property of a model class type. I set some properties in the model class to be able to show it to the user but then when I make a post, the model gets validated. How to overcome this? I don't want to enforce the DataAnnotations contraint in this case....

public class TheViewModel
TheModel TheModel { get; set;}

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C# - Model Validation With ViewModel Don't Works?

Dec 9, 2010

I use viewModels to communicate between my controller and my view. To get model validation, i use a partial class like this :

public partial class Evaluation
public class EvaluationValidation
[DisplayName("Title of evaluation")]


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How To Use Appriateness Of Service Classes

Mar 18, 2010

1) I'd like to make use of the built in membership system. Easy enough by itself. However, I wonder if I should still be building an entity around the User and Role classes since they aren't part of the custom database. As such, they aren't part of the domain's aggregate chains either.2) My entities contain the better part of my business logic. For example, my Category entity has the following method: AddForum(User user, Forum forum). All logic tests are performed there and applied, or not, to the private forums collection. What I am wondering about here is the appriateness of service classes. In the traditional mvc style, a service class operates between the controller and repository to perform business logic. With domain design, we do it in the entities. Should I still be using these, now superfluous service classes? Or should I save them for when something is really needed that isn't part of the domain itself, such as an EmailService

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C# - Using Partial Classes For Validation?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm using Entity Framework to create my data objects. Here's what my designer.cs file looks like:


But my validations aren't loaded. If I try to submit the form with no value for Name, I get an error message saying The value '' is invalid. instead of my error message.

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Architecture :: Separating BLL And DAL When Not Using Classes

Mar 9, 2011

I'm implementing n-tier structure in the current app I'm working on. Because DataBinding a list of my Objects to a Repeater was far too slow I need to databind a DataTable to the Repeater. Should I still DataBind to a Function (that returns a DataTable) in the BLL that calls a Function in the DAL that returns a DataTable?

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Including External C# Classes?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to learn ASP.NET programming and here's my first big issue I need to solve:- I like to keep code separate from presentation so I've decided to use code-behing model - I've created default.aspx + default.aspx.cs and everything works nicely- Inside default.aspx.cs, in


I want to instantiate an object where its class is declared in a separate file and is part of a separate namespace. This is a simple PDF generation class that I wish to develop and use in other web and also desktop projects, that's why all these separation.- As a web developer I tend to avoid all kind of IDEs, as a result of this I am independant and I know every line of code in details. Do you think it is possible to bypass VisualStudio and code all the projects by hand? I believe this is quite possible with pure C# code but what about the problem I've described above? Can somebody please write the minimum directive(s) to include an external class or file. (I know about VS 'Add class...', etc. )

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Accessing Objects From Other Classes?

Sep 7, 2010

In ASP.NET I have a form that has a Textbox named txtOutput and a button. In the main file.aspx.vb I can call a function from the button handler and in that function I can have

txtOutput.Text = "Some Message"

with no problem. I have a bunch of functions in several other classes. For instance I have a class named AbleCommerce that does some database functions. These functions are called from my main class. In those functions, however, I have no visibility of txtOutput. All of my classes are, unfortunately, in the default namespace which I understand is not optimal but didn't seem to impact this issue.

I know this is an easy one I've just not understood properly but it has me stumped. My gut says that I probably need to pass the Textbox object to my "other class" but can't for the life of me figure how.

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