Mvc Apps Do Not Recognize Image Fields?

Mar 8, 2010

I am new to mvc and like it a lot! I started with the movie app from stephen.My question: My mvc apps do not recognize image fields, how can see them or add them with a fileupload control?

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Compare 2 Image Fields?

Mar 26, 2011

I have 2 image columns in SQL server table.How can I compare the image columns to see if they are equal? I am using VB in or I could do it in SQL too.

If imagefield1 = imagefield2 then
'Code here
end if

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SQL Server :: How To Compare 2 Image Fields

Mar 26, 2011

I tried using DATALENGTH but I couldnt do if (DATALENGTH(image1) = DATALENGTH(image2) ,1,0)

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Web Forms :: Does "requiredfieldvalidator" Work For Image Fields

Jul 24, 2010

As you can see below, I'm trying to use "requiredfieldvalidator" to require an image---but I'm getting an error message (saying the Image field can't be validated.) Will requiredfieldvalidator not work with images (only textboxes)? Any suggestions for resolving this? Is the only solution to require the image programmatically in the code behind?

<asp:Image ID="Image" runat="server" AlternateText = "No image uploaded yet" ImageUrl ='<%# Eval("UserId","Image.aspx?UserId={0}") %>' Width="50px" Height="75px"/>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator ID="ImageRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Image" ErrorMessage="All fields are required. Please try again." display="static" ToolTip="All fields are required. Please try again." SetFocusOnError="true" CssClass="validate"></asp:requiredfieldvalidator>

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Web Forms :: How To Programmatically Set Template Fields Label Value Two One Of Two Fields Returned In A Sqldata...

Feb 8, 2011

I have a sql data souce that returns several columns of data, and they are displayed in a DetailsView on a pretty simple page. I'm stuggling with one field though for the details view.

It's a template field, and if ClientType=1 (this value is determined else where on the page), then the label in the template field should have Text='<%# Bind("ClientName") %>', but if the ClientType = 0, then the label in the template field should have Text='<%# Bind("ClientTemporaryName") %>'

How do I tell the details view to set the text for ClientName to one or the other?


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C# - Creating A List Of Dataset Fields And Form Fields For Easy Updating?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a relatively complex dataset (numerous tables, some with multiple records) generated from reading in an XML file. I need to connect said dataset fields to an ASP form. At the moment I'm assigning them manually, like so in the pageload:

txt_first_init.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"].ToString();
txt_last_name.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString();
ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue = formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"].ToString();

And conversely when it's time to submit.

formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"] = txt_first_init.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"] = txt_last_name.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"] = ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue.ToString();

I did some looking into binding the textboxes (and dropdownlists, and checkboxes, and and and...) directly, but it seemed to be too many formats to use.

So this works fine, but as the number of fields increases, those load and unload lists are going to get unwieldy.

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Forms Data Controls :: Databound Fields Vs Templete Fields In A GridView?

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I am using TempleteFields for all columns in my GridView. In that columns I am using only some fields for customization but not all.

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Crystal Reports :: Newly Added Fields In SP Not Visible In Fields Objects?

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Jan 9, 2011

Q1: I have an page , one textarea there the user can enter all his details like name age gender; how do get the get name, age, gender in seperate fields(text fields). how can i split?


dawn barric 25 male
text1: dawn barric
text2: 25
text3: male

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IIS Doesn't Recognize Mp4

Jan 8, 2010

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How Does IIS Recognize Different Sessions In .NET

Aug 19, 2010

Suppose I have logged into an application which is running from IIS. Now I haven't logged out, but closed the browser. And when I'm accessing the application again, it defaults to the login page. How does IIS recognize that it is a new request and redirects the user to the login page?

I have another doubt. Suppose if I'm not closing the browser, which I used when I logged in. I'm opening the new browser to request a page from same application. IIS recognizes that it's a new request to the application and redirects the user to login page. Why does it not use the existing session or cookies which the first browser uses?

We say http is a stateless protocol. Once the page is requested i have logged in.And http protocol connection will be terminated between IIS and browser right? Then iam navigating to other pages in that logged in application. Now iis recognises user has logged in this browser. But when i open a new browser and request that application how does iis recognises it is a new request. Since the http protocol is disconnected, how it works in the first case

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Php - Communication Of Two Apps On The Same Machine?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an ASP.NET app running on a webserver. A third party is created another app in PHP which needs to send data to my app for processing. Initially it was assumed that the PHP app would be deployed elsewhere so we agreed that the communication would occur over the internet via HTTP (over SSL). My app would simply use a generic handler (ashx) file to recieve the data and send confirmation back.

Now it seems that the PHP app might be deployed on the same machine as my app. I like the fact that using HTTP (as opposed to say direct database access), the PHP app needs to know nothing at all about how my app works. But using the public internet seems silly for communication between two apps on the same machine. If the PHP app simply used a localhost address, would this ensure that all the data stays within the machine? Is there a better way to do this?

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Architecture For A Web Application With Sub-Apps?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm starting to plan an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on where to begin and which technologies and/or frameworks to use.The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using SQL Server and ASP.NET. It'll need to be structured as a main/shell application with sub-applications that are "pluggable" based on some configuration settings.

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How To Work With A Web Application And Sub-Apps

Jun 18, 2010

I'm starting to think about and develop an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on which technologies and/or frameworks to use.The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using ASP.NET. It'll need to be structured as a main web application with sub-web applications. Essentially, the entire scope is a composite browser-based, Intranet application that is composed of discrete, functionally complete modules or sub-applications.

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Using OpenIdButton For Google Apps?

May 27, 2010

I am an ASP.NET newbie and I am trying to design an OpenID/SSO system for an internal web application. The web application is pretty simple and the authentication is currently being managed by a database with usernames and passwords. I want to replace the existing accounts stored in the database with Google Apps accounts.

I have downloaded the latest DotNetOpenAuth- package and got the OpenIdRelyingPartyWebForms sample up and running on IIS. I have built my own login page using just a OpenIdButton object that points to a development Google domain.

The button seems to work fine in FireFox, at least it is forwarding me to the Google Apps login, but nothing happens when I load the same page in IE. When I click the Google button, nothing happens, zip. The same is true for the Yahoo button in the login.aspx page given in the sample.

Here is the .aspx code I am using...


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May 28, 2010

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Transfer An Object Between Two C# Apps Over The Web?

Jun 15, 2010

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The issue is now, how do I get this data to the server? I have a server running IIS 7 setup but I don't quite understand the life cycle, so I'm not sure how to implement the receiving app.

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Multithreading in dotnet apps?

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Web Forms :: Recognize The Url From IE Plugin?

Jul 23, 2010

I need to recognize the url from my Personalized plugin. Based on that for specialized url I need to fetch the credential from my database.

Is it possible to recognize the url from my plugin.

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.net - Recognize User On Site?

Jul 23, 2010

I am looking for an implementation similar to that of what is seen on banking sites. If a user comes to the site I want them to have to pass some form of registration IE (answer a question or enter in some key). If the user closes the browser and comes back to the site again from that machine they would just be able to provide login credentails to get in.

I am not sure if this is accomplished in ASP.NET by a cookie or what type of implementation.

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Web Application Does Not Recognize Namespace ?

Jul 13, 2010

i have an application that works fine in website state i.e when i create it in website. On converting it to web application it doesnt recognise a class i created e.g

Imports Utilities
End Function

error says
BC30182: Type expected.

yet it works wen its a website .

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Rebuild All Apps That Use A Modifed Library Dll?

Nov 24, 2010

I have several small web apps that were developed in VS 2005. Included among these are several class libraries used by many of the apps. I've begun to develop in VS 2008. Today I had to add to one of the libraries that was originally generated by VS

My question, now that I've rebuilt the class library using VS 2008 do I need to rebuild all the small apps that use this library?

Background: We have a production website that is composed of several small webapps. The dlls reside in the bin folder and the .aspx pages in the appropriate folder within the website structure. If I move this changed library dll to the bin folder, are all the pages that used the old library dll going to break? The changes I made to the library class will not cause them to break.

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Sharing Authentication On Different Apps On Different Sub - Domains

Jan 19, 2011

I have 2 applications. One on webforms [URL] which should provide authentication, user logs in and I can use the cookie to authenticate on my mvc app located at [URL]. All I'd like to do is able to access the cookie so I can get the userId that was stored in it using the FormsAuthentication.

They use normal authentication provided by microsoft;

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms domain="" loginUrl="Default.aspx" protection="All" path="/" requireSSL="false" timeout="45" name=".ASPXAUTH" slidingExpiration="true" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" enableCrossAppRedirects="false"/>

This cookie should be accessible to any submain on [URL] right?

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Architecture :: How To Develop Web Application With Sub-Apps

Jun 18, 2010

I'm starting to think about and develop an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on which technologies and/or frameworks to use.The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using ASP.NET. It'll need to be structured as a main web application with sub-web applications. Essentially, the entire scope is a composite browser-based,Intranet application that is composed of discrete, functionally complete modules or sub-applications.

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Double Clicking Allowed In Web Apps?

Sep 16, 2010

I am taking over the code of another person. This person is allowing double clicks to occur on RadGrids (Telerik Control).. I personally hate the idea of allowing double clicks in a web application. I tihnk it is not natural.

Is there any good argument against double clicks in web apps? Or am I wrong and double clicks in web apps are good for some reason?

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