Need To Write Some Software That When You Turn On A New Pc It Will Popup Asking The User To Submit Registration Details?

Oct 4, 2010

I need to write some software that when you turn on a new pc it will popup asking the user to submit registration details - what application would you recommend to do this, I was thinking a win forms app that then saves the data as an xml file and then sends the file via a webservice to a server once an internet connection has been established.

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C# - Display Registration Details In Website From Database?

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Now I want a form/input where you can submit a new comment. This is the problem, how do I implement that, tried everything! How do I catch that form submit in Details action in my PostController?

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I have done it using GridView. But facing problem using Datalist.

I follow the url to do it using GridView.


GridView Code:


what will be the alternative code for DataList?

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Web Forms :: Reopening Registration Form Modal Dialog On Failed Registration From Server Side

May 5, 2013

I have following Modal Dialog (popup) using only CSS3 in my asp page for user registration:

<%-- Modal PopUp starts here--%>
<div id="openModal" class="modalDialog">
<div><a href="#close" title="Close" class="close" onclick="DisableAllPopUpTxt()">X</a>


<a href="#openModal" id="DialogLink" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold">Register</a>

Now the problem is:

As this is registration form, I want server side validation of existing email id .If user entered email id already exist in DB I want to reopen the above modal dialog (automatically) with an error massage Email ID already exist.

I m not able to reopen that dialog box.

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Feb 8, 2010

I am creating a page which contains an updatepanel.

In this update panel there is a grid view in which there is a button. on click of this button i m showing a dialog box which takes some inputs and submits data.

However this all is working very fine untill and unless I use some requiredfieldvalidators to validate the input.

when i use validators, these validators works very fine bt the submit button on popup does not work.

I had tried to use validation group but it still does not work at all.

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C# - Can Implement Customized User Registration In Mvc 2.0

Nov 9, 2010

i am developing a site in mvc 2.0.Now i have to implement customised user registrationpage by adding extra fields.i am using following code to create the user,

Membership.CreateUser(userName, password);
Roles.AddUserToRole(userName, "User");
UserProfile.NewUser.Initialize(userName, true);
UserProfile.NewUser.FirstName = firstName;
UserProfile.NewUser.LastName = lastName;

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How To Add More Fields In User Registration Form

Jan 13, 2011

The default built-in user registration form that we have in the Asp.Net Membership is that there are only fields for:

UserNamePasswordConfirm PasswordEmailSecret QuestionSecret Answer

And we have seen all these in a user registration form. But what if I want to add more fields to it. For example, take a look at this website, this registration page has a lot more fields for users to enter information: [URL] This regirtaion page has the information for Street Address, Suburb, Gender, DOB and lot more. How do I add these fields into my registration page. I have heard of something called profile. But how do I intergrate profile into this, if this is what we use to add more fields to user registraiton page. share a sample working code of user registrtion page with more fields.

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