Ompare The Content Of 2 Gridviews In One Aspx Page?

Dec 22, 2010

we need to compare the content of 2 identical gridviews and extract rows that differ in a third gridview, is this doable?at our office we take daily backup of application ms access backendfor the next few days we need to evaluate the changes made to records in the database tablesat the end of each day i want to compare 2 access databases first database is the backup of yesterday and second database is the backup of todayi thought of the following algorithm, please read carefully and tell me how to proceed to compare the datatables / gridviewsi need to display th rows / cells containing the differences / updates / deleted datacomparing two ms access backend databases of an web application

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Forms Data Controls :: Lighten Too Many GridViews In One Aspx Page

Oct 30, 2010

the project I'm working on has become quite bigger then expected. And now I have pages containing about ten different GridViews (and it is likely to increase!!), each one with its own EditItemTemplate, ItemTemplate, FooterTemplate, style, properties, etc. And, of course, in the code-behind (C#) each Grid has its events handled. You can imagine: it is a mess, playing with visibility of each one, ImageButtons to hide them, further buttons for other actions. I decided to handle only events in the code behind, while using partial classes and additional classes for the rest of the code (SQL queries and everything else), but still, it's gettin a mess.

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C# - Print Content Of A Javascript Tabcontrol: Gridviews?

Apr 28, 2010

I've got a JQuery tabcontrol (4 tabs), which each of them control 1 gridview. now I got a button "print". It activates a javascriptfunction, which should build a page, containing all gridviews. I got something, but it does not work:

function doPrintPage() {
myWindow ='', '', 'titlebar=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600');;
myWindow.document.writeln("<link href='/styles/Layout.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' ></link>");
return true;

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How To Hide A Content Place Holder In .aspx Page

Jul 1, 2010

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1. left side bar

2. middle content area

3. right side bar

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<div id="left"></div>
<div id="content"></div>
<div id="right"></div>

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Jan 6, 2011

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Web Forms :: Convert Aspx Code To Codebehind To Create Dynamic Gridviews?

Nov 19, 2010

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I want the following code to be craeated on the fly (runtime). I will only add the root level grid to aspx and then in page load I want to add subsequent grids.I know we will use GridViewTemplate to add the grid but not sure how to structure it. The steps that I follow:

1. set the required properties of gridLevel01.

2. add BoundFields for level01.

3. Add template field for level02 grid....but not sure how to set other required properties like color and stuff....also not sure what position to add the subsequent gridviews.

Do I need to add the child grids to root?? I know the level2 grid will be added to level1 but what about level 3?

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Mar 18, 2011

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XML file

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Oct 6, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: 11 Gridviews On Same Page - Optimize Page Load Time?

Oct 4, 2010

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I need a solution to reduce page load time. Is there a way,where the gridview loads only if user scrolls to it. I donot want the user to make selection for everytime he wishes to see a gridview. The page should show gridview if its data is bound to it, not waiting for entire page gridviews to get populated.

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Web Forms :: Content Controls Are Allowed Only In Content Page That References A Master Page.

Jun 25, 2010

which page need to be checked. Master or Content. I dont think there is anything wrong in the content page.

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Load Gridviews After Page Has Been Loaded?

Oct 4, 2010

I am trying to have the page fully load up and then after that load my gridviews as they take some time to generate..

Right now I do it with a timer and an update panel with the timer being set to 1 second which works perfectly fine but..

I don't want the page to be using the update panel when they click any button on it etc., I want it to function as a regular page. What is the solution to this?

If i want to use this layout for multiple pages, what is the best way to do it so later on if I decide to change something in the layout I wouldn't have to go through all of these pages just to change 1 item.

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Content Controls Allowed Only In Content Page That References A Master Page

Mar 10, 2016

Can I ask what this error refers to, (I have had it twice now over the last couple of days and then it goes away):

System.Web.HttpException: Content controls are allowed only in content page that references a master page.

This is followed by Stack Trace:

[HttpException (0x80004005): Content controls are allowed only in content page that references a master page.]
System.Web.UI.MasterPage.CreateMaster(TemplateControl owner, HttpContext context, VirtualPath masterPageFile, IDictionary contentTemplateCollection) +9744256
System.Web.UI.Page.get_Master() +55
System.Web.UI.Page.ApplyMasterPage() +14
System.Web.UI.Page.PerformPreInit() +51
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1104

I am not using any Content Place Holder or Master Page (does the error refer to the Site.Master file because while I can see it in. Solution Explorer, I never use it. All of my aspx files look like this along the top with no reference to Site.Master:

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="register1.aspx.vb" Inherits="register1" %>

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Web Forms :: How To Write Aspx Page HTML From Aspx.cs Page On Page Load

Dec 1, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Overload Page With Many GridViews?

Nov 4, 2010

I do have a page that is literally overloaded with about 10 GridViews and there is a datasource for each particular one. Now, each GridView is hide inside a panel, so I only display one at a time depending on what is it that the user request. My concern is the followng: Even though I am only displaying one GridView at a time, do the others datasource are still working behind the scene on the blind side and therefore are putting a load on the server and on its performance. Or I do not have to worry about this because as long as the Panel.Visibility = False, nothing inside that panel is working.

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through All Gridviews On Page?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to loop through all gridviews on a page to hide them and set their page index to 0. This should be very easy to do and it seems like the code below should work but it doesn't?? How can I accomplsh this with the least amount of code? FYI- this code is executed on a button click.

foreach (Control childControl in Page.Controls)
if (childControl is GridView)
((GridView)childControl).Visible = false;
((GridView)childControl).PageIndex = 0;

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Web Forms :: How To Set From Code-behind Of The Master Page Font Size For All GridViews

Jul 2, 2010

Could you tell me how I can set from code-behind of the Master page font size for all GridViews of my application body?

E.g. I have


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridviews Move Other Objects On Page?

May 19, 2010

I have my gridviews, buttons and labels put into tables:


Here is how the page looks when I run it:


Then when I select an Order this happens:


Why is it when I select an Order and the second gridview pops up theat it moves my text and Ship button down? I thought I had it setup in the tables so this wouldnt happen?

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