Php - Free Alternative To Abyss Web Server X1?

Feb 22, 2011

I did try to find a more suitable place for this question, and contemplated posting it on Server Fault, but since there's no real "fault" here, I chose to ask it on S/O.Does anybody know of any free alternatives to the free Abyss Web Server X1 app, that actually work?

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<asp:Button id="btnSelectEmp" runat="server" Text="Select Employee" />

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$("input[id$='_btnSelectEmp']").click(function ($e) {
$("div[id$='_divEmpSearch']").css("display", "inline");

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Feb 18, 2011

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Publishing to a local folder and then copying the published files via ftp over to my host (in the public_html directory).
Publishing via ftp to the root folder:
Publishing via ftp to the public_html folder:

Usually I would just drop the html files in the public_html folder, but I'm getting the feeling that the deployment process for an MVC application is slightly different. Do I have to modify the Web.config or some other filer? How does one usually deploy an MVC application (on a free host)?

Update:I have learned that the host uses Mono and supports .NET 4.0, but I'm still not able to deploy.

I have Visual Studio 2010 and I used its Publish Feature (i.e. right click on the project name and click publish) and I tried several things:

Publish method: FTP to the root folder.
Publish method: FTP to the publich_html folder.
Publish method: File System to the root folder.
Publish method: File System to the publich_html folder.
Publish method: File System to a local directory on my computer and then FTP to root and also tried the public_html folder.

I went into the cPanel (control panel) to try and see if ASP.NET has to be added/enabled for my web site, but I didn't see anything there.I can't browse to Index.aspx nor can I redirect to it from index.html (as suggested from other posts on the host forum), right now I have a link from index.html to Index.aspx but it's not working either (see've also tried renaming Index.aspx to Default.aspx, but that doesn't work either.

The search utility of the forum of the host is somewhat weak, so I use google to search their forum:

I've been reading Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework and they have a chapter about publishing, but it doesn't provide any specific information with respect to the location of publishing, this is all they say (and it's not very helpful in my case):

Where Should I Put My Application?You can deploy your application to any folder on the server. When IIS first installs, it automatically creates a folder for a web site called Default Web Site at c:Inetpubwwwroot, but you shouldn't feel any obligation to put your application files there. It's very common to host applications on a different physical drive from the operating system (e.g., in e:websites It's entirely up to you, and may be influenced by concerns such as how you plan to back up the server.

Here is the error I get when I try to view my Index.aspx page:Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. (/home/devarmy/public_html/Web.config line 1)

Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request.

Stack Trace:System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. (/home/devarmy/public_html/Web.config line 1)
at System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement.DeserializeElement (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, Boolean serializeCollectionKey) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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