Possible To Use PHP As Code To Process Website Email Contact Form
Mar 16, 2015
I have a basic Web site project in VB.NET (Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web), and was wondering if it would be possible to use PHP as the code to process the Web site's email contact form. That is, PHP would be part of a myContactForm.aspx Web page and, if so, are Windows servers acceptable to PHP? Do Windows servers and PHP like one another?
For some reason I have in my mind the idea that ASP/ASP.NET = Windows servers, while PHP = Unix servers.
I have a script that I really like to use for a contact email forms, but it has that mail server configuration info hard coded. I would like it better if it ran off of the web.config mailsettings, but I know nothing about VB. how to change it to run off the web.config.
I would like to know if there is any free control to create a contact us form with send mail functionality. I've seen AutoEmail which is not free. Is there any free control?.
I am building a simple contact us form, but I must admit I don't know diddly about c#. So if someone can show me an example Just a note, I am not using the wizard. I am using a table and textboxes with a button with the common fields firstnamebox,lastnamebox,emailbox, subjectbox, and messagebox.
I'm trying to create a simple contact form for a website and cannot figure out how to properly configure it. I have a simple code I got off a tutorial (VB), that I pasted inside my Contact.aspx code-behind-page:
It brings up errors everywhere (declarations expected, etc) in the code-behind-page. I'm new to VB so I don't know what I'm missing. The above code is exactly the content in my code-behind. Does anyone know what I'm missing?
I am making a simple contact us page for myslef as whomever wants to contact me can contact me on my gmail or at yahoo.com my
[IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/2yufwhl.jpg[/IMG]Whenever i run this code it gives me the following error [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/2roglja.jpg[/IMG]Language-VS2008 ASP.NET(C#)i simply want all these details which are filled by anyone should come to my mail.
I've designed and built this form using Visual Studio 2010 in design mode and set the appropriate controls for each function example txtemail for the text field. Here's a link to the form I did so far you may view my source code, the mission im trying to accomplish is to reset the form by clearing all fields and clearing all validations.
I'm currently studying the Asp.Net VB in TAFE too.
I am a completely new to ASP but have been given the task of creating some simple forms for my employer. how I could validate the Email, Website fields? And also make the Post Code a required field?
I have used the example below in another functioning form. The first form is working fine; however in the second form (using the same code), it indicates that "Name "UsersEmail" is not declared. I been working at this for the last 4 days.
'!!! UPDATE THIS VALUE TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS Const ToAddress As String = "Glenn_Ertel@OnslowCountyNC.gov" '(1) Create the MailMessage instance Dim mm As New MailMessage(UsersEmail.Text, ToAddress) '(2) Assign the MailMessage's properties Dim CCAddress = UsersEmail.Text mm.Subject = "REQUEST FORM FOR BID - BidNumber = " + BidNumber.Text + "" mm.Body += "Bid Number: " + BidNumber.Text
I need to collect the data entered by user for a quote and send all the data with labels to an email address. SMTP server is set up in web.config file, but I need to know the code behind for the submit button click event for the form. I do not need to store any data in a data base just need to send each label,field,radiobutton,etc. user responses to email address. All of the code I have been able to find has not applied to my situation.
I created a contact form that contain name and email and text box to write the user any thing he wanted and i want this email send to an hotmail email and i need the user use any type of email account such as yahoo , hotmail , gmai ,etc
I'm using MS VS 2010 and my controls have already been created on the aspx page. i just need a sample code to send the email to my exchange server in VB.net side of things.
I have contact form and offten using this form my web site is under attck... someone install some code who try to connect using java scriptand all java scripts that I'm using in my web site are infected...
I'm trying to integrate recaptcha into a contact us form but can't get it to work. The email is sent whether or not I type in the captcha text. When I type the word into the box incorrectly it still goes out and I don't get a message to say it that it was wrong either.
Protected Sub btnEnviar_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnviar.Click '' variable body significa toda la informacion '' Enviroment.NewLine es un codigo que le dice a la informacion d "body"
I have a .NET infra code running both within the IIS worker process and within a desktop client app. How can the .NET code determine whether it is running within an IIS worker process?
I know that I could check the name of the process (w3wp.exe, for instance), but I would like a more robust approach. I wish to make a side note. This is not a production need. I need this information to enable certain scenarios useful during the development and testing phase. Specifically to ease the testing of secure vs non secure configurations.
I have an asp contact form that gets settings from an xml file. My problem is that the mail server I use needs basic authentication but the xml/asp doesnt seem to have authentication built in.