Print A Specific Area Of A Web Page In C Sharp?

Sep 6, 2010

m building a web-page in that theres a tag which holds some documentary data, so i want to print that specific data and not the whole page i.e banner, textfeilds etc... since i know window.print() function prints the whole page, but how to print a sepicific area in a page.

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Print Specific Portion Of Page?

Jun 30, 2010

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Apr 5, 2012

ElseIf drAtd IsNot Nothing AndAlso drAtd.Length > 0 Then 
Dim dr As DataRow
dr = dtfinal.NewRow()  dr(0) = dtAtd.Rows(0)(0) 
dr(1) = dtAtd.Rows(0)(1)           

[Code] ...

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Apr 15, 2010

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string strPath = Server.MapPath(@"App_Datamain_page.xml");
XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader(strPath);
// If the node has value
while (textReader.Read())
// Move to fist element

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Feb 16, 2012

I want add to Header of Gridview on each print page

below is my code : 

enter code here

My code is not working

 <asp:Content ID="cMain" ContentPlaceHolderID="phMain" Runat="Server">
<style type="text/css">
@media print


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Area: Area1, Controller: Account, Action: Login

When a user is not yet authenticated and click on a link that requires authentication, the user is redirected to the login page. This does occur and redirect to the login page specify above. However during debug, it was found the area value is not included in the RouteData.Values object. That is, the RouteData.Values object has ONLY the follow value:

Controller: Account
Action: Login

In this case, it is presumed that the MVC application by default searches for the appropriate controller and action without consideration for including the area value. On contrast when I direct click on a link that directs to login page, all processing occurs as expected, i.e. the area value is included in the RouteData.Values object. Is there a work around for this?

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Aug 16, 2010

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Nov 8, 2010

n the web page I need to print some content partly fetched from database to the user. The user can print all the reciepts of his basket or just print one reciept. what I do for now is that I redirect user to another page including datalists that fetched regarding info from database and then by clicking print it prints data. after that user shoud push back button to be redirected back to main page.But I want to do something on my page, that some how maybe pop up modals or flyouts or anything else, will be able to show data collected from database match with users basket, and let user click print and then print it. I need a solution on the same page not on the other page.

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Dec 13, 2010

What does the underscore mean in C Sharp?

I saw a program,

Csharp Code:
Class Metals {string _metalType;public Metals(string type){_metalType = type;Console.WriteLine("Metal: " + _metalType);}}

What does the _ (underscore) mean in it?

Does that mean any static variable or something else?

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Show Message Box Using C Sharp?

Mar 13, 2011

I am unable to show message using method in c sharp which we can use in

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