Process .asp Extensions Using The .Net Handler?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an older classic ASP website that I am migrating over to IIS7.5. I don't feel like installing classic ASP on the server, and so I just want the .asp files to be treated as if they were .aspx files.

How do I go about doing this in IIS7.5?

EDIT: To clarify, I am NOT asking how to get classic ASP code to work under .Net. I am just asking how to map the .ASP file extension to be handled by the .net runtime. I will upgrade the code in the .asp files to .net.


I gave up and ended up installing classic ASP, as I couldn't get the mapping to work (received a combination of 404.17 and 404.3 errors). I marked David Lively's answer as correct as it was the most detailed and helpful.

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Process Only 1 HTTP Handler At Time From Specified User?

Mar 15, 2010

I have the next problem: I need to process only 1 request at a time from each user. Lets assume that server identifies each user be UserID, sent in query string.cHow can make the server work the way like FIFO (do not start processing next request until the previous is fully processed)? Should I use the named mutexes inside HTTP handler and assign the name to mutex by UserID?

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Configuration :: Process.start (System.Diagnostics.Process) - Execute A Batch File

Sep 7, 2010

I've written a page that after the user has done what they do on the page they hit a Submit button. The Submit button

1) takes the work the users was producing on the page and writes it to a file.
2) attempts to execute a batch file.

The call to the batch file is executed via:

protected void Execute123EDI()
string File = @"c:80sAdminSendV80s.bat";
lblCancelled.Text = lblCancelled.Text + File;
Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
proc.StartInfo.LoadUserProfile = false;
proc.StartInfo.UserName = "administrator";
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
System.Security.SecureString secPass = new System.Security.SecureString();
string paswd = "123abc";
for (int i = 0; i < paswd.Length; i++)
proc.StartInfo.Password = secPass;
proc.StartInfo.FileName = File;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"c:80sAdminSendV80sOutput.log", FileMode.Append);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
catch(Exception ex)
lblDebug.Text = lblDebug.Text + ex.Message + "<br/>";

If I watch the processes tab in Task Manager on the web server I see "cmd.exe" under the context of 'administrator' but it just hangs. For test purposes c:SendV80s.bat: copy c: oot.ini c:zzz.txt

If I logon onto the webserver's console and execute SendV80s.bat it works and exits without issue. But when I execute the same batch file via the Submit button it gets stuck executing in Task Manager/Process. I believe this has something to do with the fact that cmd is not running in a full environment/desktop context. I just noticed this on the actual console of the webserver (not in my RDP console but console 0 instead)

A pop-up box stating: CMD.exe Application error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click OK to terminate the application. And when I click on the OK button my ASPX page's WaitForExit is satisfied and the continues processing normally.

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Long Running HTTP Process - How To Put In Separate Process

Jul 21, 2010

I know that similar questions have been asked all over the place, but I'm having trouble finding one that relates directly to what I'm after.

I have a website where a user uploads a data file, then that file is transformed and imported into SQL. The file could be up to 50mb in size, and some times this process can take 30 minutes or sometimes even longer.

I realise I need to palm off the actual work to another process, and poll that process on the web page. I'm wondering what the best approach would be though? Being a web developer by trade, I'm finding all this new Windows Service stuff a bit confusing, and I just wanted somewhere to start.


Can I do / should I being doing this with a windows service? if so, how?

Should I use WCF? If this runs under IIS, will I have problems with aspnet_wp.exe recycling and timing out my process?


The data is imported into sql, there's no file distribution taking place.

If there is a failure, it absolutely MUST be reported to the user. The web page will poll every, lets say, 5 seconds, from the time the async task begins, to get the 'status' of the import. Once it's finished another response will tell the page to stop polling for status updates.

queries on final decision

ok, so as I thought, it seems that a windows service is the best idea. So as to HOW to get it to work, it seems the 'put the file there and wait for the service to pick it up' idea is the generally accepted way, is there a way I can start a process run by the service, without it having to constantly be checking a database table / folder? As I said earlier, I don't have any experience with Windows Services - I wondered if I put a public method in the service, can I call it somehow?

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Execute A Process Remotely With System.Diagnostics.Process

Feb 26, 2010

I'm working on an app I'm trying to execute a process remotely , using System.Diagnostics.Process class here's my code:

ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:TestCommand.exe");
startInfo.Domain = "myDomain";
startInfo.UserName = "MyUserName";
SecureString sec = new SecureString();
foreach (char item in "MyPassword")
startInfo.Password = sec;
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

I keep receiving an exception with the message "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password". Im absolutelly sure that i'm submiting my correct username/pwd

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Web Forms :: The Process Cannot Access The File 'c: Empmy.pdf' Because It Is Being Used By Another Process?

Apr 3, 2010

I've developed a popup email .aspx used on our intranet based web app that is auto generated with .pdf's attached. I'm developing with VS 2008 ASP.Net 3.5 C# and System.Net.Mail.MailMessage. I can create and send the email with no issues. The problem is with any attempt to open or delete the attachments I get the above error. The .pdf's a copied with the following code:

FileStream fsr = new FileStream(inFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fsr);
byte[] bytes = new byte[fsr.Length];
reader.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
FileStream fsw = new FileStream(outFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write);
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fsw);
writer.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// clean up
writer = null;
fsw = null;
reader = null;
fsr = null;
Later after sending the email I:
mailMessage = null;
foreach (string fileName in attachments)
if (File.Exists(fileName))

The error occurs at: the File.Delete(fileName);

how I can delete or reopen these files after sending the email?

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How To Call Static File Handler From HTTP Handler In IIS7 And 4.0

Jan 24, 2011

I create custom HTTP handler for auto generating file and I want to tell IIS7 to serve current request like normal static file because I need to use IIS and web.config file to control compression setting and any other HTTP header of current requested file.I know. there is an internal class called StaticFileHandler in But I cannot access it. Or you have any other way to work like this.

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How To Recognize Whether The Process Is The IIS Worker Process From Within A .NET Code

Dec 25, 2010

Dear ladies and sirs.

I have a .NET infra code running both within the IIS worker process and within a desktop client app. How can the .NET code determine whether it is running within an IIS worker process?

I know that I could check the name of the process (w3wp.exe, for instance), but I would like a more robust approach. I wish to make a side note. This is not a production need. I need this information to enable certain scenarios useful during the development and testing phase. Specifically to ease the testing of secure vs non secure configurations.

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C# - Tracking The Process Of A Singleton Process In A Web Application

Jan 26, 2010

When I hit the run button (in my Default.aspx), a process starts (this process contacts a webservice to get some files, etc). How do I: Ensure that only a single process is running at a time (i.e. if I refresh the browser, I don't want to start the process a second time)Track progress - there are 4 points of the process (at 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) that I want to track, and when each part completes, I want to update the progress bar. I have a status object for the running process, but the question is how to update the progress bar automatically? Do I need to use threads to achieve the above two?

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Web Forms :: Process Cannot Access The File It Is Being Used By Another Process?

Nov 6, 2010

My code is that I want to create a log file and log it upon a new user browsing the site. However, what i did was I put in a 6 second delay and then used another browser to access the page. And it threw an Exception saying it is being used by another process which is true. So how come I set it so that, if IT is being used by another process, WAIT and retry every 500 milliseconds until it becomes free/available?

here's the code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{if (!IsPostBack) // if this is the first time page loads, set k to 1
{ lognewuser();


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The Process Cannot Access The File 'C:inetpub' Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

Mar 28, 2011

I am having the text file which is used to track all the ip address which is available in the network and replace the content from"Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255" to

For this task i am having 2 functions 1.runCMD() Function is used to create a file which ping all the ip address between 3 to 254 ("Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255").

2.Another function textFileReplace() which is used to replace the text from "Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255" to

This process will continue every 30 minutes..

But i am having the error while accessing the function textFileReplace() as The process cannot access the file 'C:inetpub' because it is being used by another process.

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SQL Server :: Error "Transaction (Process ID) Was Deadlocked On Lock Resources With Another Process And Has Been Chosen"

Jul 23, 2010

I have a stored procedure which fetches data after joining 8-9 tables and inserts that into a temp table. It was running fine till now, but now when the amount of data fetched have exceeded 20000, the SP is breaking. I have debugged the sp and found that this main query is failing after returning arround 15000-16000 records.

The error message says Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. I know what is deadlock, but when i checked with SP_LOCK stored proc i only found that my process is running on database only. So how is this getting deadlocked when there are no other processes running simultaneously on server.

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Process Can't Access File - Used By Another Process

Feb 10, 2010

When I delete all files from the directory path. then it will give me this error The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. How to solve this?

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C# - The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

May 12, 2010

I have an website and I allready did .Dispose() here is my code below;

MailMessage newMail = new MailMessage(MailFrom, MailTo,
MailSubject, MailMsg);
if (MailAttachment != "")
Attachment data = new Attachment(MailAttachment,
newMail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
newMail.IsBodyHtml = true;
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("");
client.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
lblSuccess.Text = "Başvurunuz alınmıştır teşekkürler.";
lblSuccess.Visible = true;
catch (Exception ex)
lblSuccess.Text = ex.Message;
//lblSuccess.Text = "Bir sorun oluştu bir daha deneyiniz.";
lblSuccess.Visible = true;

But i' m getting the same error, it' s running fine in my localhost but in server i' m getting this error. How can i fix it?

View 2 Replies

C# - The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process?

Feb 8, 2010

I am getting binary data from a SQL Server database field and am creating a document locally in a directory my application has permissions. However I am still getting the error specified in the title. I have tried numerous suggestions posted on the web including those suggested in previous posts on Stackoverflow. I have also used ProcessExplorer > Find Handle to locate the lock and it returns nothing as if the file is not locked.

I am using the code below to save the file to the file system and I then try to copy this file to a new location later in the application process within another method. It is this copy method that takes the path of the newly created file that throws the exception.

The file itself is created with its content and i can open it through Windows Explorer without any problems.

Am I missing something completely obvious? Am I creating the file correctly from the database?

// Get file from DB
FileStream fs = new FileStream(
"C:myTempDirectorymyFile.doc", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
BinaryWriter br = new BinaryWriter(fs);
// Copy file
File.Copy(sourceFileName, destinationFilename, true);

View 7 Replies

The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process?

Oct 5, 2010

Iam getting the above said error while Iam copying a file of relativelly Heavy say 130 MB.Below is the code which is giving the error.

System.IO.FileInfo FileInfo1 = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename1);

View 6 Replies

Process Cannot Access File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

Feb 6, 2012

I am using a AsyncUpload(telerik), i am in a point where i am supposed to save the File to a certain Folder. First I check if the directory exist

Dim baseDire As String = Server.MapPath("~/MyFILES/")
If IO.Directory.Exists(baseDire & Request("Req_ID").ToString()) = False Then
IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(baseDire & Request("Req_ID").ToString())
End If

Because i am doing multiple Upload , i will have to loop through the items of the Upload control and save to a folder.

For Each file As UploadedFile In UploadPropDoc.UploadedFiles
Dim bytes(file.ContentLength - 1) As Byte
file.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, file.ContentLength)
'Save the File to the disk
file.SaveAs(baseDire + file.GetName())

Now when ever i debug this , when it comes to this line

file.SaveAs(baseDire + file.GetName())

I get an Error

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

I have removed the Readonly in the Folder that it supposed to write to and gave everyone permission , but still the error persist.

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Difference Between Adding Code In The PreLoad Event Handler And At The Top Of The Load Event Handler?

Oct 3, 2010

Is there a technical reason for the existence of Page.PreLoad or is this just convenience to have a place where you can neatly place code that always have to be executed before the Load code? Is there a difference between adding code in the PreLoad event handler and adding code at the top of the Load event handler? And what would be a typical scenario where you use PreLoad?

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.net - What For System.Web.Extensions ?

Feb 15, 2010

By default ASP.NET 3.5 Web App project has references to assemblies System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll and System.Web.Extensions.dll.

With System.Data.DataSetExtensions everything is clear for me, it contains such useful extension methods as DataTable.AsEnumerable() and DataTable.CopyToDataTable().

And what about System.Web.Extensions.dll? What useful members could you mention to use?

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How To Download Files With Different Extensions

Feb 9, 2010

I have a web based application, with However, i have different files with different extension such as .CSV and .RTF, and the clients need to download these files in regularly bases

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MVC :: How To Route Files With Extensions I.e .txt And .xml

Jul 11, 2010

I have a site that requires the robots.txt and the sitemap.xml be different almost everytime its called. So I need a way to generate the robots.txt on the fly everytime its called. [URL]will hit a controller function and there I will write the return data there. I been looking around and I have no clue how to do this with the extension present.

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Authorization In Telerik's MVC Extensions

Apr 21, 2010

How's authorization supported in Telerik's MVC extensions? I am particularly interested in two cases:

grid row editing/deleting/inserting

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AJAX Without Microsoft Extensions?

Jun 17, 2010

This question may sound strange and defy all programmer's logic, but I want to know if there is any way I can do AJAX on a website (ASP.NET MVC) without using the extensions provided by Microsoft?

I've done AJAX using PHP w/ jQuery. This is the first time I'll be doing it with ASP .NET, however the requirement is that I cannot use Microsoft's AJAX libraries or jQuery (or basically anything thats easy).point me to any resources that might help me re-invent the wheel?

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IIS Deletes System.Web.Extensions.dll?

Aug 26, 2010

I moved a site to another server, it worked fine for a a while, but then crashed. I figured out that System.Web.Extensions.dll was missing, so I copied it again. After a while it was missing again. Using Process Monitor I figured out that IIS (w3wp.exe) deletes the file soon after I copy it to the bin folder. (CreateFile with "Read Attributes, Delete" access.)

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