I want to output some dynamic data from an ASP.NET website to Excel. I found that the easiest way which does not require to use Excel XML or to install Excel on server machine is to output data as a table and specify application/vnd.ms-excel type
i have done one small report viewer page i simply use RDLC file to bind the data from database..in this there is one columns for photo to display the images..all the data are disply very well include images also,when i export the report to excel format its downloading,but when i open the exce file its showing below error
File error : Data may have been Lost...
i have tried all the possible but i didn't got the solution..
I have an asp.net page that exports some data to Microsoft Word 2003. The source of the data is what users have typed into an ajax control toolkit HtmlEditor on an input page. All works well unless the user has pasted text from a Word document into the HtmlEditor.
The html that is copied from Word looks like this:
<p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt"><font color="#000000"><br /> The Blah Blah Blah of Southern California's blah blah qualify for a blah of "Rating" with a "hold" status. </font></p>
When the content is rendered in Word, it looks like this:
The Blah Blah Blah of Southern California’s blah blah qualify for a blah of “Rating†with a “hold†status.
Any help on this? I have no problem when I force the HTML into a div and show it on the page. It's only on the export to Word that it gets messed up. This happens whether I paste the Word text right into the HtmlEditor or use the Paste From MS Word (with cleanup) button.
For performance reasons, I would like to put some code in javascript but am concerned that a user may pick up some proprietary formulas. Is it even possible to hide it or scramble it to the user?
Now the same code when I copy it in my project having masterpage . there is no compiler error but it is genereating excel file withno data in it but in fact there is data in the grid view at runtime.
I need to remove the password protection from an uploaded excel file. I have been doing this directly with the Excel assemblies (ASP.NET/C#) and then I tried with the ooxmlcrypto, both worked, but the problem is that I can not deploy either of those solution because of the dependencies.
I mean, my sysadmin does not want us installing Excel on the server and, as I have been searching for some alternatives, I can not find one.
My question is: is there a way to put the necessary dlls in the server without installing Excel or the Office suite?
I found this: Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies redistributable package but still, it requires a Microsoft Office Product.
I have an issue in report viewer export Receipt into pdf. I am using your code and at time export the file name comes based on pagename. Like Receipt.pdf
If i want send receipt to my customer, i need to include the receipt number like TE724785872/201503-2. user always do wrong enter the receipt number to store in the folder to send the customer later.
It is also very diffcult find receipt on time of sending to customer. We have to open one by one and check and attached in email.
Is there any possible reportveiwer add receipt number automatically on time of export into PDF
That's my C# code but i the "ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension, out streamids, out warnings);" came in error everytime i try to generate the report. Can you show me the way so i can view the pdf from the browser or save the pdf from the browser?
I need to produce a simple graphic which is a simple rectangle (bar) with a variable portion filled in to denote a percentage.
What is the best way to achieve this? I had a look at the .net charting tools but the nearest I could find to what I needed was the barchart which didn't quite seem to meet my needs for a single value.
I am using asp.net oledb to export information to excel file. I encounter problems when the information to export becomes too big, in this case the code I have given below, the excel file generated becomes an empty spreadsheet. If I changed the loop to 1123 for insertion of the rows. The generated excel file is fine, 1125 rows, and 4 columns shown. A test program in windows form is also working fine regardless of how many rows. Code has been simplified, "information ..." in the sql insertion command represents 1803 characters.
ExcelObjConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & fileName & ";Extended Properties=Excel 12.0 XML" ExcelConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(ExcelObjConn) ExcelConnection.Open() Try SqlCommand = "CREATE TABLE ABC ([row1] text, [row2] text, [row3] text, [row4] text)" ExcelCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SqlCommand, ExcelConnection) ExcelCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() ExcelCommand.Dispose() For i As Integer = 0 To 1124 SqlCommand = "Insert into ABC ([row1], [row2], [row3], [row4]) Values ('information...', 'information ...', 'information ...', 'information ...')" ExcelCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SqlCommand, ExcelConnection) ExcelCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() ExcelCommand.Dispose() Next Catch ex As Exception Finally If ExcelConnection IsNot Nothing Then ExcelConnection.Close() ExcelConnection.Dispose() End If End Try
I couldn't find a solution to my problem as well. What I did eventually was to run the process using another separate windows service. The code works perfectly fine running from a windows form or service program, but not asp.net, not sure why.
I have created an excel sheet from datatable using function. I want to read the excel sheet programatically using the below connectionstring. This string works fine for all other excel sheets but not for the one i created using the function. I guess it is because of excel version problem.
OleDbConnection conn= new OleDbConnection("Data Source='" + path +"';provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";);
which i can create an excel sheet such that it is readable again using above query. I cannot use Microsoft InterOp library as it is not supported by my host. I have even changed different encoding formats. Still it doesnt work
Example site: [UL] In the left hand part of the page(refine result pane), how can I produce links/list like that? What control is used in that?? I know it has to use the data queried on the first page.
I am trying to create a custom datasource control. I have been following this article to the letter (I think...). I have a skeleton / basic implementation of my datasource, however when I declare it in the markup and try to statically bind it to a gridview, I receive the following error:
The DataSourceID of 'grdVw' must be the ID of a control of type IDataSource
This seems extremely strange to me, since my datasource inherits from DataSourceControl, which in turn implements IDataSource. Even if I explicitly implement IDataSource in my custom datasource, it makes no difference. My Markup is:
Public Class DataBrokerDataSource Inherits DataSourceControl Implements IDataSource 'Have tried with this statement included AND excluded = same result Protected Overrides Function GetView(ByVal viewName As String) As System.Web.UI.DataSourceView Implements IDataSource.GetView 'Code here End Function Protected Overrides Function GetViewNames() As System.Collections.ICollection Implements IDataSource.GetViewNames 'Code here End Function End Class
Looking at the stack trace shows that the error originates at: System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.GetDataSource().
I have examined this method in reflector (see below), looking at this (based on the error message that I am getting) it appears to me as though the FindControl part is succeeding but that the source = control as IDataSource; leaves source as a null value, i.e. the conversion fails - But Why?
protected virtual IDataSource GetDataSource() { if ((!base.DesignMode && this._currentDataSourceValid) && (this._currentDataSource != null)) { return this._currentDataSource; } IDataSource source = null; string dataSourceID = this.DataSourceID; if (dataSourceID.Length != 0) { Control control = DataBoundControlHelper.FindControl(this, dataSourceID); if (control == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("DataControl_DataSourceDoesntExist", new object[] { this.ID, dataSourceID })); } source = control as IDataSource; if (source == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("DataControl_DataSourceIDMustBeDataControl", new object[] { this.ID, dataSourceID })); } } return source; }
All ASP.Net client validation messages can be shown as an alert by setting the ShowMessageBox="True" property on the ValidationSummary control. This works fine for anything that happens on the client.
For the custom validators that validate server-side I had assumed that what would happen is that when the page is returned to the browser, ASP.Net would inject some javascript to show the alert box. However this isnt the case.
If you had relied on the message box to show detail and just have a * next to the erroneous field (as per my clients req's) then it wont work as intended. Does anyone have a solution for doing this? What I want is a way to possibly override the ValidationSummary control to inject javascript onto the page or something like this.